1987 Dog Bud

I wonder what I missed out on then! Because from my perspective (started in 95, didn’t see real chronic until 99/2000), I agree that stuff doesn’t have that stinky rank smell that it used to. When I find it I love that strain (looking at you blue mystic), I need some classic genetics in my life…

top comment :joy:


Now I could be totally wrong but wasn’t dogbud a northern lights haze pheno called electric boogaloo brought to California from elsewhere renamed dogbud then the dog in the pnw. Pretty sure if you had the right old ass hightimes magazine you could find that info in print.
If that’s the case suprise suprise credit would be owed to nevil yet again.
At one time there was at least 20 phenos of that plant being kept and passed around most of the beans didn’t produce much worth speaking about but the winners were real gold.
Just like now most people don’t realize there are ten phenos of dread bread being passed around and on certain lists there labeld as such but most will just see dread bread with little explanation beyond that.


Anyone heard of Crippy by Shoreline Genetics?


Who are you talking about?

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I’m pretty sure if somebody is holding legit krippy or dog bud , blue orca , or any of nevils old northern lights haze or skunk crosses they won’t be listed any where publicly, that’s the first red flag that somebody is probably full of it.
These are cuts that are normally only gifted traded and passed amongst close friends often renamed to many people’s frustration and if they are offerd it’s normally at a insultingly high price or on genetics lists most people outside of the industry just don’t see.
There is a old rumor that one strain in particular was lost when the original holder passed away, not that he was the only one with it but that everybodies mother’s just up and died the next day. Now I don’t know if I’m one to believe something like that but there are old heads that would fight you over that story being true, that the original holder was somehow cosmically tied to the plant and when he died so did it. Probably more likely he was the only one who could constantly keep a mom and everybody relied on him but who knows the universe is a weird place.
I got the plant pictured above as a gift from somebody I don’t know who disapeered in the wind, even the holder of it told me he has no idea how I have it but it must be ment to be , I respect him so I don’t let it out , I also get a vibe from the plant it’s self that says I’m not to ment to slip into the hands of those who would use it to further there genetic studies and future market domination. It kinda screams hide me from the world , keep me safe , don’t let me be treated like all the rest I deserve better I’m not like those other girls :joy:


Im talking about this guy


Pbud mike never heard of him

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It kinda screams hide me from the world, keep me safe, don’t let me be treated like all the rest. I deserve better, I’m not like the rest.

Couldn’t of said it any better myself.
Again somebody who feels like myself.
Who says nobody owns a strain, dont you believe it.


He who holds it owns it lol and i guess if they don’t want to share they won’t

Real deal Crippy has a strong Musky Must smell to it, almost tasted Soapy.

Some of the OG’s I’ve smelled also had a similar smell, but not strong.


When you say soapy, do you mean like putting a bar of soap in your mouth soapy?


As long as it’s not one of those soaps Badger uses. :rofl:


I’m growing the Crippy now and found one crippy leaner that is very close to the original (that I can remember from 23 years ago).

Shoreline OG version. He said it’s actually ECSD x Crippy, are the seeds he released, because he was only able to get a male from the Crippy seeds he got from a Cuban guy in South Florida.

I had the real crippy back in the late 90s and it was the best weed I had ever smoked at the time, and is still a legend in my book. Straight soap/bounce dryer sheets smell with tri-colored buds of dark, medium, and light green. Dense and narrow. Sativa high that was fun, clear, and lasted for 3-4 hours.

Shoreline also offers a Shoreline x Crippy that I still haven’t popped, and they should have some nice phenos in there. I never had Shoreline, but a friend I respect has and said it was the best weed he ever had.

Can’t tell anyone about Swami Seeds if it’s all real deal stuff, but I have grown out a couple of his lines: Nigerian Sunshine & Blue Orca x RKS. They were both great and I can say they are definitely unique. So I choose to believe what he says. He was fair with pricing and sent seeds quickly. He flies off the handle on riu sometimes. But hey, life is F$#%ed up.


He told me he got the cut, never mentioned anything about beans, not saying you’re making stuff up.

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Shoreline OG?

He told me he got Crippy seeds from a Cuban guy and only was able to get a male. I never expected his seeds packs labeled “Crippy” to be an in-line Crippy. I believe this convo was over the phone so I don’t have any text. If someone really cares ask him. He’s on riu sometimes.

Obviously I would prefer an inline Crippy over an outcross.

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Supposedly he got Crippy from a cuban in Colorado, I think that was the story.

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He’s from Colorado. Cubans are in Florida!

I joke, but I really don’t care. If the weed is good and different, I’ll believe the story. If it sucks and doesn’t stand out, than’s it’s probably fake. There’s a long enough thread on riu about swami gear and some success stories.

:man_facepalming: I’m from Miami. The Cuban moved to Colorado that’s what I was told.

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I nominate @Odin44 to ask Shoreline OG for us all :slight_smile:

Shoreline is pretty active on another forum. Im sure he’d be easy to get ahold of.