World of Jetpack Jets great Kush Off 2023! Who will be the champ?

Just telling you my experience.


I’m more of that spot on the inner thigh kind a guy.


I love a tight tummy. Than a tight ass. I’ve had that little piece of skin under your tongue swollen and sore. I remember it fondly.


Kush Off getting interesting now! the smell in that room is pretty loud . The 4 on the right in week 5 are kicking it big time, sucking big time too. Gonna go to every day fill soon looks like. Both Tk and Wc appear like they will stack . Funny how NO FUCKING MITES makes me a decent grower!!!


Beautiful, graceful(not like AH however, not that ) bud sites everywhere. Not as much goo as others, but now, cannot be touched. Smell is changing daily, cant nail it down. She is drinking like a fat sailor, and is happy happy happy. Unless i miss my guess she will stack. If not, gonna be huge golf balls i would say , think she will stack. Yield will be excellent either way, can already tell, assuming she makes dense buds like WC.


What can i say, MY GIRL :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :heart_eyes:

Perfect run …fucking finally…no bugs, been a year damn near. She is large n in charge in that tent. Towering over TK (by 2 inch’s, lol :speak_no_evil:) wide as she can get, 100’s of budsites, she will go near a pound can already tell. My best run of her, not to jinx it , but so far, dead ass perfect with zero issues and hapy happy happy…finally…take that bitch!!!
She cannot be touched either, no way, need gas or alcohol to get it off. Stench is good from her, she morphs all way to week 10 then gets her final smell at the end . This, if it stays 100% will show all she can do and has, been waiting a YEAR TO SEE IT!!! Finally here!


O.M.G. the stink from her is over powering already. Just silly loud. Dont even gotta touch her, just walk by her and the wind does the rest. 1/2 the size of the others, her octopot is up on a crate to make her canopy level. She is going to stack, thick donkey dicks no doubt from her looks. just not long ones. Yield could be acceptable, IF she is dense. If loose like Strawberry Cough or BD, weight will be low .

Tahoe og

Damn Maam, where did you come from??? Last 2 weeks of stretch she shot up, caught both TK and WC and is further along than either, with larger buds. Stunning looking, wicked actually, i KNOW that hair structure, this plant is gonna kill. Sticky is not the right word, lol, and stinky isnt either, astringent as Hell , super in your face and SHARP SHARP smell from her. She gonna yield WELL and bet she is kick ass smoke too

so week 5 update. Decided not to up pot next set to octos yet, 6 weeks out from the light being open, 6 weeks in a octopot is way too much work for me, be hacking em with prunning shears at 6 weeks, so ill wait another week or maybe 2 before i let them loose in the Octo’s.

Mom’s fine, at least 2 of every strain i have in 1/2 gallons, Mom tent 100%

So, TK is nice, looks like WC to me. Smells different, doesnt have 9 11 or 13 leaves…smell is good sticky is good, goo production not at WC levels, but that means nothing yet. Not given me any issues, roots in 7 to 9 days in my dome, took 11, all 11 rooted easily. She is not gonna do a Cereal Milk cookie impression in my tent. I trained the shit out of her, she is large n wide, NOT gonna do a shit yield of lil nuggets like COOKIE strains do. She is gonna throw down

WC is WC, can do no wrong for me, even mite eaten and sprayed to death, she will reward with a heavy harvest of rock hard solid killer stinky sticky buds. THIS run, gonna be off gthe hook for her if it keeps up and no mites appear.

TK, short bush, maybe one of the loudest ladies ive seen at 5 weeks, or maybe its her unusual smell to me. Jury is out on her still

Tahoe OG…winner winner chicken dinner! Bet my right nut she will kill in power stink and looks, i know THAT LOOK. If i had to oick only one to keep , kill the others, it would be a tough call . From looks alone, Tahoe all day long. For stink, SK, for production, WC gonna win that, unless TK keep her pace, which i doubt. All round…add it all up…damn near a 3 way tie for me at this point.

Looking back at pics, TK is gonna stack…hey @HolyAngel you get her to stack ???


your stuff always looks so good!! great work great write up!!! :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks appreciate it sir! Assume sir???


your weclome ! last time i checked i was ! mom … looks good still two balls! :rofl:


My Mom didnt have two balls… :rofl:

Oh, i see…but my Mom still didnt have 2 balls

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:stuck_out_tongue: ok looks like sir fits !

wait a moment was what i meant sorry my english is not the best :rofl:


No i didnt get it till after i posted, your English is just fine Mon :star_struck:


thank you!! thats a relief!


put whatever you want in here, ill figure it out, or @ifish can translate for me :ok_hand:


Nice write up. You have me drooling like Pavlof’s dog. :rofl:


over who


All of em but I’ve been eying TK lately


Hey Jet, when you ran Orange Gogi, how long did you take her?


Joker I took mine any where from 8 to 9 weeks depending on pheno .


i really hope the tahoe is potent and not weak like holy said. because shes a beautiful plant and i love those kinds of buds that stack and look old school. im not much for citrus terps so the skunk tang is the least intriguing to me but sometimes that citrus note goes to something more grape fruity and i dont mind that.
wedding cake… i just cant wait till i get her in my hands. pretty sure she will become my new gg4 and become the go to. tk seems to make me iffy on the high is it to heady and racy or can it be taken an extra week and be more couch. but then 12 weeks is long af


Mine went 74 days


WC is better than GG4 , better high better taste , better than Orange Goji too , and I love orange goji .

Tahoe will be excellent , can tell , and she ain’t wimpy nor slow like Holys was , my ST is not weak either , growing wise I’m speaking of . If she is not killer I will be shocked