Wreckage master bastard kush contest

I may be interested. I’ve only got the one tent so I couldn’t run it before early June.

What does freak show smell like? Yet to see that one in rl.

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Anytime you like, no rush.


Amazing, gassy chemical, pine, citrus, finishing with an incredible sneeze.
It is the kind of smell, that I can’t believe people are not talking more about. It’s friggin yummy.


Gotta get one in my garden someday, I’ve always been interested in that strain. I’ll bet I could grow it in the open and nobody’s gonna know lol


That sounds epic! And a lot like the Zamaldelica Express I’ve got. I really really love her smell. Honestly just want to roll in the plant. :joy::green_heart:


It looks identical to ragweed.

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Did you not try the MTA?
I had a serious thrip infestation earlier in flower.
Like seriously, I let it get wayyy out of hand, lol.

I made some of that mix and did ONE treatment.
It still appears to have been an assault of nuclear proportion.
Hehe, knock on wood!
I’ll probably do another lighter round as an IMP also. But not until I remove to ones about to be done.

So far, I’d say I’m sold.


So the second plant is curing no more grilled onions smell.:disappointed_relieved:


Ok, I’m stuck.
Think I should take er down?

Records show that she’s 80 days from start of flower. I was on 12’s from the start at the time.
That’s about 11 1/2 weeks. And I need the space!

From left to right-ish:
The late WMBK cell mate to this tiny-ass-mystery-sativa-dom-rando-dispo-find seed.
They are both hungry and hating life. I’ll be surprised if they make a decent finish line. Plus side is, this is a completely different WMBK pheno than the other two I have…and I did manage to clone and reveg the mystery plant. (Just incase):wink:

Sour13 by @darkillusion.
Frosty as all hell. Very compact and symmetrical.

Boggy Blue Pineapple Skunk by @NDNCHILD.
(the light green bush)
This is one of two. I bent her over at a 90° when she was young, and this bitch is just raging. Countermeasures are in order, lol.

Tropical Cherry # 8 × Hellbilly by @MG_Canna.
(currently hiding behind the BBPS bush)
Beautiful structure. Great node spacing. Looks to be a chunker in her older age.

Blue Moon Rocks × LSD by @Cartwright.
(lower left middle two)
Clearly I topped or FIM’d at the wrong time. :joy:
They’re little, tight,small, and pretty. Plus, I can rarely bring myself to cull females.

Blue Moon Rocks by @DougDawson.
(right middle shorty)
Same case as above. These cute little bud are quite dense though!

Lifesaver F2 by @Cartwright.
(lower right middle)
Mildly stunted I’m sure, but mostly trained.
Love the smell of this one! Well all of them, but she stands out to me.

You know the WMBK by @THCeed back there.
Another BBPS by @NDNCHILD.
(in front of her to the right)
I let this one stay straight. She seems to be frosty’r and less of a nitrogen whore than the bush.

SFVOG by @Budderton.
Back there with the gangster lean. I know the second I pull that WMBK she’s gonna see the floor as a target, lol.
These girls were slow starters to me. But once they did, seemed to mature very fast. I haven’t done a close inspection yet. Probably should.

Lavender DosiDos by @IrishGrows.
(below the leaning tower of SFVOG)
A completely different phenotype than the one I harvested the other day. This one is also very unique in scent as well. Contemplating a reveg on her too, if I can’t get more seeds.

Another SFVOG by @Budderton.
(lower right corner)
This is perhaps the chunkiest bud I’ve grown.
For I while there, I swear I could watch this thing swell daily.

Another BMR by @DougDawson.
(to the left of previous)
This is the one that was not assaulted, lol. Very frosty with excellent node spacing. Though I am questioning the easy of trimming this gal.

More cool pics to come y’all.
Let’s have that feedback!


Let me know how the trop cherry comes out. Literally one of my top 5 favs. Really unique smoke.


Please elaborate?

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I did 1 round of that.


Only one? It took me 5 apps in 3 weeks to get it done for me. I had other house plants that aggravated the issue.

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That is a bulbous looking thing! What the hell are you feeding it, steroids?:sweat_smile: Hopefully it smokes nice for you!


It is bulbous! :joy:


That girl is, THIC!!!

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Nice! Looks very OG Kush like too! Only blown up! I hope it’s good and stoney for you!


This is definitely going on the “to grow again” list. Right next to the WMBK.