Who uses Ozone generators for sterilization?

My wastewater textbook is saying 10-20 mins contact time in water will kill bacteria if that interests anyone

I’ve got a little portable unit and I use it in my tent after each run


I owned one when I was growing pre-legalization to kill weed smell. Never used it for PM but the basement did smell like a rainstorm haha…and I never got PM the entire time I was using it so…a correlation is there lol. Yes I can attest it will kill car smell. Friend left there window open in summer it got rained in for a couple days…mildew smell was terrible. Ozone cleared that right up. I think you need seriously dangerous ozone concentrations before it starts actually damaging materials, far beyond safe human levels.


Did you get one?

Just be careful, with them. I’ve owned mine now for a long time, and it still freaks me out when I use it. But it works so damn well.

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I don’t see an “xt-400” model ozone generator, for info/comparison sake. Can you link it, please?

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U’mm I’ll try that was 15-18 years ago now. When I bought and installed our whole house ozone water purifying system. That has been flawless for all that time.
Fantastic, as I searched for the site, I found an OMG your going to die YouTube, about Air Zone machines!! Now I love it more so!
Just remember, it will fuck up anything alive, anything.


Don’t sweat it. Was just curious.
I think we’ll try out a cheap ass one, from amazon, like mentioned in JoeCrow’s PM thread.

Thank you.

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Hey @Nitt,

You might consider one of these for Ozone sterilization:

I use this between every run and I have seen even a spider much less a spider mite in two years!

It plugs into a normal light socket. 30 minutes on to load the growroom with Ozone, then a half hour of exhaust fan on high to clear out the gas. Cheap and effective.



Thank you, Grouchy.

I was thinking about this, too. I was looking at UVonair, as well as some cheap-o fixtures on amazon (just a basic socket holder with a screw in bulb) similar to what you shared.

This might be a good, cheaper way to try this out.

I do wish there was an ozone tester that was affordable, to have an idea of what’s going on.

Thank you.

Edit: Some of those bulbs are marked Ozone Free, others “Ozone”. FYI for anyone.


Yeah, but it’s more like you saturate the space with ozone, wait awhile, then air it out. Kills everything, including plants. Empty room only. You are nuking everything with a hyper active molecule. Ozone is gnarly. Follow directions. No need to measure really.


Got a cheap chinese model from amazon. It makes a sort of chemical, plastic-y type smell, is the best way I can describe it. No idea if it’s actually working - or what it’s doing, obviously can’t know what levels of ozone it produces.
A company that makes these in north america has stated that these amazon specials use very overblown numbers in their claims of “28,000mg/h” and such.

There are videos on yt of ozone killing crickets, bedbugs, and Shawn Woods has one of an ozone generator with an aquarium overtop of a ground nest killing yellow jackets.
I’m very curious about these things.

Could you clarify this? I’m not sure I follow.

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I used to have one running in my bedroom all the time before they came out with the warning to humans. It was sold as an air purifier.


Estimable @G-paS,
You were not hoaxed. At low levels ozone is in common use for sterilizing everything from dentures to city water supplies. Including Air purification!

These lights emit enough ozone to pretty much kill every living thing in the room. Right down to the Spidery level. Kills plant too, so empty grow room only!

After an hour or so, you crank up the fans and vent outdoors. Don’t go this if you can’t vent the ozone!

Hope to be helpful,


Hey Nitt, when I went out of seek the company out I bought one from, I found a YouTube, stating all the warnings of using ozone. They stated my machine was unsafe, due to being so powerful, it is dangerous.
Electricity is dangerous, as a wild element in nature, However, NOT in properly installed systems, properly installed breakers, wire sized, wired outlets all must be in place, so not dangerous anymore.
The warning mongers did not look at the unit, as it had all of the proper UL stickers, the Europe safety stickers, and what not, so I know it was a decent/great quality machine.
When the YouTube, played, I realized, even through their claims that disaster will follow, then I realized I love this machine even more so.
I love YouTube, but I realized I have got to look at MANY on the same subject, to find good information.