Zipolite Oaxacan x Acapulco Gold, Wolfman, Holy Congo, Panamalawi x Angola and Mo

Mine, too!


Ha ha ha, no worries same here. I went like 2 runs with his stuff assuming they were female and lucking out before I got a male and checked the site again.

Also, I’m not affiliated with the dude or anything except that he’s been cool and we’ve traded seeds. I’m more concerned with spreading the word to you guys since if you’re into these genetics, they’re generally hard to obtain or expensive, and he’s making stuff available for around a buck a seed. :call_me_hand:


Just a quick heads up that White Rabbit is having a BOGO sale for 4/20. I grabbed the Double Nigerian as well as the Sour Nige and I’m stoked. Already have the Panama Sour and Nigerian Yoruba Bantu from them, killer stuff and great dudes.


From the info Colorado put out it it looks like he is saying one female put to one male, but then uses the word open pollinated. Im sure he breeds 1-1. Any clarification on that ?

When I had emailed him this question about how many plants used for each S1 he replied back that “It depends, anywhere from four to nine. And yes, I do open pollination.”


Hey @ClassicGenetix,

Great thread looking forward to seeing these sativa beauties fully bloom! :sunflower:


I received a similar response. That he does true open pollinations.


Well clearly I’ve been doing great at keeping this journal updated… I’ve been traveling for my job a lot these last few months, meaning the grow was a tough but successful one thankfully.

I had a few waterings where I soaked them because I’d be out of town for 3+ days. I also added nutes to more of those watering than I realized and burnt the hell out of 3 of the girls. I woke up one morning and literally overnight, Panamalawi x Angola Red OG looked like this.

Actually overgrow isn’t letting me upload images at the moment so I’ll go back and post images later.

I torched the ZipoliteAG and Holy Congo as well but all three finished fine.

The Mextiza/Malawi x Zang is the only one left still flowering at 12 weeks. I had also put the ZipoliteAG clone in the flower 3 weeks after the others and thank the Lord I did. Smoking testers of the ZipoliteAG, it’s unreal. Strong, happy and trippy which is exactly what I was hoping for.

I took about 4 wet oz of the ZipoliteAG and made Malawi style cobs which are on their last day of fermentation now and I’m super excited about.

So right now I’ve got drying: ZipoliteAG, Holy Congo, Wolfman. I’ve got Panamalawi x Angola red og in jars as of yesterday.

The Panamalawi x Angola red og didn’t yield much, haven’t weighed buy prob 2 zips or so. Grew beautifully coated buds that look similar to OG but not as dense and of course longer buds instead of dense og nuggets. Effect is more on the OG/Panama side with only a bit of the Malawi weirdness in the background. Similar to the TKNL5Haze, but much stronger effect.

The Holy Congo is still drying but early samples rip my head off. It’s got that happy Mexican high but there’s definitely something powerful and crazy coming through from the Black Congolese. I love this plant and will be working through this line in the future. Unbelievably strong and interesting.

I just moved all the veggers into the flower tent and so I’ve now got flowering:

  1. A5 Haze x Dragon Energy
  2. Nigerian Rafiki
  3. Nigerian Haze x AfPak
  4. Vietnam Black x Lemon Thai
  5. NL5Haze x Nevil’s Haze
  6. Golden Tiger

I’ve also got a Golden Tiger male that I’ll be using to hit a few branches and make some super boogie.

Seeds germinating currently:

  1. Red Maui (Snowhigh)
  2. Hawaiian Antimatter (Snowhigh)
  3. SC Pure Haze x Nepali Watermelon Hashplant (Doc D)
  4. Malawi x Dragon Energy (Doc D)
  5. BSHW x Colombian Red (Kagyu)
  6. Durban Poison x Double Congo (Colorado Sativas)

I’ll add photos shortly and will have more time to keep this updated going forward, but hope you’ve all been well :call_me_hand:


Abused ZipoliteAG:

Abused Panama/Malawi x Angola Red OG at harvest:

Wolfman at harvest:


Fry job on Holy Congo in front, Zipolite Oaxacan x Acapulco Gold in back:

Not all of the Holy Congo was super upset and thankfully it all smokes righteous, looks be damned:


Being gone from the grow always sucks. It’s supposed to hit dang near 80 for nighttime lows this week and I ain’t nowhere near for 4 days. my Blueberry has already suffered from a timer outage on the water thingy earlier this month.
I’m going tp pop some of your seeds in July… I’ll be sure and keep you posted😃


Yup, just like neglecting human ladies, they get upset and the relationship gets rocky after a while… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Oh, sweet! I’ve always wanted to do that. What’d you wrap them in? And how long did you bury them? What’d you bury them in?

Basically, lay out the entire process for us with step-by-step instructions haha! Just kidding. That is pretty fucking awesome, though. Is this the first time you’ve done that?

Doc sent a Golden Tiger x Black Triangle Remix freebie with the last order, which just sounds like a bizarre cross, but I’m intrigued. Usually, with the freebies, I’m like,”Yeah yeah yeah, whatever, I’ll get to those at some point,” but as soon as I saw that pack, I thought,”This just might be weird enough to plant ASAP.” I was interested in the straight Golden Tiger years ago, but after doing some research on it, I was like,”Ummmmm, maybe I won’t grow this one…” haha. The few grow/smoke reports I’ve read about it, everybody was like,”This is more of a special occasion-type weed, definitely not an ‘every day’ strain.”

Anyway, those lineups sound good, looking forward to seeing how they all turn out.


Yeah, I’m geeked on the cobs. I first heard about it decades ago when I was looking into Malawi. A friend of mine from Spain turned me onto a nice and concise guide from the last few years that I’m trying out. Parchment paper cob on one and no cob on the other, both vacuum sealed straight off the living plant. 2 day sweat on a seed heating mat, 7 day fermentation, I take them out and dry them tonight before jarring for a few months. Everyone swears it’s a new level of herb and only really works on NLD, which luckily I have plenty of. I’ll update after I try a piece tonight. Not sure if I’m allowed to link to other boards, but Google “Malawi Cob Curing” and look for Tangwena’s threads.

Oh nice, the x to Black Triangle would be righteous. Malawi is in my top 5 herbs and Golden Tiger is more approachable thanks to the Thai. You’ll still send your Cookies smoking friends to the psych ward, but you’ll be fine :laughing:


I have found that it improves the impact on hybrids (like AK-47) as well.
Also have seen cob cure with saran wrap…


Ah, okay. I’ve got an old-ass issue of Skunk somewhere in the house with a tutorial for the cobs from that guy the Rev. I don’t remember exactly how he does it, but I know for sure that he suggested burying them for at least thirty days, maybe longer. Seven days sounds short, but I really have no fucking idea. Guess we’ll find out haha…


How’s the wolfman smell? Def on my radar. How long did it take to flower? (sorry if I missed it here)



Sweet! Thanks!

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Yeah, I’m really interested to see how these turn out. I’m going to try it with some of the Golden Tiger I’m flowering now because I’m especially intrigued by how people say it changes the effects of Malawi genetics. People describe the cobbed Malawi effects almost like Thai, makes the Malawi kinder.

@minitiger that’s awesome as when you Google around for the technique, that’s one of the earlier write ups on it. Seems like the vac sealer greatly simplifies the process.