Winners Circle



These freakshows never cease to impress me in the early flower. so pretty, and the smells start coming early. No armpit or sweaty sock to start with (not that that’s bad, jus sayin) like alot of strains I’ve grown, straight to fresh bright green herbaceous smells

This scarlet runtz auto is impressing me too. It’s in a 3 gallon pot not quite filled up, and although it’s been raging hot, she’s been loving the sun, happy to drink up the pot every day, light to the lift by sunset. Smells like socks and hot sweat, in that good way, lol. She has some bug bites, but that’s nature for you.



Upon closer inspection, I think I made a ridiculous ammount of seeds :rofl:


These ground cherries are amazing, they’re like floral tomatoey grapes. I want to eat them with a white flakey fish in a herbed beurre blanc


Always nice things happening in here and it all looks great @breadwinner ! :green_heart:

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Click all squares containing weed lol


The brutality of reality, but still winning: scarlet grapes i love when you get a good feeling about an auto early. This one’s trucking despite the heat and leafhoppers. I swear it’s swatting at flies with those overactive fan leaves

Here’s two lowest buds worth of seeds on the lifesaver x double grape cross, one more generation and I bet these autos will be juicy fire :point_down:


I’m going to sift out most of the seeds and do a qwet after the other four hang for a week. There’s nothing smokable, so gotta take it how I can get it, haha

I really think these are going to make solid autos.


Inside, outside, inside out



Got a mystery seed growing like a math driven swimmer

That’s also the face I make sifting seeds haha

The tent, making seeds, has as a side effect made me focus on two positive things, outdoor ipm (because I need these couple plants to count now) and selective pollination, isolating branches.

Maybe three things, another tent lol


I have a old 4x4 gg tent that’s about two inches to tall to reasonably fit anywhere practical in my house. I keep thinking about laying it down to make a 8x4x4 ~ish short long.

If I move the washer and dryer into the bedroom, and put the fridge on the back porch and everybody starts using an outhouse, I might have the space I want, lol.

I could make the family sleep in the tents and grow whimsically throughout the rest of the house wherever its convenient. :thinking: just kidding, dear.

I just have to weigh my wife’s annoyance with the ease of production, and see what wins. Lol

I could hang a small qb on one side, and these seedling led strips on the other side on 24 and really open up some space for growing more variety

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As long as I’m dreaming I want to cut down all my neighbors trees, I could easily get two or three hours more direct light lol

He doesn’t understand my suffering tho haha (we’ll still pass a bowl over the fence though :v:)

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Stinky stanky on the scarlet runtz, she spread out like she was going to stack lower buds, but decided to focus on tighter and stickier despite the heat. So far, zero bug damage on the buds, but I did find a cool looking caterpillar turd on a leaf, so there may be a sacrificial virgin. I wonder how they poop that shape.



Where do I remember those hats with the bikini top, and when you squeeze the bulb, the top comes down from? State fair?


We got a green meanie that likes my soil mix so far, let’s see how this one derails haha

I think I’ll pop a ridiculous ammount of these ls x dg in about two weeks, kick these potted plants out the tent into the great outsides, cull like a head hunter, and just keep going with my bad self.


You’re reading Kafka ! And I’m over here reading the Lucky Charms box, dang!


I read that one earlier, haha lol


The mystery seed has 9nly gotten water, after messing around a little, I think I might be best off cooking soil in the long run. My mulch pile looks like a big chia pet covered in mushrooms. My chickens and ducks shit constantly. Worm bin is next. I think it will feel better doing it that way. I have a big pile of composting straw bedding, etc…