Why does all dispensary smell and taste the same

You are absolutely correct, sorry.

I should’ve said, “Humans perceive the sky to be blue.”

THAT is an accurate premise.

To say, “ALL humans perceive the sky to be blue” is a false premise.

To say “all dispensary weed looks and smells the same” is not accurate. It is contradicted by mountains of evidence, among other things.

It IS accurate to say, “All dispensary weed looks SIMILAR” or “It’s my opinion that all dispo weed smells the same.”

But starting with something that is NOT true, to make a point that IS true?

It can’t be done. You can’t get from A to B there.

That’s logic.

You are correct. Why does anyone need to be violent here? And why does the whole community need to be bothered by this. Yes, @Mota you were definitely misreading. Still trying to figure out how that was a threat of violence. . .


As I reflect on it, what the fuck was I thinking? Clearly I wasn’t actually thinking. Sorry to cast aspersions. d8JBdDJ


@mota Wow. Thank you. Yes. lol (I am wow’ing because, truthfully, people seem VERY averse to admitting and/or owning even the littlest mistakes).

I’ve admired you and your logic for a long time, so this is good. Thanks again.


Honestly, you don’t want to be in what’s left of my brain. It’s why I smoke weed and always has been, to get the fuck away from it.


It might mean that. That’s another bad premise. It MIGHT mean I have no argument.

But in this case, I do, of course.

You are right, I should try to minimize the personal insulting/mocking. Ad hominem attacks are always weak.

It’s your MO when anyone questions you in the slightest.


Again, a sweeping claim that is SO BIG, it’s inaccurate.

Provide me the consistent, accurate proof that “I attack when I get questioned.” :slight_smile: Seriously. Go look up my posts.

I have a track record of actually being quite civil and humble and honest. I’m also good at admitting when I was wrong. And giving a lot of credit to others. I’m a pretty good citizen.

Please show me where I’ve done this in other threads, over time. (I know you think I’ve done it here, so no need.)

I’ll wait.

I fuck shit up all of the time and I hope I’m good with owning those things. Far less energy spent than trying to justify. Own it and move on.

Of course, you’ll note that I haven’t posted much in my thread. I’ve been killing seedlings at an astounding rate! xwi2Y3G

You are welcome again. :+1:

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I appreciate you starting the thread grassman! I’m thankful for a place we can all share our opinions and make attempts to discuss the state of commercial cannabis. :metal:t2::purple_heart: Much love. Sometimes it really is a case of thousands and thousands of new growers means there’s going to be a way bigger pool of average results.


This is a fair statement.

Not all dispensary weed smells and tastes the same.

Although, which I believe was the intent of the op, much of it does as they are sourcing from the same facilities running the same genetics with similar nutrient regiment, environment, and protocols. Usually, the larger corp style producers.

Though, in MA for instance, micro-grow operations exist and can be found at some dispensaries. Much more more niche. Similar to micro-brewery offerings which tend to be better or with more variety than the larger producers.

Market will adjust based on demand eventually; or they’ll perish.

Whatever the case, grow your own if you are able. Skip the dispensaries. Mucho $$$ saved, bragging rights, and the ability to grow phenomenal cultivars. :yum:


This is just this thread, do I need to get more examples for you? You get very easily triggered when anyone disagrees with you.


Maybe feelings aren’t as gendered as we think…. Everyone here has made some good feedback for this thread though


Yes. :slight_smile: Do I totally agree that dispo weed is terrible, generic, same-y, boring? Absolutely I do.

Is that why I grow? Yep.

But as you said, the premise was wrong. That’s all.

A GOOD/ACCURATE premise just makes for a better, and more focused discussion, that’s all.

Thank you for being one of the FEW here to stand up for a simple truth.

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We all mostly understood what he meant without nitpicking his hyperbolic wording.


Well, if you want to rely only on this thread, then yes, I’ve attacked you.

I’ve given you my arguments first, and THEN attacked you.

The attacking was unnecessary. I apologize for that part.

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Man those guys above need to chill out and smoke a joint of some really good weed or maybe even a SUPER CHARGED HUUUUGE


I agree it can SEEM like a ticky-tack thing, but it isn’t. I just wish it hadn’t been such a struggle to get people to see the point.

As Mark Twain said (paraphrasing), it’s a lot easier to fool people than it is to convince them they’ve been fooled.

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And lunch and a shower! :metal:t2: Then another joint.

Phrase things however you want grassman.


Lighting up now. Non-dispensary pineapple express. Tons of it and it’s all good. :slight_smile: Good thing, too. I’ll need it. (Edit: it actually is dispo weed – a special near my place. $1/gram. Don’t know why I originally wrote “non-dispo.” )

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