"Yes, I really do need all these plants." šŸ¤£ Autoflowers, photoperiods, bugs, breeding (journal)

Yeah, if youā€™re talking about say, pot, and ask what the TSX did today, lol thatā€™s a good one :grin:


As far as the spambots, thatā€™s not AI. Just some bottom feeders trying to make money off of clicking links.


@Bert is a bot, we could ask him.



Bert says beep beep beep!


So now @Bert is a Road Runner ? Iā€™m so confusedā€¦



Out of likes ā€¦killed it Dr. Bert :+1:


Compete with debugging and dev cycles: :laughing::rofl:


Another good plant to keep pests away are mums or chrysthamsiums also seems to keep aphids and mites away to a point. I think pyrethrin is made from mumā€™s tbh :thinking:. They are annuals that grow in everywhere donā€™t mind heat or dry and grow back fuller and fuller every year


Thats not budman this is budman that must be a distant relitive from out in the woods or over yawnder up on that there hill !

See that @Carty Iā€™ve been everywhereman once or twice fell asleep next too some dude named winkle or dinkle something like that hahahha have a great day hope i gave you a smile ! For the morning ! Oh ! Just noticed this is super Budman it must be that guys Daddy !


Iā€™m very happy with

  1. The resilient and vigorous growth promoting genetics of the Miss Piggy
  2. Successfully saving 4 out of 5. :heart_eyes:

I ditched a shrimpy male which didnā€™t show the same strong growth. It was the only seedling not to manage to send roots down through the Rapid Rooter. I also culled a stress herm. That left two lovely girls. I am blown away by how they started in on such vigorous growth after recovering from the hard start. It was like they never had been damaged at all.

The male has been dumping pollen on them this whole time, so their pre-flowers already have big fat seeds even though the plants are only 7 weeks old, and thatā€™s going to dwarf them as well, but look at the first one to take off - it has hit 22" and developed some trichomes in spite of everything. Iā€™m convinced theyā€™d have been enormous plants given half a chance. @Carty has got something special here, and Iā€™m very happy to be preserving it to a next generation.

The one seedling whose root didnā€™t get bitten off to begin with turned out to be a gorgeous male. So in the end here its going to be two females and a male of Miss Piggy, and additional females of Gabagoo, Man Bear Alien Pig x Double Grape, Beast Mode, and Pineapple x Zamaldelica Express f4.

The buds on the Pineapple x Zamaldelica Express f4 have developed a delightful pineapple smell, and the stems stink of skunk, which is the way the pineapple plants are. Big strong plants too. Iā€™ll be very interested to create an f2 & f3, and to breed them back to the pineapple.

Iā€™ve now got a couple of males in my Scarlet Grapes x Zamaldelica Express f4, with no herm issues there either. Thereā€™s one good looking big girl too, sheā€™s in there with the Miss Piggy pollen though. I donā€™t have a use for the seeds, but if someone wants them I could let some of them finish. Thatā€™d be a very diverse cross of crosses. Itā€™d be (Scarlet Grapes f2 x Zamaldelica Express f4) x (Man Bear Alien Pig x Gabagoo). I do love adding genetic diversity, but I prefer keeping things to the same general effects in the high.


That cross sounds absolutely bonkers lol! I wonder what the terp profile it would carryā€¦ makes me want to grow it :laughing:


Why breed it back to pineapple?

Iā€™m barely scratching the surface of any genetic knowledge, so please be kind, hahaha

Iā€™m with @Gato, that does sound like a hell of a cross, if you want to see some grown, Iā€™d pop a seed or two too :grin:


Alright :rofl: Iā€™ll make the crossed cross of crosses seeds :joy: and send them to you and @Gato and whomever else wants to grow them. Iā€™m sure the plants will be entertainingly diverse. :green_heart:

The reason I want to breed back to the pineapple isnā€™t anything you ought to have figured out. I just happen love these pineapple autos, and they come from HomeGrownCannabisCo only as fem seeds, and with quite a few odd phenos. Iā€™d like a line of pineapple auto regular seeds. Since the f1 generation all 4 girls took after the pineapple, it makes me think itā€™s dominant over the Zamaldelica Express traits, so could give me a pretty solid pineapple line pretty easily. And the Z.E. are pretty similar plants, so even recessives popping up wouldnā€™t be terrible.


Right on, sounds like a hell of a plan! I didnā€™t know the pineapple seeds were fem, does that continue through to the other crosses you sent me? (Iā€™m thinking no, but a question unanswered is an answer unknown, or something like that :wink:)

Edit: also, thanks for doing the seeds :grin::grin::grin:. Scarlett grapes is one I wanna grow and I was just reading up on zamadelica the other day and wow, that sounds killer!! I havenā€™t a clue about the others, other than reading your thread, but I trust ya on em :grin::grin:


Gotta love a pineapple terpā€¦ Iā€™m growing a strawberry Auto, hoping it has a strong profileā€¦
Rain my brother, :pray: I know trying to save Miss Piggy for me has been challenging so thanks. ā€¦ I have 3 Seeds Left And sheā€™s goneā€¦ want me to send you them?

Keep rocking it hallucination nation


Thatā€™s great! :green_heart::seedling::green_heart: If youā€™d like to send them I can grow them right now with these. The other option is save them to cross into the next generation. Not sure which would be the best genetically.

I do know more gene diversity is better for keeping vigorous plants in cannabis in general, so Iā€™m happy to hear you have 3 more seeds. :heart_eyes: Too many genetic bottlenecks in many of the auto strains is why I think we often see such nice vigor from crosses. I still have lots to learn about plant genetics, and then thereā€™s a lot that isnā€™t even known at all by humans yet. :smiley:

Right now Iā€™d be totally fine with extending this Miss Piggy seed run time by adding 3 plants. Itā€™s summer here, so seeds would grow happily, and turning the rest of the lights back on to start other projects isnā€™t advisable in the heat.


Lol!! The only representations Iā€™m making are that those seeds came from those parents, and that the results will be wildly unpredictable. Call them ā€œadventure seedsā€. Just about the full spectrum of sativa to indica effects and growth form available in autos will be present in their parents, and no idea what will win out.

If you want some Zamaldelica Express and some Scarlet Grapes, I can send you those. :slight_smile:

Edit - fem seeds just come from pollinating with pollen from a female plant thatā€™s been induced to produce pollen. I could do the same thing if I wanted a next generation, but can never get a male back in that strain so have to breed with something else if I want to have males.


No shit?? I honestly thought seeds had to be sprayed with silver (or the plant injected) to end up with female seeds, I had no idea you could convince a female plant to produce pollen (betcha know what my google-Fu will be used for shortly, haha)

Iā€™ve read that zamadelica can have some hallucinatory effectsā€¦ Iā€™ve dropped a LOT of money in my life to try and see SOMETHING, even ONCE, but nadaā€¦ Never had any sort of visuals, and Iā€™m actually really bummed about it, hahahaha. Please donā€™t feel ANY pressure to send seeds, Iā€™ll track em down eventually :grin::smiling_imp::grin: (but, also, I wouldnā€™t say no, hahaha).

Youā€™re going to have to tell me what youā€™re looking for, in terms of strainsā€¦ Youā€™ve sent me a bunch now, I wanna repay your generosity!!