"Yes, I really do need all these plants." 🤣 Autoflowers, photoperiods, bugs, breeding (journal)

Finally got the transplanting accomplished, way late for my Woodrose #28 × Grapefruit and just right for the Mimosas :smiley:

A bit early for the Lemon Pie × Ciskei, but the tap roots were hitting the bottom of the pot and the plants were stretching. So higher light, and an early transplant for two of them. The others have pots ready and waiting for them.

And finally, here we have the losers. Not sure what to do with them. I gave them some fertilizer because I couldn’t help myself. I mean, folks grow stuff in solo cups - maybe if I supplement a bit and pop them under 12/12 could I get a bud from each? (of the ones that turn out to be girls)


Next seed run planning, input very welcome. Here’s what I’ve got:

I want to do a seed run to f3 for @Carty 's Beast Mode, and include a pile of other fun girls. I can’t be making iffy seeds with other people’s genetics :joy: so there can only be one kind of pollen. So the afghani male(s) I hope to get among those four plants will be banished to a far room. Or the neighbor’s house :wink: if they’re not finished before the Beast Mode Girl(s) hit flower.

Here’s what I’m thinking for other women :wink: I selected for big strong plants, but the list is really too long. Please help me figure out what not to grow for this crossing. :rofl:

I can flower 16 large plants at the absolute crazy maximum. They will be a little bit spread out in growth phases, with some harvested down to shorties before pollination. I’ve got short shelves with room for about 10 of those short ones.

I’ve got 10 Beast Mode seeds to grow, of which some will be boys and leave until their moment. I reduce their light and heat to slow them down.

Autowreck by Twenty20Mendocino
Forum Stomper x Chem Candy by @pharmerfil
Scarlet Grapes by @Going2fast
Charlotte’s Yesterdream &
Webbed Slipper by @repins12
Gorilla Skittlez (1 seed) by Fastbuds
Zamaldelica Express f4 (1 seed) by Night Owl
Haze XL (HomeGrownCannabisco) x Midnight Gospel f2 (Pigtail Gardens tester mix, sweet lovely indica-leaning, massive terps, fast, potent)
Pineapple cross survivor #123 x (Bear Dance x (Pineapple x …)) an exceptionally vigorous, resilient, large, auto. Testers running already.
Sour Froyo by @OnePassionateGrower
Imperium X by Anesia Seeds - ran two this time which underperformed due to fungal attack to roots and stem, but still one was a nice large plant and both made potent frosty and very purely head-high bud.

Thanks all! Here’s a pic just for fun :slight_smile:


What if you cross this one with Beast Mode and call it Dancing Beast? :grin:
Seems like a worthy match.

I’ll joyfully make artwork for a pack. :grin:


That sounds so cool! I would love that art :heart_eyes: though I haven’t been naming crosses, was saving that for a stable strain. Once I get my pineapple auto the way I want it, it’s going to be Pineapple Rain :heart_eyes:

If you ever feel inspired, I would love a proper RainToday avatar. Something happy, like it rained today and the plants are all flourishing. I like rainbows and shafts of sunlight and clouds and vibrant colors and I couldn’t come up with anything that looked good as a tiny avatar :joy:


Pineapple Rain sounds great!

From what I’ve read F1’s tend to be quite stable, the further you take it from there to F2, F3, F4, etc. the more variety pops up?

How do you like this one?


Co-created with AI Art Generator - AI Image Generator API


That is out of this world perfect!!!
If it’s possible, could I have a higher resolution version also?
I still have your address, there will something heading your way. :heart_eyes::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


DM’d, I’m happy you like it!
Thank you for sending more seeds!!!


A huge thank you to AC Infinity! My Cloudray gen2 fans arrived today and they are so dreamy!! :heart_eyes::partying_face:
They purr ever so quietly in a pleasant decibel range, inaudible if you keep them on low. I have them on 7/10, and may turn them up once my plants get used to the new awesome.

These are a clear improvement over the first ones.
The LED to show the level its running at is great, the mechanisms all look solid, and my whole soul breathed a sigh of relief at the quiet. My grow room is meant to be my zen space, and that doesn’t work if it’s not peaceful in there. Thank you very much @supersecretjim for sharing the news about the upgrade!!

Thank you AC Infinity for going above and beyond for your customers. Truly, 6 out of 5 stars.


TL;DR: Never mind restraint, I’ll just grow everything.

I’m up to 8 out of 10 Afghani autos sprouted. Raising the temp to a 70 degree low at night, moving them to get more light baking the soil, and waiting a few more days was the right move for them.

I have just been considering the modest amount of bud in my house, and concluded that I have the most production when I overlap photo and auto plants. I can’t really grow the autos in the understory, it seems to stunt them - except maybe the Scarlet Grapes. Those are badass! And the Imperium X actually got a lot happier when I reduced its light, so its worth a shady try.

It’s also worth an increased focus on my breeding for autos with transplant tolerance, and getting better at transplanting them since some folks are doing it successfully.

But also, I can just grow more of the photoperiods I’ve got waiting.

Going to start a more modest number of the Woodrose x autoflowers, and take good care of them. Will be interesting to see if they overtake the abused ones that are now in recovery, or not. I only got one auto cross to grow last time.

Genders (and therefore also autoflower) confirmed on 4 out of 5 of these home pineapple mixes. They are looking really great. The males in front have very different smells, so not sure what to do there. On the left is classic pot stench, which the nice pineapple’s often have as their stem rub, so no real indicator. On the right is very little smell, but what there is, is sweet and floral. The one on the right is just a tiny bit ahead, and a tiny bit smaller, which are undesirable, but the smell is interesting.


Male on the right in the last photo is gone now. Made some pistils, and that’s not what I’m breeding for. RIP.


We’re down to 3 - a boy, a girl, and the one in the back I bet caught some grapefruit photo pollen. It’ll be headed off to the now imperfectly 12/12 master bath space. The first one I popped in there is going into flower nicely, so I’m just going to roll with it.

Also in there now are all the “losers” from the Woodrose 28 x Grapefruit solo cups. I stuffed 16 of them into a grow bag together. I think it’s a 10 gallon. Nice fertile wormy organic soil. Once I see who the boys are they’ll all die, and I’ll get some buds to test smoke from this cross. :heart_eyes:

Very interestingly, these are the rest of them, up-potted into quart containers and they are all showing pre-flowers today. Looks like a balanced mix of genders, so that’s good. I saw some of the dang thrips on them, and the lady bugs have dwindled again. I may do an insecticidal soap or Spinosad spray and also order more ladybugs. I have too many plants in flower for most treatments. There are some beneficial mites around, but they never actually exterminate the thrips & extra ladybugs are much cheaper.

The Lemon Pie x Ciskei are all up in quarts now too, and looking lovely.

And yes, those are new photo babies in all the solo cups, I’ll share once I see who makes it above ground. :slight_smile:
The Afghani autos are all settled in, number 9 out of 10 seeds emerged today :heart_eyes::partying_face: and the 10th seed was definitely disappeared into the pot, so this is our crew. Duplicate sharing the photos here for my log.

Scarlet Grapes is frosting beautifully :heart:‍:fire:

The Zam seeds developing :smiley:

And @Rogue will be happy up know that the peppers are happy, even the little pepper is very happy now that it’s moved out of the bright light :slight_smile:

Any thoughts about this odd plant? It’s a Pineapple auto by HomeGrownCannabisCo. It has grown very very slowly. I thought it was a root issue, and now it’s flowering it smells lovely but looks quite different. Getting crazy trichomes all over like I’m thinking a hash plant would. I trimmed off all its lower branches already so it could focus on the uppers. Here is what it looks like:

And here is what a “normal” one of those looks like. I’ve grown about 20 of them, and none had these thin buds. Makes me think of throwback to ruderalis. Wondering if there’s any reason to want these genetics. Thinking I’ll just let it finish then harvest and that’s it.


You have me wanting to grow my Zameldelica soon, very soon… hehe.

Always fun to pop in and seeing what all your up to brudda… we should all have the room to do all you do… looks like fun.

rock on bro


Glad you enjoy my wild jungle! Was just admiring your art :heart:‍:fire:

Having an inside grow space is like an epic dream come true. But it still never seems like enough space, :rofl: even though I’ve got the 6×9 room and been taking over the bath in the master bath, now going to have to put the boys in the living room or something. Been contemplating whether I can throw out any more of my stuff and squeeze a tent in somewhere. :laughing:

We live in a 55+ park too :smiley: and bought this place as a terrible fixer or never could have afforded the square footage. Got so so lucky. :green_heart:


What are those purple flowers?

Pepper plants don’t need much light, or much of anything really, tough stuff!!!


A borage relative - Phacelia tanecetifolia :slight_smile: the flowers smell like wisteria to me :heart_eyes:


Omg, that sounds amazing…!!!

1 Like

I’ll put some in your envelope :smiley: I got the big packet when I ordered the seeds. :wink:


You are an Angel…!!!


Mum is test smoking the first of the crosses of Mephisto’s Mango Smile x Grape Crinkle plants I got from Force of Nature on Strainly.

She was set down to pay bills and feeling grumpy despite a little smoking. Now no bills will be getting paid tonight I think :rofl:
She got out the cute flower pot she brought home, and started telling me stories, and now she’s talking about fun creative projects.
She said the weed is really smooth and nice and definitely getting her more high.
Wait. She’s writing a check now. I guess I’ll qualify it as a more “energetic, head high” type. :wink:

The plants frosted beautifully, the odor was very low from them until the end, then the first one developed a nice but mild and not distinctive aroma. The other two are starting to smell quite a bit more. :slight_smile: They have been very easy grow.

Also, soil report - KIS organics one-and-done soil lived up to its promise and carried them through to the end of flower without needing a supplemental fertilizer or anything else. I’m very impressed!

Here’s pics of the mostly dry bud and the other two plants today.


I am thinking very hard about using fresh soil from KIS for my autos every time now. The cost would be maybe $10 more per plant than what I’m paying for supplements & such. Could re-use it once for photoperiods and again for indoor plants / veggies, and then put it in my raised beds outdoors.

My big reason for switching would be the high death rate in my seedlings right now. I don’t care if I lose my own - that’s just breeding for resistance - but I find the death of seedlings I traded for or purchased or got from folks for testing to be very dissapointing.

It makes sense that after a couple years of re-using most of it the soil fungi / microbes would be very well adapted to eat cannabis roots, since the old roots decompose in the pots, but that’s a big issue with seedlings.

The KIS people are local to me, and I can’t remember if I got this one or the one without biochar, but one bag is enough to produce two gorgeous autoflower plants. They were perfectly maxed out on nutrients. I added a little here at the end of flower, but that’ll take a couple weeks to really become available and should mostly be for the next plant going in the pot.

Here’s the soil I’m thinking of - KIS Organics Biochar Soil Mix – KiS Organics

It looks like primarily peat and pumice just like it says.

Some pretty picture updates, and are these nicely recovered photoperiods the right size to take the top off as a clone, or wait a little longer? Where would I cut if so? Only tried it once before, didn’t love my results then.

Here’s more of the family :slight_smile:

These ones from @Ris are just gorgeous!

And I know stripey stem & red leaf stems isn’t necessarily supposed to be a good thing, but this Scarlet Grapes is simply stunningly gorgeous with the color contrast with her fresh flowers and dusting of frost! She’s got a delightful smell just starting too, can’t tell exactly what, but not any of the usual things.
@Going2fast @blowdout2269