Why does all dispensary smell and taste the same

Pineapple Express is one of my favorites, haven’t grown it in years. Maybe I will order a pack of seeds now that I can get them in a couple of days unlike the old days when you had to get them from England and hope customs did snag em.


Thank you! I almost forgot, today’s my shower day. I have Pilates tomorrow. I should probably eat some breakfast too. hehe Mrs. mota is gone for several days and I can be pretty forgetful.

And just where did I put that bong…


The back patio? That’s where I just found mine.

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Weed is good.


So im not the only one who thinks this.


I agree with you. :slight_smile: It’s stupid because I always hesitated buying it (cause of the movie thing).

Then I found out it totally worked for me.

Then my local dispensary was selling it for literally $1/gram.

Who could resist?

And I think ultimately that’s the only thing that matters. :slight_smile: Call me a stoner, that’s fine.


I generally limit the smoking to the man cave, but I love doing it in different places because the high seems more unique. :slight_smile:

The downside is, when I FIND my pipes, they are usually in the craziest and most random places.

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Truth be told, I pretty much always know exactly my bongs are. At least 98% of my smoking happens on the verandah, where the bongs live. My CRS would have to get way out of hand for me to actually forget where they are. Thankfully that has not happened yet! :+1: bong4


The people like to argue on the internet. Showing you’re using proper logic while others commit fallacious statements generally won’t lead to good results, no matter how well intended or ready for healthy debate you are.

In fact, I’ve found tackling thinks from your angle usually just leads to triggering insecurities. I still find myself wanting to point out every slippery slope, straw man, and thing I’m right and they’re wrong about. Hell, I can even turn it into a mathematical equation for them, I’ve ever offered to do so for people after they fail to see how my logic follows and is cogent… people don’t seem to appreciate when I’ve offered :joy:

Every once in a while I find someone like me, someone that can debate and argue and keep it in a safe healthy place, but it’s rare. I find that whoever the less skilled debater or less intelligent of the two usually shuts the whole thing down with an ad hominem abusive. Do you want to win arguments, or do you want to not be seen as an asshole? I’m ok being the asshole, but on the internets (Thanks, Al!) , I usually let others take the lead :man_shrugging: Usually… :thinking::joy:

Anyway, nothing to see here, just one big misunderstanding, as life tends to be.


I lose them or break them, yet I have water glasses that are decades old :man_shrugging:

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Acro, thanks for this. I think you are probably spot on.


Btw @navy66 the med weed scene and the rec in my country is allll bad, ALL.
I dare you to find something worth the buck it cost you.
Also I’m not talking about home grown rec, only the rec you can buy from dealers counts.
But we all know he meant 99 98 97% who cares, anything above 51% is most of
But in here it’s like 99.9%. is trash…

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Weird way to derail a thread over pedantic semantics.

The misogyny wasn’t cool either. This place isn’t supposed to be a boys club.


Overgrow.com isn’t a facts club it’s a hive mind cult that’s only good for social people experiments and data tracking. Who ever gets the most votes wins!

Dispo bud smells like the pesticides it was sprayed with, or the phos booster it was fed with. I trained a top flavor specialist in a multi billion dollar company to identify pesticides and brands of nutrients by smell. Because they were confused about all the off flavors in legal cannabis and why many people are calling them “gas” or “earthy” on social media instead of suing the producer for false advertising and exposure to toxins.

You can sort my state’s dispo bud by Botanicare/Athena/GH etc but not by strain… Unless maybe it’s a strain who’s entire character comes from over phosphorylation like the Magic Marker methylbenzene plastic chemical bullshit. (You know, how most legal custie people believe GG4 is a sedative indica with chemical adhesive aroma…)

No one should smoke this pre-schedule 3 shit weed. It’s a sad mark on American history. Spinosad Kush and Pk Haze…


I don’t think this is the case. It is just that many people will just go along with whatever is told instead of doing their own work/investigation. There are many times on here where I have experienced much woowoo but it seems that people are left to make their own decisions on what is what with what is presented when evidence cannot sway people. There are no definitive “answers” here and combating misinformation can seem like a full time job. Again, this isn’t really overgrow but just the state of our educated populace in 2024 after experiencing years and years of bottle fed misinformation and propogandized media.

Overgrow is the best place i’ve found for civil discussion. Just really depends who you are talking with.




Boron calms the hive mind.



Nice link, I like that site.


Sounds like he respects and appreciates you being around for help though, Pretty wholesome! He probably tells his other old guy friends he is the one giving you help each year :joy: