Indoor grow show

Hey am here from thcfarmer cus they dint allow trades and shit. I grew up on OG and cannabis world and happy to see it back online. Wanna get it back to the glory of old if possible. They dont have a ton of pussy rules here do they? Overgrown back in the day allowed everything and made it the best weed forum on the web. Thanks RC hope he is out of jail by now


Probably not everything. There are still some rules.


But giving out free test seeds is permitted right? I jus wanna be able to trade and give out free tester seeds like we used to do back before the site got shut down


It is…check out our preservation threads :stuck_out_tongue:


Seeds are good to go :+1:

No brownies, cookies, and stuff like that :wink:


Welcome @Silversurfer , I think you’ll find OG a great site with very friendly people and yes seeds seem to be traded, sold and given away for free, there are some very generous people here.

Cheers Johnny


That was my biggest reason for coming here, I remember as a kid getting seeds from all diff types of people, chimera even personally sent me seeds one time. I wanna be able to give back and have some breeding I have been wanting to start doing with some elites I have acquired. I am jus doing the Male hunt now trying to pop alot of seeds to find the right stud but after that I’ll have all types of mean crosses I’ll wanna document and give out to testers


you’ve come to the right place! People do seed giveaways and trades all the time, check out the “Breeder’s Lab”…there are a few “pussy rules” but no more than absolutely necessary :smile:


Ya new OG is sweet. What strains are you rocking?


I have on hand now gelato 45, gelato 33, animal cookie, banana punch, gg4,wedding cake and zookies but I have access to alot more good stuff like ogs, purple punch, orange push pop, mimosa and other fun stuff but those are what I have in my stable on hand now


The strain in the pic is zookies


The description of Zookies sounds similar to some of the buds off my bagseed grow I did last. It was absolutely tasty. The purple og I called Sadie after the hash decarbed became a almost pure walnut oil taste. I had Jarred and froze a pint jar full of her best buds and when it reached -2f I mixed the ethanol at the same temp to it and only used a vegetable bag as a sieve instead of filtering that heavily. After evaporating it tasted like toasted nuts, so it decarbed or brought out the nutty aroma in the buds I noticed while it was growing very strong.

It’s so fun to find out what changing up your method does to the flavor of the final product :slight_smile: had I filtered more I’d have lost that nutty taste and smell. I had a control also and it was just regular oil smell. Nothing special.


he/we/they gots rules & we have to play nice or keep it in the ‘shark tank’ area.

I hate rules but I like :cat2:s but i don’t like :cat:-rules because :dog2: :atom: why must I chase the cat? :musical_keyboard: :sparkles:

:evergreen_tree: futuristic bow-wow :rocket:


I was kicked out of thc farmer they ban people for nothing and dont allow trades of give aways. I really miss cannabis world and the old overgrow. I am happy you guys are trying to revive the best weed forum that ever existed. I remember big, chimera and many other big growers/breeders being on this site back in the day. Does anybody know what happened to RC is he still locked up? I doubt it it’s been like 15 years


Welcome home! Trades of seeds and non flowering, unrooted cuttings are fair game.

Currently a little slow but usually a giveaway or tw9 every week is common. Lots of good members on this site willing to help everyone achieve their goals so you’ll fit in well…

Btw, keep those pics coming! Good stuff there!


A little PM coming but they are getting cut in like a week so no harm a



Damn fam…(20 characters)


nice looking room and plants!! very professional :+1: Are you part of the legal industry or is that just the ultimate hobby space?


I shun the legal gro scene lol all those legal growers think they are the shot and they actually petition for the law to crack down on illegal growers like me. The legal growers are mostly traders and puppies that were to scared to jump in the game when it was illegal and the ones that transitioned from illegal to legal now want the illegal growers shit down cus they think it’s unfair lol a fucking joke. I’ve been doing this all my life I do outdoor also