Why does all dispensary smell and taste the same

leetdood I’m in a highly red district, blue state. And I don’t understand what you mean by “government job”.


First and foremost, this largely depends on what state you’re purchasing in. Secondly, you really have to pony-up for the top tier stuff to get that true differentiation. If you’re just buying the bargain priced stuff, it’s all gonna be about the same, although you may find a gem here & there.


RookieBuds I’m not buying bargain stuff. I’m trying everything. I have no problem with paying the top price in the store. I have purchased the best and worst stuff they have from $50/8th to $10 for shake. I’ve called and had them recommend the best stuff they have, bought it and had no good results whatsoever. I’ve mostly bought flower, but i’ve tried 6 varieties of tincture, several kief varieties, several disposable vape pens, hash, cones, extracts, RSO, etc., and inhalers, which i think was $60 and I took 2 hits and have not had a hit since. It burned my throat for 15 minutes. And it says non alcohol base. I can’t recall everything I’ve tried. I will say they sell nothing in way of flowers, or kief, or hash, that is more than $50, so yes, i’ve bought their top shelf, fancy container stuff. And it’s worthless. I don’t know why I keep trying to smoke it after 7 years of smoking nightly almost. It is all schwag. And trust me if i found a “gem” i’d remember it’s name, and I’d BUY MORE!


Ohio’s peoples are cranking out og’s they’re cutting at 59 days. And the rest is almost entirely cookies related. Coupled with some less than stellar post harvest folks and practices, I find everything I’ve had to be pretty dull compared to smaller scale stuff. I don’t know that I’d say it all has the same flavor or effect though. Just muted, I guess. As far as I know, most of Northeast Ohio’s companies are using similar if not the same nutrients. There are good batches that come out, but it’s hard to know what to look out for or grab unless you’re up with the folks growing it. Hopefully rec drives competition up and results in better stuff here :man_shrugging:t2:


I hope you all are reading CoA’s before consuming that stuff, especially with PGR’s in the mix. Also brush up on your region’s testing requirements…as well as neighboring states.

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I was just wondering if your objection to buying it illegally was on principle or practical idk


I’m not sure what neighbor states have to do with it since it is illegal to transport any of Schedule One Narcotics across state lines. Yes I know there’s a proposal to move it to Schedule Three Narcotics, but they have not done that yet. And that does not mean they will either, nor does it alleviate the illegality of state transport, that i know. I’m reading everything i can about it. I’ve called the dispo people over a half dozen times in the past 7 years, talked to them as long as I could on the phone, had them make recommendations, which I immediately purchased, and found to be absolutely worthless. A particular tincture comes to mind.

My objection to illegal buying is I don’t want to go back to jail again. Been there, done that.


I wasn’t implying that, though that is certainly an option if you remove packaging in some states, where it is legal to carry. Personally, I now only purchase in Maine where the Mrs. is from every couple months, or a short trip to Canada if I’m out. I wouldn’t recommend breaking any laws, especially federal transportation ones.

And I only consume it there :slight_smile:


That’s a good idea. I could cross the border to oregon and try their dispo weed, but I suspect it’s no better, plus it’s illegal transport of a schedule 3 narcotic, a felony offense. And being gifted by somebody in Ohio would be the same exact offence, just further away. :slight_smile:

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I was referring to op. Confusing wording, my b

I had some dispo weed when I was visiting Oregon and i wouldn’t say it all tasted or smoked the same at all. I tried like 8 different things and all were very different. Decent quality.

Illinois isn’t bad either but it’s still prohibition era pricing over here.


If you’re moving anything from outside the state where it is legal recreationally, you are committing a felony. I did not understand what you mean about “removing packaging in some states”. We can carry it around in wash. state, but only like an ounce or something. It depends on what form the THC/cannabis is in. I’ve read the laws, i think you can keep one ounce or two of flower in your home, like 16 ounces of edible cannabis in a drink form, so much for tincture, extract, etc. I would refer you to the state Revised Code of Washington if interested in details.

Right, like i said, I wouldn’t recommend breaking any laws. I’m familiar with the testing procedures of my state and surrounding states, and it is not a hassle to travel to consume it there since the Mrs. visits family out of (NY, to ME) state a lot.

I called an Oregon dispo last year, and they tried to convince me that their smoke is better than what we have. I have yet to travel there to find out, partly, tho not entirely, because it’s a fucking felony to transport the stuff across state lines, even if the two states have legalized it recreationally. I’m not sure, but i think maybe in Idaho, they can shoot you on sight if you have so much as a joint. :astonished:

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EXACTLY THIS! And no, its not mostly old school growers. Ive been behind the scenes, and the longest Ive ever seen an old school grower on a legal op was 6 months. They hire them, get all the SOPs, then fire them and hire a friend or family member to be the “head grower” with a bunch of minumum wage labor. Out here in CA they use a lot of visa migrant labor like they do on veggie farms.

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@3bombedmice Athena… The Athena protocol har several “terp enhancers” and “sweeteners” that definitely mess with the taste of the final product. It also make widely different clones taste quite the same. Sweetish, fruitish, destinct hint of artificial sweetener, like those in zero cal soda pops. There is more products on the market that gives the same result, but Athena is definitely the biggest one…

Remember that most home growers doesn’t use Athenas full protocol, thus experience the better side of their product line.

Some people loooooove the taste of Athena, especially cannabis newbies. So if the product are for everyman, it’s a good idea to use Athenas protocol.

Pz :v:t2:


I have seen this happen so many times. They lure you in, get you to show them everything you know and then fire you once everything is going good. I can’t count how many good growers have been emotionally damaged by these greedy assholes


Here in Canada, we do have some decent stuff in the legal dispensaries. All the medical LPs are who stock them, and there are some decent LPs here. While you will find a pile of average to below average junk on the shelves, there are some varieties that are quite good. The biggest issue is that you can not see or smell anything as it’s sealed, so you need to try stuff to know so it’s a gamble.


Athena, eh? Well, I dunno. I think I actually misspoke about taste. I thought i kind of corrected it. Some tastes pretty good, mostly it’s the same, and ALWAYS it is HARSH. Thing is, if i got high, I could deal with harshness, but the flowers/product at my dispo does not provide an adequate high. It’s why i have basically quite smoking for the past 3 months, I just gave up on it. Of course buying from a home grower would be a felony, so it has to be at the fucking dispo. As far as being a newbie, I first got high in 1968, and started smoking it in '67, but took until the next year to find the “kind” yanno? :slight_smile: We all smoked a whole lot of mexican dirt weed, or brick weed as they call it now, back in the days. And it worked fine, some better than others. But i have not found anything at the dispos i’ve purchased glass jars of fancy buds, smelly buds, pretty buds, that even come close to matching the high of Mexican Dirt Weed in circa 1974.