Who has an electric pre built dry cabinet

The cigar humidor can be modified with a miniature dehumidifier to essentially do the same the that the Cannatrol does. Read the fine print, both products are reliant on ambient temperature.

Cannatrol site " *Note that the Cool Cure will operate best at ambient room temperatures of 73 degrees and below."

NEEDONE Humidor page:
“The internal cabinet temperature is affected by the set temperature and ambient temperature, It would be perfect to place the device indoors at 64℉~ 78℉.Best for summer use, but if you place the device indoors at 75-78 ℉ in winter, it would be suitable, too.”

It won’t be that difficult to mod the humidor for my needs.


I wish you luck man


Thanks, buddy. :evergreen_tree: :fire: :smoking: :flying_saucer: :milky_way:

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@RoryBorealis @Gizmo

I’ve read statements from quite a few people saying they could build one cheaply from a wine cooler or a cigar humidor, but I shopped around and couldn’t find anything less expensive. If its so easy, then build them and sell them for $1,000 each. You’d make a fortune and have a waiting list. Heck, if it works, I’d probably be your first customer. :wink:


It’ll probably work great! It’s not rocket science, I took the KISS approach to DIY automatic drying: an Inkbird humidistat controlling a 4" duct booster fan pulling suction on a drying box made from repurposed big cardboard boxes and panda film. Filtered air intake with a homemade manifold from another box and some HVAC filter cloth. Cost $50, works perfect every time. You could use any enclosed space like a filing cabinet, wardrobe, etc as long as you seal it up with tape to hold mild pressure. I start the humidity at 66% and then once it’s holding stable there drive it down a percentage every two days until it holds at 61 then I bag it up. The only other requirements are an ambient temperature somewhere 65-75 and ambient humidity lower than 60%. That’s all it takes.


But to have it set and hold … ramp to certain points safely without any degradation is another thing… sure it may “work” but will it work the same and have same end result? That’s the real question.

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With another $100 in mini dehumidifiers and humidifiers and a smarter controller, yeah, that would be pretty easy. I have the cheapest analog Inkbird but the next step up for $15 more has Bluetooth and an app that lets you move your set points around like that.

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Sounds like it’ll cost the home builder a lot more to actually run… seems like investment at this point as it’s 1 purchase and low power consumption

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I’ll still take the Pepsi challenge with any home build… not out of arrogance out of spreading knowledge… I’m a fan of home builds… sometimes.

It seems like less of a set and forget type deal as well… always checking water levels of humidifier etc… or draining dehumidifier… cannatrol keep a sponge wet… that’s it

I think with $1500 I could get power consumption comparable or close enough for me, yes. I’d put the “Cannatrol” in a home insulation board box with an AC ducted in running on the thermostat wireless Inkbird and use energy star appliances for everything. Call it $500 to build it fancy and twice the size of a Cannatrol


I still think it would lack

The only way to know is do it lol


But to do it in comparison with a cannatrol … would be the true test ya know?

You don’t have do ANYTHING. They are already a turn key item with a wireless remote control. Plug and play, set to 60/60 within minutes. I don’t quite grasp what sort of modification you would need to slap on a $1000 surcharge.

Do me a favor and find me a bridge for sale.

If a wine cooler or a humidor could be used “as-is” to dry cannabis, i figured someone would be doing it/selling it. The cost/barriers to enter the market would be low and the profits would be high. I looked for alternatives, and the ones i found were even more expensive than the Cannatrol.

As an aside, i don’t want to fight or argue. I am just sharing my experience and my simple opinion. Maybe OG needs a thread on using humidors and/or wine coolers as a cannabis dryer/curer. I’d like to see them in action and compare them to what i have.


I feel like people all the time want to try to make others feel dumb for their purchases… I try to give info on a newer more professional way … and then here come the know it alls… :roll_eyes:
I think it’s all just talk until someone actually accomplishes what a cannatrol can do with a humidor or a modified one… until people can show that it can… it’s a waste of time and talking for me… as I bought a cannatrol. 25 percent higher terps is a hefty claim to beat with those humidors and added bla bla bla… sounds like a straight hassle to me… as the cannatrol was nice and easy and looks beautiful… not like some Frankenstein piece of equipment all patched together with duct tape… I care about the appearance of my grow setup @PineTarBastard


Kinda being a dick eh??
I see that you don’t grasp the concept… is it typical of you to be rude when you don’t grasp something mentally @Gizmo ?

I live in high mountain desert. Usually, the humidity is 20-30%. It’s challenging for me to get a good dry by hanging branches. In past years, my flowers have gone from under dry to over dry very quickly. I’ve tended to jar too early and then spend weeks burping jars trying to get it just right while trying to keep it from molding.

I just had the best summer of growing yet, growing out Sativas like Highland Oaxaca, Mulanje, and Mexican Death Sativa. I had a lot of flower to process in a short period of time and didn’t want it ruined due to mold or over drying like i have in the past. I also needed to minimize the smells, as the past couple of years, my house and everything in it smelled like weed during October/November. If i went to work smelling like a dispensary, I’d be out of a job in a heartbeat.

Do i think the Cannatrol is overpriced? Yes
Do i think the Cannatrol does what it says it does? Yes

I am very happy with my purchase. It’s dried and cured my harvest with minimal work and without any problems and with minimal smells that are captured with a 4” fan and carbon filter.


That was self-deprecation humor targeting myself.

Aside, I use a wine chiller which serves my purpose and works well on a budget in my humble opinion.

If I were to have two grand to spend on something to dry cure, I would get a freeze dryer.