You post, $1 is donated per OG to OverGrow

Thanks @Heliosphear! Your generosity is unparalleled.

I first smoked weed in 1971, out in a large pasture/field, full of old growth Oak trees. It was summer and after dark. I piled into a huge car with other high school mates, that had around 8 of us in there. One guy had weed. I was 16, and I didn’t get high that first time, but, I never looked back.

I grew a few times with a neighbor out in the woods and near a creek, but we always got ripped. We were trying to grow Mexi bagseed. It was sativa('ish), and obviously not gonna finish, even in the deep south.

@misterbee and I grew up within about 60 miles of each otherbut never knew him before here.

I’ve been on here about 4 years I think, and was on another forum (OpenGrow) before this one. It’s a great community of people, gardeners, weed lovers, and top growers. It’s the fastest way for someone to improve their grow experience/and knowledge.

My first best grow was outdoors in the mountains of western North Carolina, after '95. My guide was Ed Rosenthal’s High Times Grow edition. It was outdoor, and sooo good. Carolina sandy loam dirt, narurally.

I moved my whole life, so growing never stuck till I settled here in southern Colorado. I’ve been back at it for 6 years now and loving it, and the OG site, to come and share with like minded people.

I’ve been sharing seeds I got here with other local organic gardeners when needed, and I’m trying to promote a small growers group to share our stories and discuss preservation and/or sustainable growing/harvesting relating to our special place. I’m in a rural area, and growing is so laid back.

Thanks again, to @Heliosphear, @LemonadeJoe, and all of the staff in keeping a civil home for us all. We can strive to make the world a better place through our interactions and relationships with cannabis and community. peace :peace_symbol:

disclaimer: I am baked. night, night! :sleeping:


Really cool of ya. I love overgrow, found it when I was a fresh 16 year old stoner in 2003. Glad it came back.


I’ll add to my story… I used to belong to and mod a small forum years ago the people were good, the mods were for the most part fair…but the owner of the seedbank and forum… not so much… he outed a member and a breeder in a post. I protested and shortly resigned. This is old news and both the forum and the breeder/breeders are no longer in business, but it left a bad taste in my mouth then…it was att the only forum I really belonged to so…just went about doing my own thing…

So more than than a decade later I signed up here at OG. I.admittedly lurked for a time and found a great group of knowledgeable folks! And also noticed a familiar name @JohnnyPotseed If memory serves me correctly I believe it was Johnny and few others in that forum, back then that had high praise for OG so that’s what finally brought me out of the shadows and couldn’t be happier!

Now I have new found hope and inspiration and fully support this site and everyone here! Thank you everyone!!

Here’s a few seedling about get transplanted 2 Lebanese Landraces and one North Indian Bakery. If you look close at the base of the stem, the shorter Lebanese is a siamese twin. Not sure were to start a new Grow diary because I need to have the space behind our fenced in barn cleared out and since I’m unable I need to get kid on it lol…


Tks @Heliosphear for upgrade OG brotherhood mode (again and again and again )

Bud is from Rio de Janeiro > First > joint 74 > guerrilla 82 > Indoor 96 > direct since 14 > forum mouse trap 17 > p chunk 18 > OGer 21


Really chunky little plants you’ve got going there. What’s that North Indian bakery’s story looks like it’s gonna have shark tooth leaves!


This is awesome, I’m not one for too many words, so thank you. You’re doing a great thing amongst some great people! :man_dancing: :man_farmer:
I’m a new grower of sorts and if you want to follow along it’s here:


Thanks @ShiskaberrySavior ! That’s one Strayfox’s Gardenz - Circle of Blessing’s Tom Hill’s North Indian “Skunk pheno” x Iraqi.The North Indian Skunk was AKA Crybaby Skunk… i.heard it smells like fresh bread and skunk not sure on the flavor but I hear the stone is good medicine.

Edit… I believe I was mistaken. According to Strayfox…Crybaby is Tom Hill’s NIS is crossed with Afghani Black Skunk. Sorry for any confusion.


So this reply will help fund OG by donating a dollar ? What an amazing gig @Heliosphear super generous of you. My hopes is the dealine has not passed and another buck gets added to the OG bucket.

This site is full of amazing rolemodels, absolutely love visiting this space :heart:.

Knowledge is power, passed on Knowledge is priceless, its part of what made ancient civilizations so great. Come to think of it , maybe this is the gathering space for decendants of times past, those of whom find the social constructs of today messy and generally tiring.


Blaze on OG -Happy Monday

Love yall :heartbeat:


You rock-



Feeling super autistic at the moment so words evade me but what a guy. Appreciate you much



Current tally: 105 OG’s have provided a dollar of support for OverGrow by posting in this fund raiser, together we have shared 1000 meals to those in need. When we reach 200 OG’s another donation will be made to supply 1000 more meals. In total this fund raiser has the soul purpose of providing $500 in support for OverGrow and $500 to provide 5000 meals for those in need.

Will you be a part of this event? Give a buck and supply 10 meals with a post.

To the 105 OG’s who already give a buck, Thank you.


You’d think this thread would have been passed 500 posts in the first day.

@Heliosphear Thank you for supporting the community


I’m gonna post again just because I thought by now we would have been topped out… How is every one doing today? What was for lunch? Let’s get some garden shots and move things along! Here is @NugLifeFarms420 Bam-Bam’s chuggin along. Going to open pollinate to hunt through some F2’s because the smells are on point. Left and right are males. I’m going with the male on the left for structure and smell. Center is a super lanky female that smells fabulous and has the old I just stuck my nose in a puddle of gasoline with a bunch of pine needles in it fragrance. Very pleasant to the nose! Hope every one is having a great day and happy grows!


First grow here. Had allot of help from OGers. This site is by far the dankest around and I’m so happy I found it. There is so much info I’m blown away. Anyways here’s my current grow.


I am not really sure what to post or say, but if my cats/kids can help contribute, here are 2 out of 4 of them.

Taking pics of some of my cats is really difficult…the little bastards always look away from the camera, or they close there eyes. :roll_eyes:


I’ve been playing in soil since I was just a nut-stain trained by my grand-father, grand-mother and father before I took up my own self-education due to personal interest. Ever since i’ve always had at least 1x plant hanging around and now in my early 40’s I thrive in a total ecosystem that is my home with flora and fauna all surrounding me.

Cannabis has been my go-to medication for decades; but having only access to black market flower it was tough when I ran out of a batch that actually helped… and brutal when I got a batch that was fundamentally “night-time” smoke and I couldn’t really use it during the day.

It killed my heart that due to my anxiety I wasn’t able to push myself to “break the law” more than tapping into the black-market and grow at home… so you can understand my fire and vigour when :canada: got it’s shit together and on my mother’s birthday in 2017 I ended up celebrating both events by getting myself a 2x2 tent and small “kit” to try this out FINALLY!

AND WOW what a failure that was with fluffy buds and 4 out of 5 FAILED seeds popped so I was lucky enough just to get the fluff.

FLASH FORWARD a few years and a friend is visiting and we’re smoking a joint on my porch having conversations over life, the universe and of course cannabis and I mention my ups and downs. He then mentions he’s learned a lot from a “small community by comparison” to other cannabis forums called “Overgrow” and that I should check it out as it’s rife with info.

So i did and holy carp was he right! Not just about the information, but about the COMMUNITY as well.

One month on OG and I had read-up sooooo much and shared as well and was hooked that by the end of that month I had became a supporter, and now over 1 year later I haven’t logged off on purpose :rofl:

:hugs: :metal:



OG Kush CBD - CannaGhee


OK, lets add a little juice.

For the next 36 or so hours I’ll add $1 to the OverGrow fund (thanks @Heliosphear) for each NEW OGer that bumps this thread up to a max extra $100 cash USD monies from my pocket.

Cutoff 6am Pacific Time Saturday Morning 6/25 to get in New OGer thread bumps.

Come on people of OG, cost me me some cash!!


Do you have to be new to count?


@CornbreadJunior Thank you for supporting OverGrow and the OG’s who make up this community. Adding your $100 dollars means $600 is possible for OG’s to contribute, you never fail to amaze!

OG’s are telling their story of life on the path, it’s beautiful! Getting to know each other, sharing our common bonds makes our community stronger. New OG’s join everyday, young and old, welcomed with open arms from OG’s who collectively can help deal with any problem life throws in the grow path.

All that is required to post showing you give a buck and feed 10 people a meal is 10 characters, “I Love OverGrow” works perfectly.


No Shiska, this is open to all OG’s. You always count! Well, you know… here for sure. :sunglasses: