Who can't sleep!

I have stolen more than one wind chime in my life because I HATE them.


LOL I would always take my mother’s chimes down when I visited :laughing: :sweat_smile: :wind_chime: WTF Why do they have a f*cking wind chime emoji but not an angry neighbor? …or at least a ‘karen’?! (I hate that name association personally but mostly cuz it rhymes with my own name. damnnit).


Can I get an amen?

grumble grumble



I don’t know why I’m so sensitive to that sort of thing. I also hate driving cars that have anything hanging from the rear view mirror. Or parking stubs on the dash. I take them all down. Fuzzy dice, air fresheners, everything.

But I have a special hate for wind chimes.


I had a bad morning today. It took almost four hours to wake up. One of those hours I layed down. I pushed through though. Still hat having to fight waking up.


They say the grass is always greener on the other side… :thinking:

I wake up in fight/flight mode almost every day & never get more than 5-6 hours unless there’s some pharmaceuticals going on(rarely).

Like Normandy beach landings or being chased through the jungle every morning.



or you know, maybe just earplugs.

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oh…if only. :frowning:

I have 2 hearing disorders: hyperacusis with tinnitus

so that’s even more punishing than sleep deprivation torture :wave:

:evergreen_tree: I have them all over the place actually & always roll w/some


I just pictured you sneakily laughing after posting this and walking into a room full of stolen windchimes saying “not really, I love them” - hitting a fan to activate them all and twirling in maniacal glee.

Internet hugs man, shitty feeling I know very well.


The clock on the wall drives me crazy. Old telephones. Too quiet. If I’m too warm and not enough air moving around. I guess I’m like a plant. Lol


@corey im in your corner. One love bro


I lived for 12 years 35 miles from the canadian border in wa state and the brutal snow kept me in the one room emergency cabins with badger & coyote hunters when I use to guide…

I would smoke outdoors in winds that made my face red but that pipe was kept lite lol


use "Melatonin’ 3mg tabs - this supplement replace’s melatonin in the brain - as we get older our brain slows down in the production of — Note - ne need to take extra mg’s the brain can only use 3mg anyting more is just wasted _ this stuff works and is safe - been using this for many years way before that started to advertise it on TV Also on could smoke a fat Indica strain before bed


Been using it since like '06 or somewhere around there. The best part of it is that it doesn’t make me extra groggy in them morning like a sleeping pill would.


Your special. It is good sleeping weather.


Haven’t been to bed yet lol and it’s 9.55am my sleep is ducked at the minute sometimes I go to work without sleeping,weed don’t make me sleep just gets me baked,


That’s why your food looks so good.


Have to fix my sleep laying off the coffee
Mite be the trick ,plus
My wife works nights ,so when she’s not working
We’re watching tv till 5am

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Oh man, what a topic! I’ve had points of difficulty falling asleep and THEN I’ve had my brain in overdrive, can’t sleep and I’ve gone to 24-36 hrs awake until I shut down and I’m awake after sleeping all day, which finally after about 5-6 cycles resets. Like @CADMAN nights are days and days are night, which makes me feel like a vampire. And yeah, nothing stops it, no warm milk, melatonin, TV off, sleep pills and even medication like Valium. I’m at the mercy of an internal clock, and until the clock runs out of energy and adrenaline I don’t sleep. And for me sleep is a complete blackout, it’s just bang listening or watching anything.


generally it seem if you can’t sleep for 2 days (just normally can’t sleep - no drugs envolved) seems that on the 3rd night you get a rest you need

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it a natural supplement our brain creats this but as we get old it slows down and doesn’t product enough - that’s why old people can’t sleep - melatnion defeicy !!!

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