You know you're high when

That’s awesome my first. Class was art class and I was a beast on the pottery wheel don’t ever tell anyone I told you that so I threw a bong on the pottery wheel and fired it my teacher allowed me to go through with the project and then had me take it down to the principal and explained to him what it was he was a good sport about it he let me take it home but I didn’t get to finish it off like I should have I’ve always had a desire to make another one and fire it or learn how to blow glass. We didn’t have a shop class so I never got to weld or anything cool


LOL you’re a nut they made my aunt watch Reefer Madness when she was in school it just seemed so crazy to me when the cop whips the guy around into the sunlight and he cringes like he’s a vampire. Shit is hilarious. Oh yeah the point of this was when I used to come in at night time when I was in my early teens my dad used to check my fingertips for orange blunt fingers he called them. Then he would check my eyes I use Clear Eyes but he used to say your eyes are so glassy and they look like two piss holes in a snowbank that was my favorite quote. My dad is so straight it’s still to this day. I’m pretty sure he knocked me out half a dozen times in my teens


Like when you roach BOTH sides of your joint and light the fkr up n smoke some cardboard or when you’re looking at your plants in the tent n end up waking up with yer head STILL in the same position - hours later .!!

How about when your walking to a mates , stoned n you walk into the house next door/street …:thinking:

@Schmokey I’ve done this many times and end up just shutting the fridge - then going back n doing it again later :crazy_face:.

Do that all the time too @Ghandisflipflop - i can’t remember what i was watching after channel surfing :man_surfing:lol.

Getting old(er), but good times .! haha :rofl:.


You know you’re high when- You can not recall finishing the joint, let alone notice that it is still lodged in-between your fingers well snuffed out by this point… - This is how I gauge just how good something really is…


You know you’re high when - you find yourself at the checkout with nothing more then junk food even though you were supposed to be shopping for groceries …


You know you’re high when - you have searched high and low for the lighter that was in your hand the whole time…


“Where’s my cell phone? I just had it… let me try to call it”

“Please enter your password, you have 1 new voicemail”

Fuck it’s dead


You know you’re high when - You awaken to all of the lies you were taught growing up and realize why they don’t want us to use mind expanding plants…


Iv done that shit at times with my phone ! Lol I can start blaming some of this crap on old age! Haha

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I did something like that last week, I drove to the market stoned ( which I usually never do ) because I had to have Oreo cookies and milk, but I came home with $80.00 worth of munchies. I felt like a kid at Christmas time.


Love doing that… And you sit it all down in front of you like a king and take a bite of everything and suddenly, none of it looks appetizing anymore lol


You just had me rolling in laughter… your so right.


I’ll talk to people when I am high. If I am straight I won’t say a word.


And I’m the opposite, when I’m high I think that either I’m not saying the right thing or that I’m not making sense to others. Weed is the only thing that does that to me.


Lol Im a chatter box for the first like 20mins of some good new stuff… talk all kinds of weird and shit lol doesn’t make a whole lot of sense… but then I come round


Trying to unlock the door to the house with my remote for the car locks. Damn


Turning down the radio cuz you can’t see when it’s that loud lol


When the remote is arms reach away but you’re still too lazy to change the channel


When you reach forward towards the coffee table and forgot what you were reaching for.


When you write a huge story on here.
Then read it back and think "wtf "
Then delete it.
Then write something else or just not bother.
I do this multiple times a day.