1st grow, Black domina

Yeah i should, in q couple of hours maybe :new_moon_with_face:

Off to a great start mate, Iā€™ll be watching as Black Domina is on list of beans for next time. Good luck with your growšŸ‘


What kinda nutrients?

Just planted the seeds, i hope everything goes fine, in how many days i should expect the sapling coming out of soil?

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Its urea mixed with Dap

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That a hard one to answer, keep your soil moist, not too wet, and warm about 24c and they should be fine.

Iā€™m happy to see others interested in Black Dominaā€¦but who has the Lady Dominaā€¦she has them dark leavesā€¦


Is that a cross with Black Domina?

Yeah in some hours it gonna go upto 35

35c? Youā€™ll cook them mate.

Well in my room its always 6-7 degrees lower than outside, can i know how much light they need right now?

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Ok so 28c, dont let them dry out though, mist the earth with plain water no nutes.
You dont need light until theyā€™re sprouted up in the soil. You can use florescent lights for seedlings or a grow light. CFL bulbs are good, around 6500k is good.

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I have some 5-6 spare rooms in my house, i can utilize them if i could manage to get some lightning and other equipments


Iā€™m on my first grow too! Best of luck! Great germination rate!


Hope your grow goes well too mateā˜ŗ

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Yaa iā€™ll go with cfl bulbs indoor

Iā€™d research a little bit on lighting!

Get the Photon App. Buy the LED Full Spec reading ($5 I think), use PAR Meter. Put a strip of printer paper on top of ur front camera as a light diffuser. (Itā€™s not a $500 light reader but it gives you a good idea on things)

Look for 100-300 umol/m2/s for seedlings, after (around) 2-3 weeks you can gradually increase to veg intensity 400-600 umol/m2/s . Flowering is 800-1000 umol/m2/s. (I think)

From what Iā€™ve read the plants will often tell you if you have too much light by their leaves taco-ing.

Hope your plant babies turn out great!

Source: Photon App vs $600 Apogee Meter

EDIT: I donā€™t know how well it will work with lights besides LED

Thanks! Much love!


Noted, iā€™ll search that out. I have 7 more strains, i should plant a dozen of them in the spare rooms of my housešŸŒš

Phenotypeā€¦taller plant with dark purple leavesā€¦you can see it in veg early onā€¦