Zipolite Oaxacan x Acapulco Gold, Wolfman, Holy Congo, Panamalawi x Angola and Mo

Wolfman smells amazing, but it’s still drying so I’m hesitant to comment. I will say that it’s amazing and hard to place. I’d put it in the men’s cologne category, which I don’t find much in the type of stuff I usually run, so super cool. The high is also a wig splitter just from the testers I’ve picked off the plant while drying. Soaring, red eye stuff but the Haze makes it trippy and the Vietnam is there in the background of the high also giving it that almost drunk feeling but much more functional than Zang which I ran. I hit it with Sour Diesel bx2 pollen and that should be ridiculous. Hyp3rids has a line of crosses to it they just released as well.

Yield was amazing (will weigh once dry but I’d guess around 3.5-4 oz), the plant was bulletproof against all stressors, ideal structure and intense effects and aromas. I’ll definitely work more with this plant and it’s some of the most stable stuff I’ve worked with in a long time.


Yeah, that sounds more like a “classic OG”-type smell to me. I dunno why people always say that OG’s are “lemony,” they always smell (and taste) floral/perfume/cologne to me. Except for the SFV; that one’s pretty “lemon cleaner.”


It’s definitely not like a classic OG, it’s some combination of a musky Haze profile and something floral/umami.

I hear you on the OG though. I was growing in San Diego and close enough with Vader that I had every cut that came through from 2012-2014 until things went bad with GreenworksSD. It’s definitely not all Lemon, although ironically the only OGs I really care for these days are SFV and Face-off which do lean Lemon :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


The day somebody can explain to me what the fuck “umami” is will be the greatest day of my life. Still don’t get it haha. I even went to Umami Burger a few times back like ten years ago and was just like,”I dunno, tastes like a burger to me,” haha. Truffles? Do truffles have that umami thing going on? I don’t like truffles haha, for real. Eaten real truffles many times at the restaurants I worked at and every time I just wondered,”People pay $5000 a pound for this?” I mean, I like to think I have “sophisticated tastes” haha, but I do not know what the fuck umami is.

When I started researching how to grow shrooms, I was like,”Wait. Why isn’t everybody growing truffles?” Looked into it and realized,”Holy shit… Okay, now I know why everybody isn’t growing truffles…” But still… Fuck umami haha.

Haha! Yeah, I love SFV. Never blazed Face-off. Heard too many mixed reviews of it to ever even care to seek it out.


I guess when I’m saying umami, it’s because it’s a smell that makes your mouth water, but in a musky, cologne kind of way, not sweet or anything.

Ha ha, I’m with you on truffles. I’ve had them shaved and they didn’t taste like toejam, but most times the “truffle oil” is used, its like rancid olive oil that’s had a dirty sock soaking in it for months. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I put truffles up there with caviar. I’ve had caviar at a friend’s party in Beverly Hills where we were doing coke off of actual golden trays with mountains on them. Gucci birthday cake. Apparently some of the finest caviar you can waste money on and it was just salty mush on a cruton to me…


Nice seed choise :+1: more sativa lineage :seedling:


Yeah, sorry, man. I got shitfaced all day yesterday, drunk by like 10am. Sorry for the truffle rant haha.

I really don’t think they’re all that, though haha, drunk or not.

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Ha ha ha, hey speak your truth! I’m with you (except on the day drinking part, I break out in handcuffs so I had to stop drinking years ago, but if all you’re doing is hating on truffles when you’re hammed, you’re in good shape).

I didn’t really capture it in recent photos, but the healthy Zipolite Oaxacan x Acapulco Gold has got a lot of blue coming into the buds. Super cool and I haven’t seen truly blue, not Purple herb in a while.

I also took down the Mextiza x Malawi Bastard, whose father is 100% the Vietnam Black x A5T Unicorn pheno. As you can see I had to twist the massive branches into a spiral just to keep the thing manageable in the space. It’s exactly what I was hoping for: Zang but on a bigger yielding frame. Unfortunately it’s also a floppy octopus nightmare, so happy to smoke it, but I won’t be doing any work with it.


Man you are killing it up in here with that sativa heat! How did the cobbing go? Did it increase the potency of the high or make it more complex?


Thank you hermano :pray::call_me_hand:

I definitely fermented them dark and heavy because they were so wet going in and my Temps were high throughout sweat and ferment. I tried a piece of the canary cob as I was drying them for the cure right after smoking line dried flower of the same. The effect was heavier and hypnotic, like your whole body telescopes out if that makes sense. From what I’ve read, this is how it should go and after a month of curing, the effects flip and go psychedelic heady from then out, so I’ll definitely keep this updated.

It was a wild process throwing ounces of bud clipped right off the plant into a vacuum bag to sweat :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: It was like “I’m sorry herb, you’re in God’s hands now…”


Lol man I agree. I’ve only now worked up the mental wherewithal to do freezer cures. Couldn’t imagine that next step of cobbing just yet. Glad to see it’s working out so well for you and you are effectively, in my opinion, bringing back “Thai sticks”


I did also snag some of those holy congo packs from deadpanhead after reading about your results


Nice! I wasn’t sure if they were still available but if you can, do a seed increase as I’m going to as well. A grower friend of mine stopped by last night and tried some. He was like “What is THIS?!” It’s probably the strongest and best daytime smoke I’ve grown in a long time. It hits like a truck though, so while you’ve got energy and you’re moving around, you’re psychedelic and giggling. A more dangerous and potent high than most coming from the Congolese Black in there.

Definitely going to linework this one because there should be some incredible stuff in the f2/3


He’s got 2 packs left listed on seeds for me. And I’ll probably go to his website down the road and get his blueberry x durban


Very very nice.

Yeah very nice! I’m growing some of Colorado sativa’s Malawi X Zamaldelica right now :grin: