Who has an electric pre built dry cabinet

Except freeze dried is what the commercial industry does and it’s a degrading process… the cannatrol is actually beneficial and increasing in quality not lowering it… sorry for the misunderstanding @Gizmo … it seemed like you were being snide at 1st… I don’t see it as throwing money away when I can guarantee not to want to throw a harvest away due to the many issues that can happen during an improper cure


I agree. I want one for… um science. I see it as a luxury.

Common sense tells me to build the best cure solution for a fraction of the cost or wait till the market matures.


I bought mine… it was 1500… they went up… not down my friend . Pretty sure last time I looked they are now 1600… but waiting isn’t something I’m willing to do either way… it will pay for itself pretty quickly

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Building your own doesn’t guarantee results though… Lotta tweaking and learning on your end… like I said… I’ll take the Pepsi challenge with any diy or freeze dried freeze cured…


People scoffed at me when I bought my Cannatrol. “Cant believe you spent that kind of money”, “I can build the same thing cheaper”. Well, still haven’t seen someone build it cheaper that does what it does. Some that scoffed about the price, well, after smoking the SAME strain, (clone from me) and comparing, were lined up at my door asking me to do a run for them with their harvest.
I’ll agree with @Terpsnpurps, I’ll take the Pepsi challenge any day of the week against any DIY, wine fridge, cigar humidor etc. By the time you’ve bought all the essential things to make it operate the way the Cannatrol does the way it does it, (a wine fridge, inkbirds, humidifier, dehumidifier, TIME, Rasberry PI controller, at a minimum) your well over $1k anyhow.
Not to mention, build time, scratching your head, trial and error, wasting a run “attempting” to replicate the way it ramps things down from start to the hold cycle, I’ve thrown 2.5#'s wet into my Cannatrol, hit a button, and 10 days later have 11.5-12 OZ’s of perfectly dried and cured flower that tastes way better than any “drying room” flower.


… but will these things work in a rainforest climate like mine? :sweat_smile::sweat_drops::sweat_drops:

How da fakk they take out moisture if the ambient air is 78F 99% RH? :thinking:



That’s a question for cannatrol broski… I wouldn’t be able to confidently answer that… so I wont…


Nice thank you bro!! This is the proof I’m looking for!!
I had a good feeling this would be the case

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A little absurd with the extreme, there buddy.

Key Features:
“Temperature Stability - Ivation Wine Coolers’ Compressor
Ensures Temperature Is Not Affected By Outside Heat Sources
Preserve Wine’s Fullest Flavor & Aroma
With a built-in fan that maintains a consistent temperature throughout
Set the temperature and let the wine cooler do the rest
Uv-resistant Double-paned Thermopane Glass
Soft Interior Lighting
Removable Racks & Easy-to-use Touch Controls
The bright LCD display lets you view the temperature, even in the dark.
This Cooler Ensures An Optimal Environment For Long-term Wine Storage.”

I do not see a need for the list of items you’ve mentioned. Let’s keep things factual. This cost me $200.


The bottom line… here… Is until you do it… it’s just an idea… just a thought… it will not compare and I’m almost positive it wont… you neglected to include the factual side of trial and error you WILL experience on a diy build… an optimal environment for long term isn’t the same as fine tune settings that can be placed here with a cannatrol. In the end you haven’t done any of this … at all… no proof… just words bro. Until you can make something better… it’s just talk… like 2 people talking about fighting… until a punch is thrown… it isn’t a fight. I seriously doubt you will be able to accomplish the perfection the cannatrol produces… my money is on the cannatrol for the win… still waiting for any diy build to attempt to compare… I guess you’re still building it?? Mine came already built :rofl:

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I’m willing to bet it tastes and smells like a 200 dollar machine cure as well


I won’t speak on the Cannatrol, period.

I will speak on blindly demonizing a entire range of products, as if you were the designated gate keeper.

That is all. That is the bottomed line, right below my ego.


I’m not blindly doing anything… but you continue to come in the thread making claims of unfounded bs… until then it’s unfounded bs… I’d lower that ego more if I were you… no gatekeeper here… just an honest person not trying to make people feel bad about good purchases… which seems to be the route you like to take… after all wasn’t it you blindly demonizing the cannatrol and people who purchase?

If you’re not speaking on the cannatrol then how can you make a comparison of end result product?? You spoke alot on an item you don’t even own… funny how that is

+Been looking for a solution. The DIY’s dont seem the same. The Cannatrol looks like the way im gonna go.

Do the buds get flat where they lay, or do you open and turn???

Must you place only buds on the racks, or could you place cut branch’s on them? With just buds seems would dry too fast. My dry that just finished went 18 days 60/60 and was perfect…but, what a ROYAL PAIN IN THE ASS…not wanting to go there again.

If i stagger my harvest, and use this thing, i think id be happy. Plus it looks nice too.

Just worried about getting nuff bud in it

Tell me what you think man??? @Terpsnpurps


As @Kgrim stated… no comparison… :-1:

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My concerns?

Buds on stems?
Amount i can place?
Flat buds?


I was referring to the laundry list of feature touted. I find that a cheaper option also contains the same or similar features. (Ink bird etc…). I don’t think we’re on the same page, unless you want me to keep quiet.


Bro go for it I swear @Jetdro you will NOT be disappointed!! Yes u can put entire branches in… they didn’t speak of rotation… but I’d do the rotation just to be sure… although the holes on shelves should prevent the need

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Take the list away… and you still have alot of trial and error… possible fires… possible mold… possible bad terp retention… I’m just saying… nothing compares…
No diy build to date bro…

I spent HOURS fucking with my dry room . Near every day i had to do something. A/c unit, humidifier, dehunidfier, fans, it was a nightmare, and prolly cost me what the bud is worth!!! Not gonna do it again. Yes bud is perfect, looks feels smells smokes great…BET this thing can do the same, without MY TIME INVOLVED!!!

Got pics of it, or bud in it, or dried buds on the racks???

Got a discount coupon, or referall discount???