"Yes, I really do need all these plants." šŸ¤£ Autoflowers, photoperiods, bugs, breeding (journal)

Wow, sounds like youā€™ve been having some fun! Lol

:rofl::rofl::rofl: :metal:


Thanks @DougDawson!

@globalhead thanks for the clarification!
Thanks for the tag @DougDawson !

& thanks for the work @RainToday !



Thereā€™s a wiki way up there :arrow_up:

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Elevator to the wiki (is lower down now):
:wink: :green_heart:


Lol, sorry all, been working. Sorry for the vague callout, I should have explained.

Nah, my bad too Doug - I somehow missed or self-deleted my introductory paragraph on my post, even before making it a wiki. Iā€™m kind of amazed anyone signed up now that I see it didnā€™t even really specify the mom in the post. :woman_facepalming: :rofl: Got that fixed now. Thanks again!
Wiki Link:


You had me at zam. :rofl: I was looking tho , not sure how Iā€™ve missed your thread all this time. You do beautiful work. :v:


Wooooot! Thanks @RainToday very OG of you!

Zamalama ding-dong!


Awesome job :tada::tada::tada::tada: super cool giveaway/give back


Way to give back. Superior jobimage


I wasnt familiar with Zamaldelica but after looking it up it sounds like a really nice auto! Thanks for sharing with the community! :grin:


Thank you @RainToday!!!


Youā€™re all very welcome! I really love making seeds, and I feel so lucky to have the space to do it, and all of you to share them and our love for this awesome plant with. :green_heart:NH

Little update as I start new fun:
The first two of @Carty 's Gabagoo Beast Mode regs are up! Iā€™m especially impressed because while the top photo is the seed that had grown a half inch tail, the one in the photos below had only the tiniest tail, yet was so beastly strong it lifted that whole chunk of soil. :heart_eyes:

Iā€™ve revised my seedling planting for non-in-house seeds. The top half of the pot is new soil from KIS, and a generous scoop of about 2-3 solo cups worth in the center is filled with seedling mix. This way they are planted in their forever container, in seedling mix, and all the major microbial action and mucky compost mess is down where they wonā€™t encounter it until the tap root hits 6" at least.

Next up, here are some of the first to emerge from my little impulse control failure. :wink: Home bred 5-Alive x home cross pineapple auto - straight in fertile KIS soil, but itā€™s brand new. I really only want a few of them to grow up and make a few seeds with their Lemon Pie x Ciskei lady loves, whom I put under 12/12 yesterday or the day before. Thatā€™s a long project, so probably no updates on it for a while after this.

Zamaldelica 24h germination test here, on some early maturing and rather fresh seeds, but I thought it worth a try :grin: and the shiny brown ones are doing great, so I feel reassured about sending them out. I did have them drying for a few days, some of them in baked rice to help them dry fully quicker. Iā€™ll plant these in the morning. Very excited to grow some girls for consumption! :partying_face::green_heart:

Last but not least, chopped the big pineapple. Lovely big plant! Hereā€™s whatā€™s left, and whatā€™s hanging. For anyone interested, Iā€™ve left the popcorn buds and all the fan leaves I could because I want to keep that girl alive. Sheā€™s got two jobs - one is to finish the modest amount of Zam cross seeds on her, and the other is to live long enough to make seeds with some Beast Mode pollen from those seedlings that just emerged. With a little luck, sheā€™ll do it. Iā€™ve left those lower inner fan leaves on her this whole time because they donā€™t grow back, and I knew once I chopped theyā€™d be back in the light and could feed her. Most of the pineapples have done well for me at living long past harvest and continuing to make new pistils and seeds. Some have even grown a new branch from the bottom. Fingers crossed!


Iā€™m gonna start doing that too. :grin:


Most of the pineapples have done well for me at living long past harvest and continuing to make new pistils and seeds.

Never knew plants can do thatā€¦my understanding was once the pistils turn brown the plant is past the reproductive window.
Iā€™ll keep that in mind for partial pollination if I ever make seeds and also the seed starter center did cross my mind for autos.
Your thread is fun :slightly_smiling_face:ā€¦:v:&:green_heart:


Itā€™s been really interesting holding autos past harvest. Not all of them will keep making fresh pistils. I have a theory that the trait of extreme trichome coverage comes from pumping all of that growth out at once and then dieing. That would be a human-bred thing, because itā€™s not the best choice for reproductive success.

In the wild, plants usually gain advantage by hedging their bets with a larger window of reproductive potential. Those would be the ones that keep on making new pistils for weeks. Itā€™s not necessarily as nice for our own production purposes, but does provide a more dual-purpose plant.

Iā€™m also fascinated to know if it is at all connected to the trait of continuing trichome production at the same rate in spite of some seeds, which is certainly variable between plants, and another good trait for a home growers plants. If I win the lottery Iā€™m buying a state license, setting up a facility, and going to have some serious investigative science fun.

@ThePotanist maybe you could investigate those traits while I wait to win the lottery :wink::star_struck:


Mimosa & friends landed safe!

Many thanks


I can t stand those little fuckers,GNATS SUCKKKKKā€¦
I have apple cider Vinger in some holders but I need something else to eradicate the little bastardsā€¦Any good ideas are appreciated.

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Good strain, I grew Mimosa x Orange Punch from Barneys and it was a beautiful plantā€¦

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