World of Jetpack Jets great Kush Off 2023! Who will be the champ?

How was the date brother? Been waiting on details


Must have been really good if Jet is still in bed this late in the day :joy:


No way, i want the news too ^^



Mac1 and Frankie late replacements for the dead Dosido


What happened to the dosido? Male?


Take it the dosi was a male?


What Dosi , there is no Dosi , let’s leave it there . Now there is Mac n Frankie in same pot a bit late to the party


Naw no connection . Nice pretty lady too square too old no common interests , but it was a nice dinner and I had fun anyways


well thats sucks dosi was looking good. but it is what it is plenty of fire on the back burner.

did you at least get a hand job ?


Aww bummer, but I am thinking your bar is pretty high RN :joy:


Too bad it is , I will be ruined for what I am capable of picking up for quite some time I suspect . Oh well , still wouldn’t trade it for anything :sunglasses::see_no_evil:


I called both Dosido before seeing hairs , normally I can , from shape of pre .

I am getting so blind up close, I worked that damn plant for a month , and even spent an hour trimming it up and cutting it back to fit in tent - few days ago . When I looked at my handy work on the 2nd set in flower tent , Dosi looked odd :see_no_evil: Did not see a sea of white hairs with my naked eyes . Look close , yup bunch of tears drop calyx . I just am too blind up close under those blazing lights to see em. Go get my loupe .

Never seen this before . Was a male , had pre’s that look exactly like lady bits , but no hairs . I mean exactly . Stacking like balls but tear drop shape . Fuck me , now gotta check the outside weak one see what it really is


Yank him out , into trash , nothing open day maybe 12 or so . Left big hole in flower tent .
I hate wasting light , gotta put something in there .


Got next set of 4 just placed in octos a day ago , can’t use them , way too small anyway . Got like 15 cuts of Tahoe tk st WC , too small also .

So look at Moms . Wtf not , use the octo with 2 plants in it . Mac 1 and Frankenstein . Been wanting to run Frankie anyways too many glowing reports lately on her not too .

So I pull that octo out


Mac was in it solo and large . I placed Frankie in beside her , as a tiny cut . Was like 2 months ago . Not paid any attention , just filling their rez once every 2,weeks .

So pull octo out . Mac is big and all over Frankie . Frankie is tiny n tall , she was light blocked (T5) and went vertical to get light .
She flopped out like 10 skinny spaghetti arms that laid almost to the floor :worried::worried:

I put the pair in anyway , see if Frankie can recover and give me some test buds . She is under full light and I shall hack back Mac a bit to give her full light space .

Other than that ooppppsssss all is golden .
Kush Off has made my bedroom almost unbearable to sleep in . The reek is getting pungent , and the mixing varieties is about sickening . The ST is the loudest but her mixed with the way different Tahoe is not nice at all .

Tk and WC In week 6 sucking a bunch of rez juice . They are in the small octo bases , and filling every day is coming soon . Tahoe sucking just as much , ST about 1/2 of that .

WC getting covered leaf in goo , TK not so much . Tahoe a glue friggin factory , this bud is gonna rock ! ST Grows so much differently than the Kush’s are . Yes , she is still a Kush :boom::see_no_evil:

Lumpy , ChemD , Giesel , GMO up potted to octos for next set into flower tent , gives me like 5 weeks . Will replace the Kush off ladies .
Was gonna put Cap Junky in but have special pans for her . I know she will be to my liking very much , so she is gonna go long and large .

Kept a small one of Tk ST Tahoe for mothers inside . Took the extras ( all cuts rooted in 8 days ) and put in shade outside like 2 days ago .

I’ll make as many octos as I can with the list of my mix

Put on chairs next to Dosi

Maybe can tell sex in these pics , or I’ll put on cheaters and get my loupe and make sure :see_no_evil:

New octo set

2nd flower tent , 2 WC 2 Lost Cap

Lost Cap nice

Where my lights STAY

One of TK





Dosi is a beast. A lot of work to keep her under control. If that one is a female. Take a clone and grow that out. Might improve the flower to leaf ratio.


Love the looks of that TK. :100: :fire:


She looks Ight



New Mac and Frankie future moms



The rails on that TK. Mmmm
Looking good brother Jet, looking good.



out door dosi looks female ?

you ever think of buying a carbon filter and just run it while you sleep to scrub the air ? or set it for 15 mins every hour. i can just imagine how loud you smell bro lmfao. 100% everyone looks at you when you walk into a store/restaraunt etc.


Bro me too can’t see the small stuff

I got them cataracts wish it was a Cadillac but shit I got what I got