Why does all dispensary smell and taste the same

Dispensery weed sucks because there is no love involved in growing the plant. All living things respond to loving thoughts and gentle carresses. The best weed I ever smoked was grown by an old farmer that had one plant. He did not even fertilize it. He just would talk to it lovingly. All things in the Universe are connected. :rainbow:


Not in your nonsensical ramblings.

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Hard outta ā€œCouldnā€™t Agree More.ā€

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Hyperbolic analogies and general foolishness masquerading as information.

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Oh you mean like your foolishness masquerading as anything as above ? Not even information your spreadingā€¦ just posting to post something, are you collecting likes or post count ? A friend is askingā€¦

A friend? I have a friend? Is it you?


Hard outta likes. (You know why I like to type that, and to type in general? Itā€™s therapy to improve my left handā€™s fine motor control from the stroke.)

I believe he is suggesting he has a friend.

Have no fear, my friend, you have nary a friend here. That said, Iā€™ll be a fiend. :joy:

Now to the business at hand. I know itā€™s somewhere close by.


Iā€™m sure heā€™ll explain how he wants to be my friend very soon.


Thats the rainbow belts that has 0 skittlez smells to itā€¦


Looks like it was tumbled before being packaged.


Yeah i feel the same way. Prob from the machine trimmer

Dank changed their packaging.
If it was indoor, they bulk purchased it from one of the mso medical corporations.
The medical companies are the only ones that are up and running indoors currently

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Because itā€™s all Gelato something. :laughing: idk man no love put into it. Much like our food its becoming Comercial. I havenā€™t been to a dispensary in years. Michigan has so many homegrowers we all just share our harvest in my emediate group.


Since your from MI. do you know anything about Iced Out Genetics? I bought seeds of their version of 707 Headband since I canā€™t get them from Humboldt Seed Org. anymore Itā€™s our favorite strain,Iā€™m going to grow it this Winter and I was wondering what to expect.

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The real problem is the genetics. They purposely use extremely crossed strains that have subpar effects, but lie and use fake names to trick you into thinking you will get good product, by piggybacking onto a strains previous reputation. Couple that with cheating by dry sieving or tumbling the weed to extract some of the resin, using pesticides for growing indoors(why? If you know what your doing you donā€™t need pesticides indoors) and you get really crappy stuff. Some have said mids. Well, in the 90s I used to get some mids that would blow this crap out the water.
Personally I think there is a conspiracy component. The conspiracy is to get as much of your money as they can, and as quickly as possible. When you offer strains that give a nice lasting, satisfying buzz, you wonā€™t smoke as much. If instead they give you ā€œcrackā€ weed that has little to no satisfaction, and no long lasting effect, it makes people smoke more of it to chase the satisfactionā€¦
People need to be aware and perhaps even hassle the owners of the disp. Hassle them, because the squeaky wheel gets the grease. If your just going to bend over and let them stick it to you, then nothing will change. You canā€™t ask, you must DEMAND. Become an asshole or a cunt when needed. Tell them we demand moreā€¦if nothing changes, then people need to get together and boycott certain disp. and put them out of business, or severely affect their profits. Make them payā€¦legally of course.
I learned the hard way that you canā€™t just bitch and moan. If thatā€™s all you do, the ones profiting dont care. Your not affecting them, so no harm no foul to their business. However, let their profits take a dip or worseā€¦forces them to change, or fuck off and go out of businessā€¦
Also if you have been sickened by pesticide weed, sue them fuckers! It would be quite easy in court to prove that pesticides are not needed in indoor grows, IF you know what your doing. So then these places ā€œin houseā€ protocols for dealing with pests are inferior, and they use pesticides at YOUR expense, due to their shitty protocols and practices. Make them pay!!!


Other than hearing the name before I donā€™t. Iā€™ve actually never purchased any beans ever. I donā€™t really use social media other than og so I miss out on alot.

If I havenā€™t been able to trade for them I havenā€™t ran them or had them gifted I havent ran them. I traded for some decent gear in the past and have been learning a little about breeding and am finishing up my first seed run now.

But yeah the lack of social media keeps me out of the loop. its gift and a curse at the same time.


Or you can just grow your own


Thanks Kraken good luck on your grow. Iā€™m trying my own creation in my outdoor right now Blueberry Muffins x Bahama Berry.

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Not in Florida without taking a chance on going to prison. Too much risk. Perhaps soon, but not now.


Nevada here. The POS in power wonā€™t ā€˜legallyā€™ allow you to grow if a crook paid them a bribe to put a dispo within 25 miles of where I live. The range of quality is narrow, and the quality is far from top shelf. A ā€˜Jack Hererā€™ labeled felt like poor quality old school big bud, etc. I grew anyway when first ā€˜legalā€™, and have stashed that in jars, some curing for a good many moons. That stuff had some 50/50 thc/cbd buds. That kicks all the dispo bud when it comes to smooth, nice high.

Warning: sample size n=1