"Yes, I really do need all these plants." šŸ¤£ Autoflowers, photoperiods, bugs, breeding (journal)

Look how cute this Zamaldelica Express girl looks all on her own!

I checked my drying pollen today and found a lot of clumping. This girlā€™s buds have been chunking up and sheā€™s started to smell delightfully of citrus or maybe pineapple, something delightful for sure. The daddy looks good, very nice plant before I moved him to second rate lighting in the bathroom :wink:, and developed a little sweet citrus hint to his stem rub, had a hollow stem too, but heā€™s nearing the end of pollen production.

I decided its far more important to me to get a nice pile of seeds than it is to get anything seedless to smoke off this mom. I was going to pop baggies over the tops of the best buds, but in classic order-of-operations failure I took her into the bathroom first, and bumped the daddy while setting her in the tub. I still put the bags on, but itā€™ll just be fewer seeds on those, not zero :woman_facepalming::rofl: but at least I have a good pollination moment. Momma plant is hanging out with me for a few hours, then a good spray down before she goes back in the grow room.
Dad, after a thorough shake down followed by a spray down:


Your package arrived!!
You are SO generous, thank you so very much!!!
:green_heart: :sparkles:

And what a surprise to find the sticker in there too!
You shouldnā€™t haveā€¦ but itā€™s nice to see how the design translates to the sticker!

Thank you, youā€™re amazing! :hugs:


Bro, I think your right in mating this Zamel girl to my Beast Modeā€¦ ZamBeast Mode maybeā€¦ hehe. I mean, imagine the mating ot these 2 autos broā€¦

And this is in a 2gal felt potā€¦ I now use 3gal and can see a big diff

and this is her mom
kush Van Stitch

Looking forward to our coming ventures together broā€¦


Most definitely! :smiley: Glad you feel the same @Carty - thereā€™s so much awesomeness to be created! :star_struck::heart:ā€:fire:


Hey, I think I have a few seeds of the Zamel strain tooā€¦ so if the pollen your sending is viable and it should beā€¦ I can make more of that strain by painting a branchā€¦ all kinds of options.


All-round update photos - new (to me) phone does a pretty good wide angle shot of my main 6ā€™Ć—9ā€™ space. The other space I use is the master bathroom, for exiling males :rofl:

Mimosa by @Ris, thank you very much for the testers! Iā€™m at 3 for 3, popped perfectly in 2 days in spite of night time lows down near 60f. Up in the cups in another day, though plant #3 needed a little help its clearly still alive and kicking :slight_smile: might have just got stuck under a piece of bark. This is a 50/50 mix of KIS Organics vegetable soil and Fox Farm Happy Frog, with about a teaspoon of Mykos in the bottom third of the cup.

3 new members joined the family, which is 8 out of 8 popping but only 4 of 8 making it out of soil & one emerged but root gone to rot. I think thatā€™s from a one night heater failure dipping temps to 58f. Got lucky and one each survived - Grape Pinnacle x Chem Candy by @pharmerfil , Spour Froyo by @OnePassionateGrower , and Scarlet Grapes by @Going2fast via @blowdout2269
Also, @pharmerfil your seeds were crazy fast to germinate!

And hereā€™s the big Scarlet Grapes sister:

This is a very nice example of the Pineapple auto I love & bred with from HomeGrownCannabisCo -

And to be sure Iā€™m presenting a balanced perspective, hereā€™s the pineapple cross Iā€™m dissapointed with at the moment - culled 2 other girls and a male, kept this one loved her short squat structure, but sheā€™s hardly got a scent. Itā€™s the right smell and its there if I get close, but its ridiculously weak. Weā€™ll see how she smokes, but right now Iā€™m planning to cull her genes from the line. Iā€™ll test a few more from that batch, and if they suck too cull back another generation. If sheā€™s potent but odorless Iā€™ll pack the seeds up for anyone whose growing in super secret. :wink:

So, if youā€™re growing my mostly untested pineapple cross ā€œpractice / floor beansā€, which do not yet deserve a name but one day will be ā€œPineapple Rainā€, when I send out 20-30 seeds, itā€™s because I expect you to cull half for maleness, and at least half the females early on for not looking promising.

I think I need to make that more clear - the big pile of beans is really cool looking, but the folks sending out 6 seeds from a stable line are providing a flip of seeds I view as of higher value. Itā€™s my absolute pleasure to be able to give out beans you can practice on and ditch, and certainly thereā€™s some fire in there like the one I just harvested, but please donā€™t treasure every little sprout - culling 7/8 is much more appropriate.

I start several tester crosses in the same pot, cull the weaklings and scoop out any good males before they are large enough for the leaves to touch. The last girl or two finish alone and 8 out of 10 of those select few have made something awesome for me.

The baby Woodrose crosses and the single Woodrose Remedy are looking great. Certainly a few really nice winners there. Again, I sent out really fat packs of those because I expect some culling. Though in the ones I didnā€™t dump on the floor I got nearly all good plants, so that may be a great cross.

Also, looks like a lovely pollination success on the Zam girl - pistils are all shriveling, except on the 3 top buds I partially covered. I would really like one more cross with her, so I stripped all the flowers off one upper branch to see if sheā€™ll re-flower there, and once I see which are least pollinated Iā€™ll strip the developing seeds off one cola to leave it open for other (Beast Mode I hope :heart_eyes:) pollen.


My rollie pollies take care of the selection for me from the get go! :sunglasses: :+1:
I state my intent of what I want and nature takes care of the rest. :smile:
Thank you for your stress testing!


Huge thanks to @Carty for a heap of awesome genetics! Iā€™m still sorting out my plans for the upcoming absolutely delightful several months :heart_eyes: but itā€™s going to be great! And no doubt will take longer than that to get through everything Iā€™m dreaming of, but thatā€™s as far as Iā€™m going to plot.

Iā€™ve already put the Gabagoo pollen on everything decent and available in the greenhouse :joy: and will share results once I can tell.

The Zamaldelica Express F2 pollination was highly successful, just need to care for mom for 6 more weeks now :joy: and she smells so good!!

This pineapple cross plant is not finished, even though I want it to be :rofl: and its added to the light pineapple smell a touch of something more pungent. The buds also look really different from my usual.

More notes on the way soon :slight_smile:



Hey, you also have pepper plants going? :smile:

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Yeah :slight_smile: though I need to move that one. Its been telling me the light is too bright since I cut the plant that was shading it. Hereā€™s the happy one :smiley: growing from down below, it thinks the ā€œwasteā€ light from the cannabis is plenty. Its a hognose sweet pepper. :slight_smile:

Also, Maui and the cucumbers say ā€œgood morningā€ :sun_with_face:


@Cannacryptic this is my grow :slight_smile: been noodling over what to do to increase the water availability for a while. Love your idea with the mat sandwich, and with the roots reaching down below. The way my shelving is might make it extra easy for me :heart_eyes:


Iā€™ve got beans ā€œin the ovenā€ :wink:
Afghan autos from Kasper0909 are soaking,

and Lemon Pie auto x Ciskei sativa from @LoveDaAutos are in the soil. Only one had popped in the cup, but they all sank so I did my thing and planted at 24-36h soak. Itā€™s given me my best results over time. I actually dug down to check on one of the unpopped yesterday, and it was firmly rooted in the soil. I fluffed the soil a little above the seeds and put the glasses back over them. I went with covers so I could keep the soil less than soggy.

Harvested a heap of seeds from my stunted but delightful pineapple. It had a few fresh pistils, so I dabbed some Zam pollen on there, gave it a foliar nutes spritz, and set it back just in case it can manage a few more seeds.

That Zamaldelica male is a stud with serious staying power! He was looking near spent after dropping a heap of pollen, but after two rounds of water wash off to clean his leaves and two mistings with foliar nutes heā€™s making me another whole load of pollen :hushed::star_struck:

Uncured test smoke report is in on the Diana cross - lovely stuff, strong, happy mood, lots of positive memories and thoughts, smooth smoke, but dry mouth & sleepy. Munchies too.

Uncured smoke report on the Late Night Chocolate Ɨ Midnight Gospel was a big surprise to me. I was expecting a more indica-like effect even though I harvest early. Mom and the neighbor smoked it together, and they started giggling and laughing and telling stories. Said it was strong stuff, very smooth, really pleasant and uplifting. They also got absolutely wrecked - couldnā€™t talk or think well :rofl: and thought that was funny too. Mom didnā€™t get much sleepy off of it, but her tolerance is really high. The neighbor called yesterday to say sheā€™d had some more on the morning and then wanted a nap, and that it was her favorite weed that she has ever smoked.
So Iā€™m revising my plans for that - I am hoping the pollination with Gabagoo succeeded on one branch of it, and I know Iā€™ve got some seeds of it crossed with a home x pineapple. I put some Zamaldelica pollen on its lowers today, and Iā€™m going to keep the rest of my seeds for that cross, because they are regs so I can do a breeding run.


Hey @RainToday . Those are beautiful plants. :heart_eyes: I hope ALL your seeds pop ! Your mother sounds like quite a character. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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She absolutely is :grin::heart: and thank you -
Iā€™m 7/15 seed pops so far, looking good!

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Quick pic round -
Scarlet Grapes looks like a sativa-leaning pheno to me? Gorgeous, vibrantly healthy plant. Its got about 8 gallons of soil I think. Thatā€™s its baby sister in the pot next to it. Sheā€™s doing well in spite of some shading early on. @blowdout2269 @Going2fast

This morning there was nothing showing,
but now Iā€™m 5/5 above ground on the Lemon Pie x Ciskei from @LoveDaAutos. It was delightful to walk in tonight and see two of them fully up and open! Seedlings are so charming!

#5 there in the back is just the neck so far. Interestingly, the pot its in was shaded by the cucumbers the first day or two of germination. Iā€™m guessing either the few degrees less warmth on the soil or the less light to guide it slowed it down, though of course it could be random chance.

Mimosa from @Ris looking very happy.
Sour Froyo from @OnePassionateGrower isnā€™t very happy with me. It had too little light, and now perhaps isnā€™t pleased with its soil? Iā€™m not sure. It was a happy little seedling, so Iā€™m blaming myself here. It may pull through, but Iā€™m also going to try again.

Grape Pinnacle x Chem Candy appears to have stunted, based on low light at first I think, which is a first for me. Its also possible the soil isnā€™t to its taste. I gave it a spritz of foliar nutes just in case that will inspire it. It was a vibrant seedling, so this is my bad I think. Iā€™ll try another, though maybe not for a few weeks, trying to optimize some breeding timing.

Bud porn to perk you back up - the Mango Smile x Grape Crinkle is looking nicely frosty! Itā€™s interesting, thereā€™s 3 of those going, and I got pollen on them a bit accidentally. This one was perfectly happy to lay on the frost in spite of quite a number of seeds. I only found the seeds when investigating why the others werenā€™t frosting up too. Picked all the seeds off them nearly a week ago and now they are laying on the frost too. (Btw, Iā€™m looking at two pollen accidents - one early on with a bit of drift from Diana, those seeds were nearly mature, and then a collection of little ones because I think I didnā€™t wash that Zamaldelica girl down well enough before bringing her back in.)


Looking good @RainToday, So thankful to have made it into your garden. I hope the Mimosa shows out for you. It does look pretty happy. :yum:

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Iā€™m delighted to get to grow those Mimosa @Ris they seem like just our kind of thing! Iā€™m very pleased with them so far. Theyā€™re doing fine with chilly nights and that soil is a bit hot for seedlings. :smiley:

Just did a check up on the afghani seeds, and also on blasted heater. It was on the wrong setting, and shocker seeds from afghanistan donā€™t seem to appreciate 60f nights with 80f days. Tonight wonā€™t be dropping below 70. Two of the seeds actually had little necks pushing up already. Those were closest to the heater. I left them in place. Two I couldnā€™t find. Two others had popped and paused, and those along with the four unpopped I moved into some seedling mix under a dome, from which I can move them with minimal disturbance once they get going. I also want to be able to keep any that donā€™t grow right away under monitoring. Theyā€™re kind of fresh, and Iā€™ve had some sort of fresh seeds that I gave up on sprout weeks later. So theyā€™ll get to sit a good month before I give up. Should have watched the heater better, apologies @Kasper0909 !

Zam girl is pumping up her seeds. Was seeing some fade and not liking it, so finally fed her, even though sheā€™d had way plenty nutes until now. Pulled her out a bit after the feeding and a bunch of water and found the back half of the soil was still dry. I have a love/hate relationship with my grow bags. This is a hate moment for sure :rofl: but I didnā€™t go crazy with nutes, so she should be fine.

Hereā€™s my latest set of pineapple crosses in testing - this mom passed the transplant stress test, and made it through horrid bug attack to make great bud, now if Iā€™ve managed to make some auto seeds weā€™ll be golden :wink:

And the ones I transplanted - most of them are mad at me, but I needed them to move so I could have the space :woman_shrugging: and Iā€™m always keen to see if any of my autos can tolerate a sketchy transplant. Anybody who makes it through and keeps going gets a big boost to their reproductive chances :wink:

And the three Mango Smile Ɨ Grape Crinkle, all looking nicely frosty now :heart_eyes:


Hi @RainToday . Your plants look great! Have a wonderful day. :grin:


Itā€™s no problem, these were not necessarily germ testers just wanted to get a few plants going out there. They are a little fresh for germ testing. :+1:

If you end up even getting a couple plants and one female Iā€™ll be ecstatic. :yum:

Oh good, me too! I just canā€™t help wanting them all :joy: