Your First Seeds

First seeds for me in 1997 were
redhair Skunk nirvana
Mexican Haze dampkring seeds
Kalimist serious seeds
All 3 strain were fire


back in 2007, I first order was some WW seeds from herbies seeds when they were in Uk, I accidently killed them in veg stage, didn’t use fans at all for some reason lol. Then guys offered me to try some autos for the first attempt, they were good. Then I stop doing this for a few years, now try to get back in a train


Mine was back in '99.
Mexican red hair dirt weed from my buddy who brought it across the border from his family’s farm. Wish I still had his contact info although he was always coked up and volatile, as those people always are

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First pack i bought was green devil from tiki seedbank back in I wanna say 2005 or 2006. I would definitely grow again if the breeder was still around. Got em from seed boutique.


Back in 2018 I decided to grow my own as cannabis was doing more to help my mood disorder than the gang of prescribed pharmaceuticals. My first seed purchase was Mighty Glue from The Farm dispensary in Boulder. I still have 3 beans left. Turned into one hell of a passion.