Wow this site is still around

lollll…you too

It almost seems like everyone is reading/perceiving things differently. Pretty strange to watch lol.



I havent used “teehee” in years…

I started ussing teehee when i was a sniper on clan sandman (qwtf) …i was Fallen[Zzz]

That brings back memories

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not as funny as your first joke where you suggest i leave a site because i dont share your view point

ok @Chronickyle

Folks who see me as the anti christ are most likely alias from old OG

The trollls from OG are ole pink, mia stoner, no-one …cant recall others but as soon as i pointed that out it triggered an admin so imho that admin is an alias or one of these old trolls was there buddy

TP was awsum (The Penguin) Reaper was cool(still see him post in other platforms daily) …there is alot of potential but if the admins troll then its a waste of time

So back to growing. Hey @krusty , did you grow in soil? Those are some impressive pics, ever grown in coco? Nice to hear you are thinking about starting up again, are you going to try LED or stick to MH/HPS?


@krusty is already famous here! Check it out!


well there’s the thread. no more to see here.

Holy Carolina Reaper! @krusty does seem to know his stuff! Hats off! :pray: :clap: :clap: :clap: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I only remember “teehee” because when I started looking into vertical setups a few years ago I would stumble upon quotes and posts from a banned member ending with teehee(2004-5). After reading tons of threads I found dhf, deadheadfred carrying the torch - talking about your methods etc… "lights in the corner, chicken wire on ceiling lol, 50/50 hybrids ← This one he hammered in my head hahahah good stuff


Omg…i forgot about the chicken wire on the cieling…

What happened is about 5-6 weeks in the colas got so huge they would fall over so we had to string up the colas …we put chicken wire on the cieling to tie the strings lol


I think i have tried everything and yes soil …me and the wifey have no kids and when i built this house i made it 5 bedroom for resell reasons …so i do have some spare rooms i could grow but i am thinking of selling and all the rooms are finished…i like setting up grows in basment/unfinished/concrete because growing does ruin the rooms when you grow trees

So debating…would be fun but i should wait til i sell house buy some acreage go get my growers license and create a propper shop…

Alot of work…

But yeah i want to try out/test/engineer a system with led and i should do some small scale to see if led is viable…



Thanx mate


Good to see your still around. Remember your work on icrag.


Nice, hope to see you stick around and document it. LED is most defiantly viable at this stage and is proven tech. That said what worked before still works now. Looking forward to watching you get going and learning some stuff along the way. :v:

my first indoor grow half way thru flower 1991 :slight_smile: had only done outdoor prior :slight_smile:


someone i partnered up with many times …veets was his nick name…i was told he died from a herion overdose but was never close to his family enough to call and ask if it was true :frowning:

anyhoo we got really good product from this build


I used that chicken wire from ceiling hack for 10 years minimum.


more veets pix :slight_smile:

finalsyk finalsyk02 finalsyk03 fla20eveets fla30veets
