"Yes, I really do need all these plants." šŸ¤£ Autoflowers, photoperiods, bugs, breeding (journal)

Yeah, if thatā€™s what she can do with a full load of seeds, I am very excited to find out what a seedless one is like! :heart_eyes:
I wanted it so much I planted my last Zam reg seed, but just after it came up some mean bug ate it. So now I have to wait and plant some of these. Just as soon as they are a little bit dryā€¦


Thanks @RainToday
1st off, beautiful room(s) loving all the different strains, dunno how peeps keep track.
Iā€™m not planning a seed run atm, but hope the wiki is kind to #8 :smirk:
Are these more on the 14 week side?
Good luck everyone :seedling:


Itā€™s not a wiki for a drawing, itā€™s an ā€œeverybody gets oneā€ wiki. :grin::green_heart:

She hit the water December 16, and I bet without seeds would be harvesting now or sooner, so maybe a 12 week auto. No guarantees. I ran 15h day / 9 night at first, and now 16/8, so she might go faster or larger with more light.


Well hot dam! Thatā€™s even better news :ok_hand:
Thanks for your generosity Rain. :100:


Makes sense, thanks for the giveaway. :v:


@DougDawson your name is on my side list to send seeds to, to stash away or giveaway or grow or whatever makes you happy - thanks for the pollen!

If the wiki doesnā€™t fill in a few days Iā€™ll be delighted to have you chum the water :wink:


Hey @RainToday the Lemon Pie auto x Ciskei girls look really happy and healthy. Iā€™m afraid youā€™re the guinea pig with that strain as youā€™re the first to grow it, probably the only person in the world growing that exact strain. I can tell you the Ciskei on her own about doubled in height. I flipped her when she was about 20 inches tall a week after an aggressive defoliation and giving her really long legs. She flowered for 92 days when I harvested her. It was my hope that by crossing her to an auto that 92 days might go down closer to 11 weeks or so. I think the more sativa phenos will run longer then 11 weeks while the Lemon Pie phenos could run 10 or 11 weeks.


Iā€™ll just let them go a little crazy then :wink: itā€™s always exciting to see how new things perform!

I see two different growth forms at the moment. 4 of them are putting out very ā€œbushyā€ side shoot growth like this

While this one is much more restrained with the side shoots than her sisters:

It seems like their leaves added 2" in spread in the last 2 days :rofl: and Iā€™m sure its because the roots made it out the bottom of the pots and into the larger bed of highly fertilized soil. The one in the front right did not explode the same way, and itā€™s the one that I lifted the pot on to check the root action, so those roots got broken off.


Those are some nice looking geraniums!


:rofl::rofl::rofl: I do have a ā€œfree plantsā€ table I put out in spring. Bet theyā€™d go quicker than most geraniums :wink:


What a great idea, like the little school house for books.
Take a plant, leave a plant :ok_hand:


That is a nice idea :slight_smile:
Thus far mine is 99% me. We live in a 55+ mobile home park where no one is rich. I give away overgrown flowers and herbs, and most years I manage to grow enough extra veggie starts to give folks a little leg up on some veggie growing. The prices at the garden center have gotten absurd. Its so easy to throw some extra things through the greenhouse. šŸ©µ


You are a nice person, hope you hear that a lot in real life too šŸ«‚


Thank you so much @RainToday! :v: :green_heart:
:100:% too kind!


@JOHN1234 Nah, only 99.5% too kind :wink:

I prefer to be nice. It generates really warm happy feelings inside me. :heartpulse: I like the world better when people are nice, and so its right that I contribute.

Once in a while Iā€™m really depressed and grumpy, then I get super upset with myself and practice my apologizing skills. :wink:

Iā€™m not great socially, in particular Iā€™m overly direct and prone to talking to much, especially about my plants. :wink: Pretty sure my neighborhood reputation is ā€œsheā€™s kind of weird, but really nice, and donā€™t ask her about plants unless you really want to knowā€. Iā€™m content with that. :slight_smile:

And once in a while someone unequivocally justifies me not being nice. Iā€™ve got zero issues providing firm boundaries, and although Iā€™ll be nice as long as possible, and then polite as long as possible, there isnā€™t a point at which Iā€™ll cave in. I just get less and less nice until the necessary level is achieved. No casualties yet, but I used to teach school, and babysit, and Iā€™m very clear there would be a casualty before someone got away with hurting a child in my presence. Not that you all needed to know that exactly, but I donā€™t like to support the perception that nice people are one-dimensional. :wink:


Well IMO you are :100: %. We canā€™t please everyone and it seems you have a great attitude about it.
I am also direct and grumpy at times so can relate.
Hope you are always comfortable here. Really couldnā€™t wish for a better group of like minded people.

Iā€™ve always liked the saying, Donā€™t mistake my kindness for weakness :slight_smile:

Have a great one @RainToday!

BTW, I refuse to accept any more seeds unless you agree to let me send some stamps :wink:

Almost forgot to mention your garden! You really have a nice clean setup. And the diversityā€¦well, color me jealous!


Thanks very much!
:100: there for all you said. Except the stamps :rofl: I mean, I canā€™t actually stop you if you kept my address, but thereā€™s folks on here who need the help more. Iā€™m quite happy to have you send to one of them. Iā€™m not going a great job of retirement planning :wink: but weā€™re afloat just fine here.

Hereā€™s something I bet everyone can laugh at with me - last night I had this awesome moment, just finished cleaning the last of my seed backlog and started putting them away, and one was a cross I made of 5-Alive (sativa-type high photoperiod) with a home cross pineapple auto (very happy head high)

I had this flash of happy insight and realized it would be epic to breed that with those Lemon Pie Auto x Ciskei sativa from @LoveDaAutos and then grow the seeds out for a possibly very cool new auto line. So I raced over and got a shot glass, 3 sec in the microwave, and then I poured some of the seeds in my hand and they were SO PRETTY and very much not uniform. I couldnā€™t make myself put any back, so I tipped them all into the water, schpluoink. Iā€™m going to have to do some selecting later for sure, because 24h laterā€¦ :laughing::woman_facepalming::rofl:

Anyone who missed it, hereā€™s the wiki to save you scrolling -

@joheimgrohen I saw youā€™ve got a bit of an international call list, please go ahead and tag folks if youā€™re willing, this is open internationally. :green_heart:


Donā€™t know that I have a ā€œlistā€ per se, but I can try to remember who Iā€™ve sent to internationally. I donā€™t keep addys. But @Piter, @Ras-T pop to mind immediately. If they stay short I know @Ras-T might be interested. Iā€™ll see who else I can remember.


Sorry! I figured it out, my error it was in tagging the wrong name. Thanks though! Hope you sign up too if you would enjoy these. :slight_smile:

Found the post from before again, @Jhamersburg Iā€™ve copied your call list from the other giveaway, please be welcome to sign up and tag others.
I almost took out rogue to not extra tag, but thought better to leave on in case other people copy-paste

@Rogue :belgium:
@Piter :es:
@HollySun91 :brazil:
@Tlander :thailand:
@Villiager :de:
@dingys :brazil:
@ervasagrada :brazil:
@CaptainNemo :es:
@globalhead :india:
@creatorknbsland :brazil:
@Abbbian :brazil:


What about @GCC.Bud & @pizza2
some nice Autoā€™s for Legalization ?