12/12* from seed overgrow

Following for sure!

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Looking good so far! Very enjoyable thread. I remember a while back a couple guys running this way called it colusium style and were perpetually grown. Was thinking of doing this when I was growing out of a 16x16 micro cab I made. You on the other hand have what they calll gumption and went off on a whole other level! Following for sure!


This is also an excellent strategy for high through put production, especially if you are working to stabilize or inbreed a line. The increased planting this affords can allow for large numbers of progeny to grow and select from!

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Gumption is one word for it!
Hindsight the word I would use is naive, at least in terms of being able to care for individual plants.
Just too much on my back. If these plants were raised it would be hella easier.
I was killing plants if they looked at me wrong. From the 108 sown 18 didnt pop, 12 popped late and were either culled or haven’t shown sex yet. 12 were too retarded to make it. that leaves 66 From that about half have been male so im down to like 30 something plants. I will do an exact count later today.
If every plant had the care it needed the rate of decent females would be greater.
The canopy is still over packed so its not like it maters much. The amount of premium buds will probably be the same. Right now; the stretch is fuckin real, had to raise the lights twice in two days.
All ready on to my next grow… :grin:


Love watching this and looking forward to your next grow!

Refining the approach is what we are all here to do! I bet you got a lot of ideas on how to improve a run like this if you do it again, thats the valuable part!! Gotta make some mistakes to learn how to be the best


I found this very inspirational :slight_smile: I have some projects for which what I really need to do is grow a very large number of plants and sift through them for the best to breed. Nice to see a low-maintenance approach to that is possible! :slight_smile:


All-righty now. Believe it or not it took until today for every single plant to show sex. (31 days since flip)
I killed a tun of plants. Im down to 36 - might have miscounted…
Liberty city X iron cindy 2 phenos (5/7)–12
D.O.G X iron Cindy 2 phenos (3/5)---------8
Harlem shuffle X iron cindy -----------------11
shitty labels fell off ------------------------------5
It’s also kinda hard to snap good pics now. This is where i’m at. The Ps. mexicana tubs are also about ready to flush. They are smothered in c02 so I need to remove all the tape to allow way more fresh air exchange.


:joy: dang, I grow that strain too.
Was just considering how to prevent it in the large sets of clones I’m thinking are in my future. I was considering the plastic fruit tree labels. Clothespins have worked great on my larger pots, but little square pots all tight packed together I have nothing good for - actually was admiring your labels, seemed very likely to survive.


@PsillyRabbit are you hand feeding them individually?
I suffer with my back I’ve found just pouring water/nutrient into a tray works fine on occasions, I’ve a piece of capillary matt draped out of the tray it drains away the excess into a jug,
it’s great on a bad day.


I bottom water the tubs they are in most of the time. I have hand watered on top a few times.
This is how I label normally ( especially for clones)
Those labels work great for ball jars and can even be pressure cooked. They must be poly propylene.


That’s ingenious and awesome, we’ve got a very large roll of it because of cat fur. Does seem like it would hold up a bit better than the masking tape. Or maybe I need a better quality of masking tape :wink:


Excuse me sir! I have just been triggered and not sure what else to say but I do kno retarded

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They are less advanced in, physical development. Their growth was retarded. what word should be used ?


Took some shots a few days ago. I LST in flower, In all my years I have never done that. It was only a few for the greater good of the canopy.
Again I would like to apologize for the quality of my pictures. I use a really inexpensive phone with a cracked camera. It’s a hassle to get it to snap a picture of whats seen and when i do there is still a light flare in the lower left corner. They are taken off now so will probably try and snap some better early bud shots today.


They are on week 5 they need until week 11 - feb 28 is estimated harvest date.


Not enough to give you any sort of real answer. I would assume its pretty rare. Even with a light leak thats kinda weird. I have seen pre flowers at 50 something days at 18 hours. I would assume excess nitrogen can maybe slow a plants response to entering flower, to an extent.


Your not learning if your not fuckin up every once in a while. Dont beat yourself up.
13/11 shouldnt be an issue anyway.


Speaking of fucking up.
I am getting a bunch of plants showing signs of Nitrogen toxicity.
I have not given ANY nitrogen in liquid form. There was a lot that went in dry when I made the soil.
My guess is that some of the plants were not watered properly until recently. Now that the nitrogen rich areas have been saturated its releasing an excess to the plant.
I also decided to take some clones… One of the plants was such a fuckin model of what im after that i had to…


Just about week 7. My light is maxed out as far as height and lumens. Younger me would be rotating these ladies every day. Not such a gentleman anymore and it gets done once a week.
190/100 watts of blurple/ full spectrum LED, 430 watts of HPS,
Getting there… Two phenos in the “Penny Pincher” one sandal wood, one dirty diaper Durabn. As appealing as that sounds i’m after the sandalwood pheno. The liberty haze X Iron Cindy crosses are visually more appealing, tighter branch structure, fatter buds and presumably shorter flower. Who knows whats in the Barneys farm G13 genes. A total mystery.


Joke yo like I said, with bad grammar. I do know retarded. And your tent looks nicy nice!