You know you're high when


just read this, really good!


I have some to share :grin:

You know you are high when:

Many moons ago I used to hangout in a smartshop in town and one day these guys show up and they were talking about weed with the owner and they asked if I wanted a hit. It was my first time smoking quality weed. Little did I know what was lying ahead of meā€¦ It was an Afghan Shiva ( at least thatā€™s what they called it) and it was niceā€¦ mild tasting.
Nothing special I thoughtā€¦ about 15 minutes in and boy was the stuff powerful. I had the munchies like never before and the thirst.
My head was about the size of a mellon.

Anyway I walk into a Caffe and ask for a sandwich and immediately the girls started giggling and jokingā€¦ they one girl that was making my sandwich says " Iā€™ll put some extra onion, itā€™s good for people that smoke and a Coca-Cola" and I answered " but I donā€™t smoke" and she kept snickering.
I wondered off and sat at a garden bench looking at people float byā€¦ I started eating and drinking but my impression was that the baguette was coming out through the back of my head and the soft drink was going up into my brain.
All of a sudden it hit me ā€œgod Iā€™m so stoned! And I still have to meet with someone and I can be seen in this state, I better walk it off!ā€ And I did, I must of walked 10km and I was still high but better.

That was a fu&ā‚¬in amazing experience.

I have had also a very bad one recently but with edibles that I made with some powerful cannabutterā€¦ but that, thats another story



gotta be careful with the edibles
last batch of brownies turned out super strong
I told people to eat an eighth of one small brownie
some people just donā€™t listen ā€¦


I made this mistake with my mum. Was the first time I had made edibles so was trying to work out rations. I made brownies, and they were pretty strong, so I cut a small piece out and gave to my mum who has never smoked or taken cannabis before, but was interested as I had been educating her on the benefits of CBD for her Crohns. I told her explicitly ā€œonly have a small bite, like a quarter, and if you dont feel anything after a few hours, try eating half another dayā€

well the next time I saw her she told me she ate the whole thing and it kicked in whilst she was eating dinner with friends and said she was basically in space and struggled to lift the fork off the table. Her friend found it hilarious.


Yup so did my choci chip cookiesā€¦ Really tasty but it blasted my mind so hard that I was out for hoursā€¦ Really tripping sh@t

I laughedā€¦ Couch locked started to cry my guts outā€¦ Had to crawl on my hands and knees to get to the bathroomā€¦ you name it
Man that was a real exorcismā€¦

back in the early 80s, I used to catch ride to high school with two guys. one of them was the schools weed dealer. I got high every single morning for free riding with them.
One day, the dude had hash, and we got crazy stoned on the way in.

we pull into school, and a couple girls come to the car. they want to buy weed and get high too.

we take off driving. passing joints, listening to music and laughing.
I cant even talk anymore. so fucking high.

someone passes me a fresh joint. I hold it to my mouth and suck inā€¦ and it disappears.
slipped through my fingers and right down my windpipe. I guess it made it to my stomach instead of my lungs? cause I didnā€™t feel burning inside.

I stopped. stared at the seat in front of me for minutes. worrying. Like cheech and chong ā€œIā€™m gonna die!ā€

everyone starts looking around, whereā€™d that joint go?
I started laughing and could barely get the words out, that I inhaled the whole thing. lit.

man, that was a rough day of school to get throughā€¦
:rofl: :woozy_face: