Yellow Lines on Cinderella Auto

I see, perhaps you can lift up those pots and see if there are roots below and compare between them …

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The fact that it’s a seedling and it’s showing those symptoms at such an early stage in life pretty much rules out a viroid. Almost all cases are from cuttings and even if the seedling was infected it would take longer to show symptoms. That’s why it’s called a latency viroid because it takes awhile to show up in the plant lifecycle


Thank you George I am going to keep an eye on the roots as they develop and start to reach out the bottom.

Chara, this is what my gut has been feeling since its been an odd ball from seedling stage. I always start from seed unless I take the cutting myself. So it couldn’t have been from someone else’s grow.


Quick update: The Cinderella is totally a runt (thats a good thing)…But it is developing some unique bud structure. Really digging the pink coming in.


This little plant did not yield very much but I wanted to follow up on this thread. Its some of the most unique bud I’ve had in a while. Gets me wicked stoned very euphoric. Tastes incredible, like smooth blackberry, hints of chocolate. Thank you everyone!

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