Why does all dispensary smell and taste the same

It’s like buying beer. You can buy a case of bottom shelf or several bottles of a microbrew. Similar end result but the microbrew tends to be much more enjoyable.

Some folk go for the cheap with quantity because they feel that they are saving money … or something. At least until they have the opportunity to sample good homegrown or they splurge and purchase something of higher quality.


He goes for top shelf that’s the problem…
That’s the quality of top shelf here, you need x3 the qty to get to maybe 30% effect/taste we had before 2018, crazy I know but it is what it is.
Frankly, my bagseed I did my last run was far better than the best of the best top shelf here in the med sector, rec… Not the best but certainly up there.


Here’s the thing…
The dispo’s are catering to the people who buy there the most- and more often than not, (especially in areas who haven’t been legal very long, or who get a lot of out-of-state tourists like us!) that means people who do not grow, have never HAD decent weed, and only care how high they can get.
I guess if the only cannabis you ever had was brick-weed, seeded crap weed that is mostly leaves, or worse… then dispo weed is great…
To those of us who grow, breed, or know those who do-- we know better!


Not totally relevant but I was on a trip and had someone offer me some weed at an outrageous price. I just said “I’m from Canada, man.” And he cut me a better deal.

But I expect you’re right, his primary market is people who think weed is new and fancy and otherwise forbidden.


The only halfway decent weed store weed Ive had was Lume in Michigan Blackout Marshmello OG but I ordered seeds and then grew my own and mine was far superior. I would assume that some parts of the country have craft cannabis grown and cured with TLC but Ohio dispo weed leaves much to be desired.


I’ve been to several of the ones in DC as I can drive up there and back within 6 hours or so depending on traffic. Which ones have you been to there? My favorite would have to be No Kids Allowed. I had some Alien OG under their “exotic” tier (that’s under the top shelf “deans lost” tier but not sure if that existed yet at the time) at 60-65 a 1/8. I think it was well worth the drive and if you catch them at the right time they have a nice diversity of strains. The thing is that they don’t let you smell it before you buy and the employees tend to not know anything about genetics and I have to educate them on what I’m asking about.

The one time I went to Lifted Shop, I smelled the jars of what they were selling as their top shelf and was shocked at how midgrade they all smelled. And they were selling 5 gram packs of it for like $125… Haven’t been back to that one. There was also one just down the street from NKA that was super sketchy and their “top shelf” was even worse than even Lifted Shop’s mid grade. At least they let me smell it beforehand so I didn’t waste money.

Any other legal shops in DC that you would recommend?


I wish I could enter Canada legally. I’ve always heard great things about not only their cannabis but the country in general. Oh well…


Most.of the ones I use are really more delivery based but some have brick and mortar shops. I can’t really recommend any of them cause they are.all high priced or they’re hit or miss. I go to one place called karma that is woman owned. She told me she’ll potency test my homegrown for free cause they test their own in-house. I think they only sell 8ths. I like to buy by the z. I go to a place called cloud 9 that has a good selection but mostly mids till you SPEND.
Edited to say welcome to OG!!


I’ve been buying dispo crap for 7 plus years now. It’s totally worthless. There are only two varietals that I really remember and would buy again, but they’re both throat-burning, gagging, puking, choking mids at the best.

So, I have about ten jars that i peeled the labels off and adhered to a mirror to re-adhere to each jar in the hope that i’ll find a grower who’s growing some good smoke, fill the jars, and hopefully, legally pass muster if pulled over for possession of such jars filled with basically, illegal smoke, since state law only allows purchases from a dispo, and not any other producer.

Why peel the label off? Just reuse the containers

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I put the labels back on the jars after i fill them with buds from say, some other grower. To make it look legal. Cops’d never be able to tell, other than the labels look open, but i’d say I had to smell it. If i had the stuff in baggies, they could construe it to be an illegal (non-dispo) purchase of cannabis.


I get the baggie is no good. Just confused about why you peeled the label off

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The way its stacked against entrepreneurs in the cannabis industry i would never ever even think about going into the business


That’s the difference between me and you

I just put the label back on the old jar to which the label belongs. Makes it practically legal. And it’s not the label per se, it’s the seal, that’s marked, named, and registered, like liquor bottle seals.

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This thread is hilarious.

Dispensary weed doesn’t magically all taste/smell/feel the same because you’re buying it in a store :joy:. That’s likely more an issue of what you’re buying. Keep getting shit with dessert names coming from the same few lines, and you’re gonna keep running into that.

I’m not sure where y’all are buying your stuff, but stop and pay more attention. Shop by farm and harvest date. Didn’t like something relatively fresh from a specific farm? Don’t buy something from that farm again. Don’t buy from MSO’s period. Ezpz. Everything from a specific dispo seems to have no smell and is aggressively crispy? Don’t shop there, they clearly don’t handle stuff well once it’s in their hands. This is all especially important in states that don’t allow deli style purchases where everything has to be pre packed. If you do live in deli style state like us here in Oregon and you’re just picking names without giving it a whiff first, that’s on you.

Yes there are farms that don’t care and rush stuff out as fast as possible because it’s full on corporate mentality, but again this is more common with MSOs. The real break down of why well grown weed can wind up sub par at the dispo is a matter of supply and demand. Well, specifically just over supply. When it was all black market, everything moved faster, so everything you got was much fresher. If you were buying headies, it wasn’t something that was harvested 8 months ago, has passed through whole salers that constantly opened bags to shop to 30 different people, then sat in a back room waiting for other stuff to clear out so it can be sold, likely being opened by employees regularly again. Even stuff that was grown well and taken down correctly is gonna be hindered by being in a turkey bag that’s being constantly opened and closed. If you ever smoked beasters back in the day then you know what early chopped and not finished drying bud is like, and that’s the opposite of dispo problems. A half decent facility is going to have a dry room with its own environmental controls that are likely over engineered because that’s the easiest place to ruin a harvest. And here’s the thing, if you’re in a room like that, you can have floor to ceiling nets a couple feet apart with whole plants basically layered on top of each other, and you’ll get terpy smelly bud that’s plenty dry enough to be handled for post harvest processing in 10 days, with zero mold. Doesn’t fit conventional forum/book wisdom, but it’s a fact. The vast majority of top shelf bud leaves it’s facility looking and smelling great, then winds up fighting time and exposure. The whole “they only grow for yield not quality” idea is straight up silly. Yes, yield is absolutely a critical factor, but growers have found ways to profit off shitty yielders for ages. Unless you’re fully vertically integrated, your shit still has to sell to brokers long before it ever sees a dispo shelf, and just like in the traditional market, your quality is going to affect your price.

None of this is said to big up dispos, legalization is the worst thing that happened to most growers bank accounts, to the genetic pool, to basically everything about the industry except prison being less of a concern. The only point I’m making is that trying to come in here and lump all legal grows under one narrow and, frankly, ignorant view that comes from people who’ve never been behind the curtain, or only worked as MSOs is misguided at best, and offensive at worst. Legacy farmers have poured (and often lost) everything into staying afloat on the legal market. There are still tons of farms doing it because it’s what the people there love. Those folks don’t deserve to pigeon holed with soulless weed factories that are financed by investors who fought to put/keep us in prisons.

Grow your own. If you can’t, support your local drug dealer. If a store is your only option, pay attention and do a little leg work. Homegrown should always be better, but that’s no different than growing food or anything else. Comparing something you’re buying in a store to what you can obsess over in your two lighter tent or whatever is bonkers. Like…yeah…I’d sure as help hope it’s better, or this growing thing might not be for you.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

Epilogue: This all comes from living and (formerly) working in Oregon. If you live in a state/country with an extra dog shit system where everything has to remediated, or there’s super limited licenses and only corpo farms, or some other weird shit, idk, maybe some of the goofy stuff that was said is true, and we’ll pray for you.


If you buy from a store learn to spot the signs of buds that have been remediated they will have unusual high delta9thc% and have a specific look and taste, stay away. Only buy and smoke solventless ice water dabs. Don’t trust they got all the solvents out. Outside of that I can usually find some gems at my local dispos and I like to stop in to check out what they have. Some brands will do a real haze or a nice longer flowering sativa etc. I don’t hate them and they serve a niche here.


It tastes like sand and dogshit?


Lemon sand and dogshit evidently, lol

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