Wtf is This , $2.5m clone?!

I have a killer cross of 5 mystery(to you) landraces. It’s like a whole new experience, you get stoned for 6 hours, and with effects blended between the trippest weed and shrooms that are magical…20 seeds for 25K. US dollars. Act now act fast. If interested please pm me, as a super limited amount of seeds are available and are made each year. Once gone, you will lose the change to grow one of the best strains to ever exist on this planet. Don’t lose out on this steal of a deal!!! Pm me for details!!


“I got some ocean front property in Arizona… If you’ll buy that I’ll throw the Golden Gate in free” LOL


I shall package and resell it, deal!


We should talk one of those Wall Street Bros into buying that cut, then donating it to OG. We could mother that thing like crazy and just give cuts out to everybody for free. Maybe there’s someway he could do a tax write off or some shit.


lol where do these people come from?

Troll listing as far as i’m concerned.

Well i messaged feng on ig and told him hes the biggest piece of shit next to berner.


my question is who is buying these and keeping these people in business?

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I’m pretty sure some of those cuts came from here lol !!!


Seems like there was a power struggle inside Gage Green Group and one partner drove the other one out of the company. There are statements by both sides available and the ousted partner addresses price gauging in his.


Statement by the ousted partner: AN OPEN LETTER TO THE CANNABIS COMMUNITY; from Jeff “Keyplay” Selsor

The way I see it with cannabis seeds and hifi speakers: after certain price thresholds things get worse not better, since these items are less about satisfying a customer base, but more about “finding someone dumb enough”.


My grandfather was a junk collector/dealer for decades. He’d always say “Its not what its worth, its what someone will pay for it”. Needless to say, he ended up with a lot of junk noone wanted. Delusions of value can be a wild thing. But they’ve convinced those legal douche-bros you gotta have the "exotic’ clones or noone will buy your weed. Funny thing is they never consider actually growing good plants lol


Think twice about giving seedbanks who carry these idiots your money as well. Everyone always shouts out GLG for being so cool, while having $8,888 packs of seeds listed. That’s lame as hell and I would never spend a buck there.


I wouldn’t pay ten bob for a cutting. I got in to a debate on another forum regards this. I’m a bit of a purist in most of my interests. I understand people find fantastic expressions and others want to grow them. Others rely on weed as a medicine so require X, Y or Z(ed :hugs:). I get all that. But popping beans and finding your own stuff. Can’t put a price on that for me. I used the word ‘cheating’ growing out cuts. I get that’s 100% not the case and how I got into a debate about it but it’s just how I feel. Fuck growing other peoples stuff. It’s no longer a sport imo once you do that. Get some beans and play the lottery I say


Only needs to make one sale - they say a sucker is born everyday. But really this will improve his chances at selling the other cuts at high prices because the whole menu is ‘high end’. At least to those suckers anyway.

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I don’t know why GLG isn’t getting a bad rap for this. No one’s forcing anyone to pay these insane prices.


This is why I have stayed with Bodhi for about ten years. He doesn’t advertise or market or anything really. Then when he got bigger he dropped his prices by 40%.

I almost bought a nearly 15 year old Bodhi pack the other day for $100 and then I said it wasnt worth the gamble of probably getting some bird seed.

2.5 million can buy an entire operational growing facility in certain areas. These companies are all marketing and no substance. I worked for a company one time where they kept raising the price until there was a drop off in sales and then they’d keep it at that price for awhile and then eventually repeat the process again until it was so high that only the most gullible would buy it.


Just GGG things lol


Check your local grow shops and meetups and stuff for clones, you can many times get great stuff for free or cheap and be part of the community.

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To be fair that’s what sells the most in dispensaries. Local strains people haven’t heard of sit there.

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All it takes one butthead with more money than sense.

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