Why does all dispensary smell and taste the same

I’m saying it’s a mid high. Most the stuff we’ve had for 7 years, a mid high. If there was anything that was smooth, tasted good and had better than a mid high, i’d be buying it, and only it. There are two that we kinda like, pineapple and acapulco gold. But those again, are a mid high, harsh, and we buy that preferably over others. I’ve tried more than 100 different varieties over the years. I keep trying new and different stuff. Cheap stuff, spendy stuff, just no satisfaction. Also they rarely, if ever have the phenos that i see named in OG.

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I just but the hash and find It acceptable. I’m spoiled from my own shit so acceptable is good enough.

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Yours is better. How do i know? I just know. Oh, if i could only dare to grow. But i’d get robbed, killed or jailed if i tried in this 'hood. :frowning: I always wanted to grow. My whole life, i wanted to. I went to jail for sales of a quarter oz yanno. Back in the '90s. :frowning: Bad times, very bad times.


Legalization is destroying cannabis ! Please read that statement again and again until you fully understand it. We dont have true legalization. We have regulation of government supplied schwag. I propose that we champion a new cause. “Black market is better” will be our new battle cry. Please boycott any and all government liscenced dispenseries. Support your local dealer. If we take the profit out of the equation then the government will lose interest. Solidarity brothers.


Im an expert and I’m telling you it’s adequate.

Criminal convictios fuck up your freedom


I agree with you, except for the governement part. I really don’t see how the gov controls grow operations. There are scores of indy grows all over the state supplying dispos. ANd they can’t all be part of some gov. conspiracy, some are just people like we got in here who are growing to make money, and there’s the problem.

I kind of dispute that it’s gov. supplied. I think it’s corporate greed, hybridization and hell, it’s small biz owner greed, too. Growing for looks, smell, and quantity rather than taste, quality, and effects, is what the non-gov growers are all doing. Nobody ever offers a nice landrace, or heirloom product. You NEVER see those out in dispos. You rarely if ever see the strains/phenos that are grown in OG. It’s always some fruity, fruit loopZ, cakeZ crap that looks and smells great, but is a mid high, and a harsh flavor. Always like that. I’ve purchased schwag a couple times. Comes in 10g bags, and one i smoked, the other, well, i gotta throw it away, someday.

If they had not hybriized all the heirloom landrace, we’d still have some good stoney, non-harsh, mild flavored, tasty smoke like i had in the good old days. :SIGH:

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Gorgeous absolute beauty

Or there’s this website that help you grow your own I don’t remember.


I should clarify this to mean that some ppl as i’ve heard them say work as growers for dispos, or are planning to do so, and some OG’ers even work at dispos. And that’s cool, hell i’d do it. Just that there’s this profit motive that affects anybody who’s trying to get ahead in life to produce what makes them the most money for the least effort. It’s human nature. Some ppl don’t, they’re to be admired, not that those who do try to make the most are not admirable and honorable ppl. Hell I did it in construction work. Try to do the most with the least amount of effort, or die trying.


Your wrong about the gov and grow ops, they are related more than you think.
In my country they are intertwined with each other,
Think about it, when you grow outdoors you are doing everything “right” as nature intended… basically you are just there to watch, nature already takes care of everything.
Now insert people, humans, flesh and blood…
In the bible it says, he who puts his trust in flesh and blood would be damned…
So eliminate everything that doesn’t involve nature.
Here, they are involved from the clone choosing, growing habits, curing, sterilization treatments, everything is under strict protocols…
We can understand in the med sector here why quality is so low, excuses are abundant.

Rec weed… That’s where the puzzle is baffling here, most of the times it’s even lower in quality.
So what gives ? Is good weed extinct ?
To solve this riddle it took me 2 years of researching and debating with the best growers and knowledgeable people around the world, taking measurements and comparing.

Conspiracies exist, well, we don’t call it like that here, we refer to it as “another truth” haha
In the aspect of growing, the main one is LEDs.
Look all around you, everything is replaced to leds, if you think its by mistake, well…
If you think leds replacing 90% of growing lights in big ops is by mistake, your wrong.
If you think 90% of private growers replacing their CFLs, HIDs, sun, to leds, your wrong.

I can go on, but it’s a deep rabbit hole.
Research the subject of emf and RF, see the tests of natural light sources vs leds and draw your own conclusions.

The problem of bad weed is universal, now take on the pov of sellers, they always wanna cut expanses.
What has been the most crucial thing people and ops all over the world changed to in the last few years ? Did they started using the same soil ? The same nutes ? The same clones ? Of course not.
They all switched to leds.

I have done the tests, outdoor today is the only top shelf, HIDs even more, you just won’t find buds that are grown under them anymore haha
Outdoor in the med sector is ok, private growers ? They pump a Great product and is more down to selection, either you got lucky or not.


The Bible also says something about judging but I don’t remember.


Judging what ?

Well ok then……

Interesting observation, but I personally have grown some of the best crops Ive ever had under LED. I will be the first to admit that’s its a very different approach than HPS, and Ive known people switch over and ruin crops for sure!

In terms of nutes, I think that is a bigger factor than most people think. I can taste Botanicare bud, it always tastes the same no matter what. But I think its a symptom of the bigger issue of cheap hydro salts are the industry standard now. I was one of those kooks running light dep greenhouses with organic soil beds. Totally agree sun grown is king! But back then so many larger scale growers were all organic, or “synganic” as the cool kids said lol.

Since they started putting up massive corporate greenhouses and warehouses all over the place, everyone’s just rockin drain to waste with dosatrons and the cheapest bulk hydro salts possible. Which IMO, is a one way ticket to boof town. I’ve been in investor meetings having this exact conversation. The growers would say if you wanna be “top shelf” , Athena in rockwool isn’t gonna do it. But all that matters is the bottom line on a spreadsheet. And Im the first to admit proposing “walking around top dressing” and all that really makes investors shut down. They’re coming from the tech world usually, and they have that kooky corporate “everything must be automated to make more money” mindset.


Labour is a killer


Hope you’re having a great time on vacation.
Wanted to ask you what brands you bought?

Rainbow belts was from Dank. Which was far from that haha …

The lilac diesel was from nanticoke… also wack

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Thank you.

Good ideas here, much appreciated.

Nobody like to be told they’re wrong, jeeze. You could be a bit more diplomatic in how you choose your words, please.

You make a good point, but it’s not unarguable. I’d say “you’re right” about the notion of gov. funneling production a certain way. That’s regulation. And one of the best examples of too much regulation would probably be cannabis culture. But there is still such a thing in most countries as private enterprise. Gov needs to control how Boeing builds aircraft or what’s happening now with Boeing would have been and remain a much bigger problem than they’ve been having lately. Or, without gov. regulation/laws/rules your next door neighbor having a pit bull puppy mill would be much more common than it is now. Lots of libertarianism in the philosophies of growers, i recognize that. But gov. isn’t the sole controller of how cannabis is grown. Just because gov. regulates, encourages certain methods and operations doesn’t mean a grower cannot grow outside in real sunlight as you suggest. But they’re encouraged, pushed to grow for the most money, of course. However a conscientious grower would grow outside, as you say. LED lights, wow, i have no idea, so i defer to your tests on that. I will check at my dispo next time IF i ever smoke weed again (cuz it’s so damn shitty) and ask for only out door grown product like you say. Thanks. :slight_smile:

You could say which country. Cuz i’m talking about the US Government, i wouldn’t know about any other one.

Conspiracies are made to funnel people into what’s known as …

I really think that’s about judging others, not some process, or some thing.
Like dopekiller says, “Judging what?”.

Foreigner just like to post stuff, don’t try to find context lol
And it’s not encouraging, it’s demanding.
If you won’t meet their restrictions and regulations your product won’t hit the shelves.
So a gun to the head is more accurate term to say.
The private growers sure they follow no regulations but they look up to big ops and their bottom lines and copy them.
So we ended up with a bad product in the private growers market aswell.
Hey, I ain’t spitting facts, just reality.
Your adventures and mine and as this thread clearly suggest are not good to say the least.
When you hear someone telling you he got the best smoke under leds, run away.

Conspiracies are not made to funnel anyone, they are surpressed truth that you and 90% of the world is reluctant to hear and investigate as it’s so much easier just believing what the tv says.
But, knowing and believing are two different things, don’t get them mixed up.

You know bad weed is all around you, but you choose to believe it’s not because of this or that, I respect that, go research like I did, it will be an eye opener.

There’s a saying, opening your eyes will be the hardest thing you will ever do in your life, take it slow.
Peace man and I hope you will find something worthy, I know I haven’t no matter where I looked.