World of Jetpack Jets great Kush Off 2023! Who will be the champ?

Wait till I get there huh , lol you just don’t know , haven’t a clue


Hey @ShiskaberrySavior


I do if you think Mac and wedding cake are potent :yum:
Everything you love about wedding cake, save for that flavor, is coming from the TK.


My WC IS a cookie , I promise it is not mids


We Shall all see in about 8 weeks time

Can’t wait , someone is eating crow :sunglasses::sunglasses:


Mine went 10-11 weeks. I lost my cut in The Great Broad Mite Disaster of 2021 but have been thinking of growing it again. I have plenty of seeds, but also have a long list of new strains to try… It’s really great stuff. I made a ton of infused coconut oil with it for edibles.


Yep. Again, I’ve had a bunch of wedding cake, Mac and other shit looking for the hype and it just doesn’t exist for me.

The WC may not be mids for you, but it’ll never be top shelf for me. And it’s not like I think the TK is the end-all be-all. It’s just really, really good.


The Tahoe is Stoney AF! I don’t like her only because she puts me to sleep and I don’t like to sleep so much :sweat_smile:
The Skunk Tangerine is rad because there have been times when I smoked her and then later realized that I had not smoked again in 4 hours and was still nicely content :metal:
Triangle does stack, here is a photo of the TK I stole from @farmerjoe420

And what the heck… stole his pic of Tahoe OG too


Thanks man, appreciate it. Mine will look different than that, and scaled larger too.

I can TELL Tahoe will be stong bud, sense it, smell it.

ST, i know already ill love it, just based on her smell, if she has power, then she will be a keeper.
Did you grow n keep her @herojuana.tom


Yes, I have kept the ST. I pull her at 10, so she has more of an up high and yields less than a full 12 week cycle, but she is strong and orange is my favorite terp :yum:


I like Orange too…had one, @Meesh smoked her, named Razor, tasted of an orange creamsicle, i kid you not , power there too!

Looking forward to ST very much…i smell her right now, lol


Whats on the top shelf today @TopShelfTrees1


Ya Tahoe is no joke, it’s a great OG representation, had this Tahoe/starfighter plant once that would lay out anyone! Like good luck keeping your eyes open in 25-30 mins! Shit was narcolepsy in a joint no joke! Mike dubbed it lorazaplant cuz I didn’t need any anti anxiety pills with that one, she did it all on her own. Tahoe on her own isn’t a lot less stronger in my experience.


Smoking some old hash I found stashed in a box, turned hard like a rock but holy shit it closed my eyes on me , like pie eyed city! Not much does that to me anymore. Wish I knew what it was it’s good stuff but I only have a couple grams


Ah that sounds like what I need for nighttime meds.


OMG I wish I still had her for that too. I do know he still has beans. Stuff was unreal, just hit you like a brick in the face lol. Nighty night! Only thing I came across that did that too was this black gas stuff but I only had bud from it, just lays me out! I could smoke 4-5 J’s of other stuff and be fine. That stuff just crushes me, still trying to find a cut or beans of that one.


Yeah, Tahoe can be like thorazine sometimes… as-in wake up after 8 hours, stoned-over and unable to move because your body feels paralyzed :joy:


The other although not quite as potent but no doubt would be holy grail for me if I could find her in salmon River OG (dynasty /prof P) nowhere selling would ship to Canada, professor doesn’t have any and I’ve never seen a clone, find that stuff there’s a pheno or two that is absolutely epic! This reminds me I haven’t asked around in like 6 months about her. Another gem I just cannot put my hands on. Cats outta the bag now, I’m sure I’ll never find her now


Yezzir! I love that shit. Not always but 90% of the time that’s what I need at least late afternoon to keep the devils at bay


HAOG is also similar but just as elusive. Those are the strains that will surely put you on your ass 100% imho