World of Jetpack Jets great Kush Off 2023! Who will be the champ?

I don’t know if the Tahoe is weak when it comes to potency, but it was a scraggly weak ass plant when I got it. I was fine tossing the Tahoe as if it’s not a renamed OG Kush, its an S1 of OG or TK. Having TK… why do i need to keep an S1 around. The Tahoe cut comes from Swerve. It was my same reasoning for tossing the herming hollywood pure kush.

Idk how potent the skunk tangy is, I don’t think it’s top top shelf but its appeal is the scent/flavor. It’s supposed to have like 5% terpenes or something crazy.

The longer you take the TK the less racy and more powerful she gets.


Tahoe is not going to be weak power wise . She is also as large as TK and her buds are bigger and longer than TK . She has grown well since I got her , think I pegged her a month back or more as a killer plant. She was over shadowed by WC and TK till last week of the stretch when she shot up 2 foot in 3 days and now looks both of them eye to eye . Bud structure and hairs are way different than the other two .

ST STINKS , my God it’s worse today entering week 6 . Sitting here in my living room 50 feet away and 2 rooms distant , all I smell is ST .
I mean BIG TIME . I00 percent no way could you grow her if STEALTH was needed . Not sure a good carbon filter in a closed tent could handle it , and I only have ONE !! My tents run wide open no filters here . I think by week 10 thec hole house will be drenched in ST. Good thing is …. I love the smell :sunglasses:

TK is impressive . Heard she goes nuts goes tall and left alone has wide wide node spacing . I worked her ass HARD in veg , and been cranking on her necks all way through stretch .
She is large , wide , and bet the widest node space is maybe 2 inches . She has budsites freaking everywhere and as of this morn , she looks the part . From 20 foot away she looks like a tall white fuzz ball . She is gonna stack her buds I think and throw down a big weight for her breed me thinks .

I have asked you 3 times if your TK stacked , you have not answered . Guess I’m digging through a bunch of pages to go see for myself.
I think our growing styles are vastly different and my plants may not even look like yours do . So may make no difference but I want to see your full finished TK .

The TK in a 1 gallon outside for the long long run , doesn’t appear to like the hot ass sun and 90 percent humidity here . She is already stressed out , which is the plan :sunglasses: I have broken every branch to point of hanging , and jamming her full of N . I’ll fill her with N when she starts flower . Poor girl is gonna get the works , I pitty her shitty life , but I’m getting Nanners , I’ve never failed at this before .

WC looks just like TK , they are 100 percent related somehow?, You know how @HolyAngel ???
Bigger leafs , more fingers , thicker larger stalks n stems , but otherwise they would be confused as clones on a quick glance .

This tent gonna throw down an amazing quality harvest I think , I hate it’s still 6 weeks out :crazy_face:


Yeah my tk stacks, should’ve seen it in my thread already. I haven’t monocropped her yet tho, she gets the same feed as my other 6 different plants and is what it is. Once I get things cleaned up I’m hoping to run at least half the table with her so see if I can pull it off. Yours gonna look better for sure.

You’re getting nanners on the outdoor girl?

Wedding Cake = Triangle Kush x Animal Mintz

That’s why (WC) looks so close to mom(TK).


I intend on getting them , she ain’t even stretching yet


I get ALL the herms over here and can’t get her to throw nanners for me. Reversing her was a fail too. Lot of pollen, none of it viable by the looks of it so unsure how those nanners will turn out.


I have had animal cookies , and it was honestly very good . A grower from another site grew it , think he is here now , can chime in if he wants to and reads this

Yeah knew they were related , bet my WC Jbeezy cut is WAY TK leaning , maybe why she is so potent and tasty . Still say I’ll be speechless if TK is stronger


I’ll take her as far as she will go , pushing N in deep flower , she will throw them for sure never seen one that won’t when pushed . Will it be viable and create seed ? Every one I’ve done has , but last time I did it was like in the 80’s I think


Animal cookies is mids.


Taste was excellent , bud was dry however and old if I remember right , wasn’t stored properly .

I would not say mids because of her taste , certainly not WC Mac or Ogah power , you are correct , but then what is ???


Cereal milk was mids


not mids because of taste? what? Taste has nothing to do with effects or high. I say its mids because its weak and doesn’t last long. Like all cookies related herb.

The TK, NL5Haze, chemdawg… none of that stuff is mids. Might not be some “lip smacking flavor” but it’ll fuck you up.


I havent’ had a TK outcross yet that was stronger than she is. I’m still looking for it. I’ve seen quite a few that were tastier, louder too, but not more potent. Not the same + better effects.


The curing Blue Dream will last me forever , I let Mom go . I don’t smoke her much , never seen her mentioned when power comes up , but my plant will make you do stupid shit and put me in a dream state where I loose time n connection to the world . I’ve burns myself twice in bed smoking , walked into my pool , put cheese on my car window while under her influence . Where I a wood worker , I would have no fingers .

So I think power affects people differently . BD puts me on my ass , yet never hear of her having power like that . You hate her , lol

I could not smoke her every day , maybe. Once every two weeks .

WC gets me just as high and quicker with less , but I’m not lost , in a dream , and can function just fine .


yeah differences between cultivars. I hate Blue Dream because it was the only herb I had to smoke all day every day for like ~2 years bro. 2 years of the only herb is that stuff that puts you on your ass and do stupid shit like that. Would you wanna see it any time soon after that?

No one disputes Blue Dream’s power. It’s not talked about much, sure, but the line is raved about everywhere, for a reason :wink:


WC is functional just like her look-a-like mom is, Triangle Kush. Functional isn’t lack of potency. Nor is having a drunk high mean super potent.


Yeah , unlike you , 2 hits is NEVER greening me out , ON ANY BUD , even rolled in rosin

Just Ain’t , I’m a season pro , lol :see_no_evil:


Taste is very important to me . Very . I can spice up a tasty ass mid power level plant with a touch of hash or rosin in the joint , the taste stays awesome , power where I need it

So yeah , for me , if it doesn’t taste GREAT , I ain’t smoking it . Why would I?,? WC , Mac , Frankie , Ogah , Lost Cake , Lost Cap ( oh man lost cap cured :boom:) all taste amazing and pack a WHALLOP .

Any of those , with a bit o rosin on my paper , are 4 or 5 hit then put outs .

When I rank these girls , TASTE and smell will enter into it , they have to .

Like a wine dude , smell taste other intangibles will enter into my choice

For me , taste takes a mid to another level


2 hits ain’t greening me out. I’m smoking blunts of TK to the face. Wait till you get there, thinking cookies is strong herb :joy:

Taste and smell don’t mean anything to me at all unless they’re nasty or foul, then I’m not smoking it.

Effects/potency and length of high are king in my book. It could be the tastiest herb in the world and if effects/potency aren’t there and it last a half hour like most modern stuff does, its 100% garbage in my book. Mids at best. Can never be top shelf.

My top shelf could have stuff from the 70’s, looks like reggie ditch weed and one or two hits have you seeing tracers. Wont’ be tasty, won’t be loud, will absolutely have you high af for hours.

Looks, smell, taste, have nothing to do with how it hits.


Morning @Jetdro hope all is well today in the big steer state.


I 100 precent respectfully disagree


What yo sir? @TopShelfTrees1