"Yes, I really do need all these plants." šŸ¤£ Autoflowers, photoperiods, bugs, breeding (journal)

Iā€™m finally caught up! I think someone else shared this sentiment earlier in the thread but I love seeing someone grow in such a drastically different way than I do. This has been a great read! Your pineapple project sounds awesome. Iā€™m also curious about your grapefruit/woodrose cross. Canā€™t wait to see more!


I feel the same - so much to learn from folks doing things differently, and so fun to see what they have going on! Your Kimdracula is a very pretty plant :heart_eyes::green_heart:

Glad to have you join the adventure here :slight_smile: there will be more about the pineapples in the future, and Iā€™m getting my Humboldt x auto crosses grown up to make some autoflowers from them. Quite excited about that, though if I do get the fresh set of Humboldt seeds I want Iā€™ll probably start over crossing them with something more like themselves. Or with Gabagoo. That could be seriously epic. I mixed them with a pineapple cross last time, and thatā€™s nice, like the Grapefruit its a more sativa type. But the Humboldt is fascinatingly a very ā€œindicaā€ looking type, but has been bred to be a high thc yet functional daytime smoke. Maybe we need to just get on a plane and go down there to get me some seeds. :joy:

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Transplanting yesterday, thought Iā€™d share my low-effort stress management.

Had to pull two more of the plants in the big (30g?) bag. These are my Pineapple #123 home cross female auto, a stress test winner with delightful bud, crossed with another home pineapple cross and also with a grapefruit photoperiod. 7 planted, 5 grew, culled two herms, and this is the removal a handsome male and one that appears to be a photoperiod, leaving just one gorgeous female auto to take over the pot.
Before removals:

First up, I pulled the male. I donā€™t need much pollen from him. Scooped him up, stuffed him in a small pot, cut off a bunch of branches so what he had left better matched his root system, he wilted a bit but I hosed him down and he perked up within a few hours. But I can do better than that when Iā€™m trying. :wink:
Hereā€™s the how to do it better:

  1. Get the plant wet to stop the water loss from the leaves.
  2. Remove at least 20% of the plant / foliage to reduce water usage since it will lose at least that much roots.
  3. Make sure itā€™s still wet.
  4. Scoop it out - I did that the same as the male.
  5. Plant it in damp soil. I didnā€™t give the male any extra soil, but this one I planted nice and gently in a larger pot.
    (6). I waited a half hour or so in case she was going to wilt, and took this photo. No wilting. Hope to see her go into flower soon, now in 12/12.

    The remaining girl got a thorough soaking and a foliar nute spray to combat the small root damages she received when her neighbors left.

    The Lemon Pie x Ciskei are looking delicious :wink:

    Three Awoken Dragon from @OnePassionateGrower have joined the party

    And after an apalling (to me) attrition rate, these 6 Woodrose crosses are alive and growing to add some genetic diversity to my planned creation of a Woodrose autoflower. That will make 3-4 mothers from the Woodrose side.

Those are extremely limited and special to me. I know theyā€™ll definitely do great for you. All had smelly stem rubs early on and all were keepers.
:dragon: :fire:

Phenomenal garden as usual Rain :100:
keep up the inspiring work. :grin: :call_me_hand:t2:


Sounds like Iā€™ll need to take some clones before flowering them then. :smiley: Thanks for sharing! I didnā€™t drop all the seeds, it was 4, so only lost one. Just an fyi, they were slow poppers - I put 3 of the four into the soil still unpopped after a 24h soak.


I had the same thing happen took a few days but I promise oh soo worth it. Theyā€™re F2 I made, and Iā€™m currently working on making F3s for the OG community.Promise youā€™ll see soon why theyā€™re so special. :upside_down_face: :sparkles:


Not a complaint at all :smiley: just wanted you to know, wouldnā€™t want anyone to give up on them just because they didnā€™t all pop open on day 1. :green_heart:


Advice please, from some folks who do more photo plants than me, and the seed creators too of course - all of these are in 2.5 qt pots, moved up from solo cups. Theyā€™re pushing roots galore out the bottom. I need to know what to do. :laughing::rofl:

Specifically, in what order and timing to:
-Flip to flower
-Up pot again
-Take cuts (or not?)
-How big for the new pot, its organic soil and I prefer not to water more than 1x per day. Iā€™d like to be able to train most of them to no more than 4ā€™ tall.

Last time I flowered photos I left them in the 2.5qt pots. It was too hard to keep them fed and watered, and the result was an unsatisfying PITA. :wink::laughing:

The largest plants are Woodrose #28 x Grapefruit. @Upstate I know you said they wouldnā€™t grow much more, but I misread the pots and gave them 2.5qt not 1qt, theyā€™ve recovered and appear ready to grow insanely large. I also now realize that perhaps you meant if I flipped to flower. Theyā€™re not sativa landrace thank goodness :wink: but both parents do enjoy 8ā€™ out in the garden. Input very welcome. :laughing:

The smaller three with them are Mimosa from @Ris

The group with pink pots are Lemon Pie (auto) Ɨ Ciskei (sativa landrace) from @LoveDaAutos


1-3 gallon depending on space limitations,
take cuts once the plants looks healthy and about 1-2 feet tall preferably bigger, the healthier the plant healthier the cut. I found that 6in cuts work best to root out imo.Anything bigger than a solo cup to up pot will do lol You control the boat Rain, veg them out until your happy most people top 1 or 2x . I top and lollipop personally.When you flip just remember some plants grow 2-3x the size depending on strain so Iā€™m sure some LST or HST is in order.If youā€™re going for 4ft then id flip em at about 1ft and a half tall and would top once at least before flip then tie her down a bit.When you flip Regs it takes 2-3 weeks to see sex fyi. Hope this helps :call_me_hand:t2: Happy Growing I know you got this and I know for a fact thereā€™s hundreds of people within this beautiful community that can guide you in all the right directions. :100:


Hereā€™s what the Dragon looks like the line is pretty stable no herms. :crossed_fingers:t2: :fire:


Thanks! Thatā€™s lovely bud :green_heart:

Yes, Iā€™ve seen some crazy growth happen for other folks - even my 2.5qt babies doubled or tripled in size last time.

I actually already have preflower sex on all the Woodrose crosses, half female. :slight_smile: and the other two are fem seeds, so all good there.

Sounds like Iā€™ve got some time before flip, but Iā€™ll get them into their bigger pots soon. I mostly grow yet autos in 7-10 gallons, Iā€™ll see what smaller things Iā€™ve got out in the shed tomorrow.


I typically use the roots to tell me if I need to up pot with Females once I see theyā€™re coming out the bottoms and sides I go bigger. Iā€™m using 3-10 gal indoor currently.Once I go outdoor in a few weeks Iā€™ll get some of your work going as well :evergreen_tree: :deciduous_tree: :partying_face:
Youā€™re doing great regardless :star_struck:


Heya @RainToday really impressed how you manage your grow room
Plenty of different strain and variety of plants
Truly inspiring if i have the same space
Awesome topic :boom::fire::pray: :heart:ā€:fire:


Awe, shucks! I like your little indoor setup - I always admire how clean other people can keep things! :smiley:
I hope youā€™ll tag me when you get to grow outdoor again, thatā€™s something I wish I could do!


Reg Auto
Zamaldelica Express F5

I purchased an F4 regular seed packet from Night Owl, got a gorgeous and manly male and a fabulous and feminine female, and brought them together in a loving way to make some lovely seeds which I would like to share with this community. Thanks for making me welcome, and all the wonderful seeds!

Disclaimer: I estimate these are 99.5% pollinated by the Zamaldelica Express Male. Other pollen was in the house, so I wouldnā€™t stake my life on it.

You must be TL2 or more to receive seeds. If you have joined the site already but arenā€™t TL2 yet, you may message me after you get to TL2 to request seeds. I will probably still have some.

Put ā€œF6ā€ next to your name if you can plan to do a breeding run within the next 6 months, and Iā€™ll send extra seeds. No, I wonā€™t follow up. Just hoping to get some more made for the community from a decent gene pool. :blush:

Open worldwide, to anywhere that isnā€™t too harsh on seed rules. Letā€™s not get in Trouble.
Flags would be helpful if itā€™s not a safety/privacy concern for you.

Update: the first seeds have been getting ripe, so Iā€™ve started sending them along to anyone I am sending other things to, and working my way down the list. I have a lot of your addresses already. Iā€™ll message those I donā€™t when I get there, or feel free to volunteer your address at any time but if youā€™re not too stone :wink: do please change the message title to start with your name to help preserve my sanity.

OTW 1. @Mad_Barry :australia: F6
OTW 2. @Cloud9 :us:
OTW 3. @Rogue :belgium:
OTW 4. @LoveDaAutos :us: Iā€™m a sucker for auto seeds!
OTW 5. @Gadarien :us_outlying_islands: + happy pineapple
OTW 6. @Illicitmango :us: F6/ should be fun
OTW 7. @Sbeanonnamellow :us:
OTW 8. @LzBoy :canada:
OTW 9. @JOHN1234 :us:
OTW 10. @Trimeresurus :us:
OTW 11. @Cormoran :us:
OTW 12. @Wizdom :green_heart:
OTW 13. @sunra108 :us: F6
OTW 14. @CaptainNemo :es:
OTW 15. @globalhead :india:
OTW 16. @GCC.Bud :de:
OTW 17. @Piter :es:
OTW 18. @pizza2 (tough auto seeds)
OTW 19. @OhNo555 :us:/F6
OTW 20. @Smooth :us:
OTW 21. @MyrtleGrounds :us:
Address plz 22. @Jhamersburg :us:
OTW 23. @420noob :us:
OTW 24. @mainerJ :us:
OTW 25. @luxton :canada:
OTW 26. @Pigeonman :canada: :metal:
Other 27. @AmnioticBaptism :us:
OTW 28. @GallacreekD66 :us:
OTW 29. @Villiager :eu:
OTW 30. @splinter7 :us:
Address plz 31. @Originalweedman F6 :us:
OTW 32. @jessethestoner f6 :canada:
OTW 33. @Crawfish :canada:
OTW 34. @Kasper0909 :us:
OTW 35. @hawkman :us:
OTW 36. @THCeed
Address plz 37. @Sincitytoker
OTW 38. @Abbbian
OTW 39. @FeloniousMonk
OTW 40. @Rhino_buddy
OTW 41. @Growgrassblowglass :us:
OTW 42. @IKEA22 :us:
OTW 43.@Wotcha :uk:
Address plz 44. @smokekulture :us:
Address plz 45. @allotment :eu:
OTW 46. @AppalachianBiscuits :us:
OTW 47. @Mrgreenthumb
48. @SeniorGrower :de:
Address plz 49.
Address plz 50.
No more.
But if youā€™ve sent me seeds / pollen in the past for any reason, just send me your address and Iā€™ll send you seeds. Iā€™m reserving a nice pile for that act of gratitude.

Those are the first early bird seeds stuck to my finger and shiny with all the oily stickiness from the mom. She made a beautiful, spectacularly loud odor of maybe citrus & pine? Not classic cannabis. Very nice shape, healthy and large plant. Daddy was excellent too, light scent, good structure, very robust, hollow stem, made pollen for over a month. I finally euthanized him because I needed the bathroom pollen-free again. There are photos of both of them here in my grow journal.

Other pollen on site was all these, but I think only the home cross auto pollen actually made me seeds on the other plants.
Home Cross Pineapple Auto
Gabagoo F4
Supafreak (photo)
Black Lime Reserve X Berryfreak (photo)

Iā€™ll be waiting another 2 weeks or more to harvest the bulk of the seeds, then a week or so to dry, but I expect it will take that long to get things ready for mailing. I think even if I had to cut the plant tomorrow I would have enough seeds for this signup, so Iā€™m going forward with it.


Might want to ask @DougDawson to share his call list over here my friend


Hi @RainToday, thanks for putting these out there. I would love to do a seed run to F6 with these if I could. I was just about to purchase some Auto Zam fems from the UK for that very reason, but I would much prefer to work with your regs.

Iā€™ve got my current seed run to finish up, so I would be looking at a late April/early May start, all things going to plan.


I was thinking a stealth op is more my style :wink: at least the first few days, itā€™ll give folks who regularly read my journal a chance to sign up first. Though everyone is free to do as they wish with tagging :green_heart::v::green_heart:


Delighted to help! Lmk in PM if I need to do anything special to discretely send you seeds. Otherwise for overseas itā€™ll be non-rattling flips or pucks in a card. Usually 3 will fit under an ounce, and if Iā€™m spending the international stamp I like to make the most of it. :wink:


Those flowers look beautiful ā€¦ :clap::clap::clap: :drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:

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