Would you be interested in participating in a West Coast Meet Up?

A nice update :smiley:

I called Kevin again at the Rogue, and we now have rooms # 6-13 reserved for us -check in August 9, leave August 11. Dogs anywhere. Smoke on any of the porches no worries. We’ll have that entire end of the place to ourselves, which is exactly the right amount of beds for our current head count.

No credit card needed, no charge if we cancel. Its a retired couple running it, and that’s how they choose to operate now that they have their own place, after 40 years in hospitality management, Kevin says. :v::green_heart:

It’s under my name. No need to sort out rooms until we get much closer, or even arrive. One of them even has a jetted tub. :rofl: Room occupants pay individually however they want when they leave. We can work out any needed cost redistribution and they’ll work with us to make it easy.

If we get any more people I’ll just call up and add on so long as rooms are available.
It’s lovely to feel so welcome at a place! :green_heart:


That is awesome news. thank you @RainToday for finding and securing a great location. I’m looking forward to the get together in August. :sunglasses:


Awesome. Thank you so much for all of the work you are doing for all of us! I too am really looking forward to this meet up!!



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This is going to be so cool, can’t wait to meet everybody and enjoy the surroundings of the rogue river


Well, I got a DM saying that I’m not welcome because certain people don’t want me there.

I thought this was a meetup for OG members and not a Mean Girls sorority

Devastating and depressing :disappointed:


I tried to handle this privately and not to put you on blast, However, since you feel slighted, Ill say it again publicly, the reason I asked you to not attend is based solely on YOUR reputation.


I wanted to see if anyone was interested in a Shirt, Sweatshirt, etc Ill be supplying stickers so you wont need to.

Dont actually buy it from redbubble (I get a discount) however here you can see what all is available .



They aren’t coming up for me…

Link says no products. Is that correct.

So, do tell, what is my reputation

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I believe on this forum people are meant to start a “feedback thread” for themselves if they want detailed public feedback on their reputation.


@Wuachuma - I If you absolutely want feedback in this thread I can do that, however, I would prefer to not air your dirty laundry publicly.

Im happy to discuss this in DM if you want to reach out.

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Not sure whats going on with that. I see 50+ products. In any case here are the main ones to look at


Thank you for putting that up. I’d definitely like one of the West-Coast 2024 OG t-shirt. :+1:


Me too @mota! I want a T-shirt! Thanks @Ris


I see for some designs they offer journals - I would love one of those, spiral notebook style with graph lines, if it’s not difficult. :slight_smile:

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Something like this?


:heart_eyes::partying_face::heart_eyes: yes, that! An object I need a fresh one of, and will enjoy regularly. :star_struck:

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This sounds like so much fun. Truthfully, I am not the only driver of what happens with my Fam over the summer. I will check as the date gets closer. Really not so far by miles…