Would you be interested in participating in a West Coast Meet Up?

I won’t vote for a date bc I’ll probably be free over both weekends. Spot looks cool :sunglasses: haven’t been in Oregon for a long time.
I know someone asked if smoking was ok, but I think we might smoke a little (a lot) more than your average weekend campers… haha.
Hope it works out :+1:


Lol! Yeah, I was specific that nearly all of us smoke and we want to sit around in groups and do that together. They were specific that’s 100% okay on the lawn areas, and the only concern for doing it on the porch is drift to other guests.

So once we’ve got a count of who is coming and what room types they want (and if stairs are okay) then if it’s not enough to rent the whole place I’m going to discuss wind direction with our host and arrange for us (me I expect) to occupy both one of the rooms/cabins with large covered porches, and all the rooms the smoke might drift to from there. That will give us all a nice porch to hang out and smoke on, in addition to the lovely lawn area.

There’s only 14 rooms at the place, and I count maybe 9 people “in” already, so I’m hopeful we can rent one whole side, or even the whole place.

Btw, when you look at prices, I’ve been offered a $10/room/night group discount, and if we manage to rent the whole place it’s $15/ night/ room discount.

Also, if you would like to come but can’t afford it, or would like to donate to help others get there please PM me. I won’t be able to donate room funds myself, and I’m not sure if anything will work out, I don’t have seeds to run a fundraiser with or any such thing, but I’m happy to try to find out.

@Ris and I are thinking to get # 6 & 7 which can be connected to make a larger indoor space and have a big covered deck outside. #5 is a cabin on its own with a big deck too, and would be my second choice.

Looks like a win for August, I’ll talk to @Ris and we’ll do what’s next :smiley:


Hey Rain and all, It hurt to find this last night, and I apologize to you all. I hope it wasn’t I who made it go stutter. My work guy came alive a little bit – he was more eager sitting over here on the bench than I even thought. :wink: My apologies.

My sole intent to figure out a way to make the best event, however anyone defined it. I figured: “If people really want to make this a Thing (capital t), I could get this thing pretty much paid for (or at least with the cannabis industry equivalent of schwag, if not cash to help with OG and postage money, or LemonadeJoe’s site maintenance costs.”

On the other hand, perhaps people want nothing – just a casual meet-up and chill. My assumption was then that I would join you fine people and your others, regardless of Western location. :slight_smile: Way better, I’ll be joining you in 100% navy66 mode, which means shorts and probably sandals and a do-rag over my baldness.

I didn’t intend for anybody to freak out. I left out the part that read “. . .or do nothing and keep it real.”

I will also admit to being/appearing insensitive to those of you who live in places where it’s not legal. That is selfish and myopic, yes, but it’s absolutely not due to my insensitivity. Well, not my DELIBERATE insensitivity anyway. . . :wink: I should do a better job remembering that – despite my having resided solely in California and Oregon – others aren’t so fortunate yet.

Anyway, it was an eff up on me and I apologize.

Thank you all, and my apologies for stalling any good vibes. This cherry is obviously burning perfectly as-is, homegrown and overgrown.


No worries @navy66 ! I’m sorry I hurt your feelings. I’m horribly blunt quite often, but I don’t mean any subtext by it. Just not got great social skills.

I think it will be awesome if you and others make something bigger in the future, and I don’t feel you cut the momentum, now or previously. I was just observing what seemed to have happened, and that this level of gathering is my preference.

If you and others can organize something larger in the future I would likely come and hang out happily at the fringes :wink: and I would cheer you on because funding would make the event more accessible to all.

I’m very glad you still want to come :slight_smile: and will be completely happy to pick you up.

@Mrgreenthumb if you are coming by yourself I bet we could pick you up too, it’s just a Kia Soul but mom and I travel light.


Doesn’t seem like anything is set in stone.


Apology accepted. Not sure it’s really about being blunt vs. social skills though – you actually just did a perfect job in the next paragraphs. In the future, you can simply say that to me directly:

“Thanks but, for me anyway, what I envisioned for this time was. . .”

Instead, I came across your comment and immediately got wondering who did what, and starting looking around to see who I’d offended. It felt just like middle school again. :slight_smile:

I’m just trying to be a nice guy and help out amongst a community that is kind, fun and works for the common good. I was good at my line of work but apparently I’m too old to bring value to the work world anymore, so I have nowhere to use whatever meager talents I have. I let it get to me here, and that was a mistake on my part.

I hope you have the best event ever.


Outta likes.

Thank you for addressing that. :+1:

As plans seem to firm up, I’m finding myself getting more and more excited at the prospect of actually meeting some other OGs!

I’m good up or downstairs. I don’t have any real physical limitations. As for rooms, my preference would be to have a real kitchen, but I’m pretty flexible for an old man. I can still clap with one hand, left or right, without slapping another body part. Or at the same time. I’m flexible! lol (1)

I’m not finding a map of the place, so my question is what numbers constitute “one whole side?” Or perhaps that’s just based on the number of cabins we rent rather than placement? I’m so in. The place looks great! Nice and rustic!

Thanks for all of this, @Ris and @RainToday.

@navy66, I can only speak for myself. Uh? Let’s make it the best event we ever have! Let’s all of us do this!


I guess I expect that people with better social skills produce the second type of writing automatically. I have to think hard to make it happen, which does mean I didn’t think so long about my first reply, and that I need to adjust upward the general amount of social analysis thought I put in before posting. Thank you for the caring and specific feedback.

I personally think our society loses out on a great deal of value by deciding folks are “too old” to contribute instead of valueing their experience and taking another look at their industry to see where workers with deep knowledge but less than lightning fast reaction times and perhaps not a cyborg-like relationship with their phone can contribute. Joking a bit there at the end, but I do mean it.


Maybe I ought to have said “one whole end” :smiley:

It’s a little strip of land by the water, with a handful of individual cabins right next to each other and one small two-story building. :slight_smile:

If I understood correctly from my visit (we were only there one night) and recent conversation #4, 5, 10, 11, 12, & 13 are cabins with very little space in between, the other rooms are in a larger building together.


Nowadays Im in Trinity county California, so southern oregon is even better now than when i was up in tacoma WA a few months ago.

Im living at a buddhist temple, so i cant grow. I wont have flowers to share but will have seeds.


As long as you are there!


Here is the design im using for the Poster, Shirt, Stickers, Sweatshirts im going to be making.


Like @mota said, all that really matters to bring is yourself! :green_heart:

Though don’t worry that flower will be in any way lacking. Mom just about stopped smoking, and I don’t smoke, so I’ll have a bunch of extra of various things. As I recall I can bring an ounce without even infringing the WA & OR possession rules. :wink:

The timing on @Ris 's mimosa I’ve been growing, which is just entering bloom now, will probably work out perfectly for me to bring, an epic and delightful coincidence!! :heart_eyes::green_heart:


Last time i’m going to ask everyone to fill a form. Promise

This should wrap up all the questions and collect the info we need to get this whole thing put together.

Please use the form linked below as this will be our master list for this get together.

Lets Go!


Done. 78910


Me too, Done!
BTW - love the design @Ris
Can’t wait to get THAT sticker! :star_struck:


Completed the form. Can’t wait for this to happen


I’m in there! :heart_eyes:
Friendly bump for anyone who hasn’t filled the form yet for @Ris
I’m excited to firm up our reservations and see if we have enough people to get the whole place :green_heart:


Huge smile on my face
So happy to be alive and on the west coast for this

Thank you 🫂


Just filled out the form! I’m still getting settled after moving to west coast last week. It’ll be nice to meet some OG’s and make some new friends!