Zephyr grows and creates

Hi @nube here are some pictures of those green crack s1 x chocolate trip in my friend’s garden:

As you can see, they are amazing yielders with excellent structure. As far as I can tell the green crack totally dominates the cross, which in my opinion is a good thing. This is like the perfect green crack in seed form, and much easier to grow than the original clone cut.

Most of the seeds you give me I share with other local MMJ patients.
This line is his favorite meds. He has an old spinal injury and needs to medicate with sativas to be able to keep playing sports and doing physical work.

If you have any more of those Schwaggy’s green crack s1 x chocolate trip, we would both love to grow these again and will be sure to preserve them in pure form this time.

Originally he was going to keep the males, but later he decided he needed to grow sinsemilla and chopped them when he sexed his plants before planting outdoors. Of course I can’t fault him for taking care of his medical needs first and foremost.

After he realized how much he liked these plants, in fall I convinced him to do a light selective pollination so we could at least preserve them in hybrid form.

One of these was lightly pollinated with my earliest Bodhi / neirika China Cangshan sativa male. The other was lightly pollinated with the resinous Ken Estes’ Berry Larry male from my indoor grow. (controlled pollinations several weeks apart to verify purity)

His other favorite was the Pleiades (vietnamese x kashmiri) x (ssh x appalachia).
He is growing that one again this year, along with a few of the Pleiades vietnamese kashmiri f2.


Here are some preflowering photos of the Schwaggy’s green crack s1 x chocolate trip that I had in my garden

I think this is the only one that really shows any hint of the thai. As you can see this one has thinner leaves and slightly more stretch. But it still produced big rock solid green crack buds.

This pheno was open pollinated by my Neirika China Cangshan males.


Hey @zephyr! I hope this finds you well, happy and high. Your plants are gorgeous. Very exotic. RESPECT




Sorry man, I haven’t forgotten about you and looking for another pack of those (green crack s1) x choco trips. :slight_smile: They look really nice in your pics! I do see that “hint of thai” you mentioned.


Thanks again for sharing these nube. no rush or anything. I just wanted to get you those grow photos.

If you do have a few more seeds, I’ll be reproducing this line myself for certain. Great medical line, and a lot of fun.


hey everybody I could use some input on my 2022 outdoor plans.

@nube a local patient gave me back a female dream lotus x (vietnamese x kashmiri) and a male Pleiades vietnamese x kashmiri. They both reveged well after they were sexed indoors.

The dream lotus cross looks really nice, very blue dream dominant. The vietnamese x kashmiri male is an interesting totem pole pheno with short internodes, but narrow leaves. Looks like sativa leaves on indica node spacing.

These are from mr.childs on riu right? has anyone posted grow journals for these?
Is there a need to preserve this f2 for another generation, or are there still a decent amount of these floating around?

I’m trying to decide whether I should go ahead and pop the rest of the vietnamese kashmiri and preserve the line while making some outcrosses.

I was able to keep two females from my bodhi china cangshan sativa landrace, and this vietnamese x kashmiri sounds like a decent candidate for a hybrid with the chinese. What do you all think?

another option is to pop more of my lebanese and cross lebanese males to chinese females. The lebanese and chinese actually smell very similar, which makes that an interesting combination.

I also have a pack of bodhi’s jahruba (jamaica x aruba) hybrid. does anybody know if this is an indoor or outdoor line?


The Dream Lotus cross sounds really interesting to me, since you asked.

Yep, sounds good to me haha. I don’t think I ever actually saw any pics of the flowering plants of that Changshan you grew, but I did see that pic of the harvested flowers you posted over at the other place. They looked predictably spindly (although I thought they looked very smokeable, like something I’d wanna roll up right away haha); maybe the Kashmiri in that male cross might fatten them up a little bit? I dunno. Sounds pretty “exotic” either way. And exotic is always good in my book.

Just guessing here, but it sounds like an outdoor line.


Glad to hear those got grown out. :slight_smile: Yes, they’re from @mr.childs and I think he gave away a bunch to veterans on the east coast. I recall he made tons of seeds and, as a result, I doubt there’s any real need to preserve them, but I’ll let him chime in here. The short totem pole pheno with narrow leaves sounds like a kashmiri leaner.

What do you think: cangshan x pleiadian love nest = cang bhang?


haha excellent name. I like that you worked bhang in there as a double entendre.

@mr.childs let me know if the line is in immediate need of preservation.
If not, another local grower can grow these out an preserve it next outdoor season.

I can still get good medical use from that male plant by veging it out for a month or two and then making juice with it.


i did not create the pln cross. i just took the toughest male i had from it outside with the best pest resistance & let him spread pollen to the silver mountain females in the yard.

no need for urgent saving, but the hoarder in me says everything is in need of preservation.


thanks for chiming in. yeah the pln was one of the supernatural selection lines right? I know those are at f2, I just wanted to make sure that line gets preserved as an f3 at some point so it doesn’t get lost.

I shared the silver mountain hybrid with a few patients and they got very good results with it.

I’m thinking I’ll grow out one of my own supernatural selection packs this season, and get the pln preserved next year. Germ rates are still looking good on your seeds.


i think it was… future plans call for doing an open pollination with the unopened pack in the fridge. if you can get to it before i can(which is very likely), let me know & i am willing to contribute to have more diversity in your f2/f3 exploration


That’s a cool idea. I’m always happy to collaborate on projects like this, I’ll let you know if it fits into my grow schedule next year.


It looks like someone may have made a donation to the site on my behalf,
so to our anonymous benefactor, thank you very much!


This year’s outdoor grow lineup is:

cangshan pheno 1 and pheno 2 that I was able to keep over winter as bonsai mothers
the mothers and their clones were all planted outdoor in large pots. I’m hoping to clone them again in late summer / early fall and keep them for another year. They were some of the healthiest most bulletproof plants I have ever grown.

ISP 91 Dragons
(heirloom hawaiian from Lanai x high altitude chinese broadleaf Helan mountains Northern China) x (Chem 91 clone x 70’s pre invasion afghani hash line)

Lebanese “pink selection” female
my ibl lebanese

Bodhi ethiopian banana tester pheno #6
my last seed from the tester pack

Ken Estes berry larry pheno #2 goji dominant
(goji OG [grass valley OG x snow lotus]) x (Larry OG x granddaddy purple)

The cangshans and the lebanese female are looking amazing.

everything else is still on the small side.
Berry Larry clone is nice and healthy but just a few feet tall, 91 dragons just coming out of the seedling stage and starting to take off.


You have some very interesting crosses going now!


They all sound excellent any pictures we can drool on?


yeah I think so…

Here’s some Majoun hash candy from a traditional french-moroccan recipe.
It’s made with pistachios, honey, marzipan, canna butter, butter, rose water, and over an eighth of my old school honey oil hash. It tastes great, very unique. This is an excellent edible for medical use.

I can write up a more specific recipe if anybody is interested.

Here are some pictures of the Ethiopian banana x old mother Afghani #6 tester. This plant smells amazing, intense sweet tropical fruit with an icy coolness in your nose. Similar to phenotype number 2.

Here is some of the Ken Estes berry larry pheno #8 on a 11 inch by 17 inch baking sheet
This pheno is a high yielding well balanced hybrid with traits from all 3 of the parent lines.

this is one of those branches after trimming

The climate here is very damp so I have to do a thorough trim right away in order for it to dry properly.

This pheno smells like grape and berry, with strong undertones of gasoline, and a definite hint of skunkiness.


Those edibles look interesting and delicious as does your head bread from earlier in the thread. Great grow log. Some neat stuff you have going.


Hey friend! Good to see you around. I’m quite interested in your recipe for those hash balls. They look delicious! Sadly edibles are a waste on me but I enjoy making them for my wife. I still eat samples. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: But please share the recipe.

And nice work on that Barry Larry! Looks and sounds delicious.