Who rides and what do you ride šŸ¤˜

lol taunts harley guy, crotch rocket tires still have full chicken stripsā€¦

j/k not many can keep a body going that can lean a bike over far in a corner and pick it up at speed it takes strength and practice.

Not to tell too much of my life but a lot of it has been racing cars and soetimes during training the track is big enough to be two tracks same day and sometimes one track had a car club I was in, and the other track had a motorcycle club.

At lunch most tracks have a snack bar and they have burgers and hot togs and stuff like that and all the drivers and people are together. And one of the times I was there I saw all the motorcycle club was there in line for food first and taking off full face helmets to order food and chill. And this man in fire suit and real pro looking gear, bike near him was yamaha R1 not stock if that tells you anything, he was talking to instructor about his racing line, and when helmet came off he was old AF old man.

One mistake on a machine like that and his hip bones and whatnot idk if he could recover. But heā€™s the man and taking lessons to get even better and faster. I guess being old lets enough time go by to save for R1 haha.

But it had rained that night and the track didnā€™t have standing water but it was slick in spots that you couldnā€™t see, like when the oil and road grime first start loosening from the rain.

I had a car with four rain tires and was being conservative, and it was really inspiring the dude had grey hair, wrinkles, fucking hitched up the waist of his fire suit old guy style, was awesome!

Gave me hope to live a long time and still have a fun life and body that works.


Id like to know if that Harley is Mongoā€™s or not!.. Put that doobie in the ash tray brah!!

Enquiring minds wanna know! :sunglasses:


Sweet bro! Nice and clean!!! :smiley::+1:


In regards to the r1 chap. They do say the idea is to die Young as late as possible :sunglasses: more power to himā€¦ Literally with an upgraded r1 lol


The hondaā€™s angular body work reminds me of the italian exotics in the 80s contache and testarossa the cars that look ā€œsharpā€ and seem like they are going fast when they are parked haha. Looks like fun :grin:


Girls love them too fine ones! Mustā€¦ learn to ride before buyingā€¦


They arenā€™t built for speed :joy::joy:


Arenā€™t they built for angry wifeā€™s just left them middle aged blokes that have watched 3 episodes of Sons of anarchy?

I was out in a club about 6 months ago and ended up chatting to a ā€œpatchedā€ member of a motorcycle club (he called it a gang. Tried to look intimidating then got headbuttedā€¦not by me but one of my mates lol)

We donā€™t have gangs here. The pic of me on the Aprilia is with a proper MCC that spend their time raising cash for charities. That actual day was taking an old boy with Dementia on a ā€œlast rideā€ was a good day


Good looking bikes!
Hereā€™s my girl. She takes me anywhere I want to go.

I wish I took a picture of all the cars in the bottom of that canyon from the paved road in the background. That would be one hell of a ride!


And the survey says!!! lolā€¦ Your harley, or a copy and paste?? Be honest! :laughing:

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A Harley with 200k miles :open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth:


@Dale I say as high as goose pussy

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Your choice makes perfect sense for your riding situations. I guess that could be said for most of us? :slight_smile:

The DR650 is about as big a bike as I can handle for the trails that take me to places like this:

But it is also very capable and comfortable (for me) for multi-hour rides to get to more places like the above.

My wife likes to come along sometimes, too:


Is that an f650gs? Love those. Had a few KLRs, then rode one of those and oh my what a difference

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While sad itā€™s good that he knows he needs to stop because of the dementia thatā€™s a responsible man.


@Hashtree That is an F ? my sons is out in Cali was looking at them R series are way too tall for him

love your bike, I so want to get a dual purpose I look at a older 650 single

but really want a R1200GS

@Mongobongo my 88 inch will run down the road two up loaded to the gills all day at 80 - 85 MPH

before I bought the R1150RT I test rode a Moto Guzzi sport bike but knew I would be dead in no time

peace and be well



Dementia was well set in. It was actually his window cleaner that put the call to action out for him to have his last ride. (He was a pillion)

There he is :grin:


I fat fingered it, it is 210500 mile it had a factory exchange motor put at 150000

take care of them the will last forever, ride them hard and put them away wet

the become junk fast and cost big buck to repair

I work with people that own harleys and believe they are a gold mine, have a payment on a new bike every month

and ride them 500 or 1000 miles a year

try to sell their 7 or 8 year old bike and find out even with 8000 mile they are worth nothing

still love a Harley


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I agree with Colanoscopy looks like a scooter to me?

Overseas we called them scooters.

The only biker club that is like a gang at my old home i went to a bar they stopped at when i drank they rolled in one per bike 50 deep even girls had their own and they had patches that said ā€œCombat Veterans Associationā€ they are kind of like a swarm of batmans at home haha.

You kow someone cuts off a minivan with baby on board sticker and slams the brakes in left lane, then looks right and sees 50 combat vets on choppers with shotgun hosters instead of suitcase hahaha, the cops give them free reign too, they are an even deeper better armed and trained than 5-0 and they are mostly not evil to boot unllike those pesky porkers who seem mostly corrupt or ignorant.

Any CVA bikers look really tough but they are regular guys like the rolex rangers and all the motorcycle people they just donā€™t want to get run over and to go fast and be left alone its not asking for much imoā€¦


I have owned one. Very nice bike when it is running well. Kinda painful to work on compared to Japanese bikes, and expensive to pay others to work on. Lots of little things went wrong with mine. Electrical gremlins, gearbox, brakes.

Clutch took me two full weekends to do (granted I drank beer too), and cost over 700 bucks just in parts and loctite. On a Japanese bike with a wet clutch I would have been done by lunchtime on the first Saturday.

I did put Ohlins shocks on her, and she rode really well. Probably better than my current s10. BUT expensive to run on all accounts.
