2023 Radicle Winter Grow -'88G13/HP

For sure, I don’t see many allowing them to go that far. Usually just collect pollen then trash em. Although I’m sure it has more to do with available space and also if any other projects are in motion that might cause potential accidental cross pollination.


Yeah…the fact that its spring means I can have them outside without worry of pollinating the whole neighborhood. I’m done collecting pollen off these, but its rainy and cold so there outside receiving more torture!

In late summer/ fall I will turn the basement into male jail. Where I collect enough pollen off the outdoor males and then chop em. Ends up being 2-4 collections until I get em out of there. Its a mad house down there! I have to make it part of a routine at night every day. Where I collect pollen off each plant and then put it in the freezer then straight to the shower for a cool down pollen cleanse!


Female Update:

I did some minor defoliation today. They are all looking good. The pollination has taken on all the girls so there seems to be plenty of '88G13/HP x SR-71 PK seeds!!! Number 6 looks like the keeper so far so I made sure to pollinate it with #9 '88g13/hp male which mirrored the structure, leaf shape, and resin of #6. Looking forward to seeing how it all turns out.


They are getting their fade on at week 7 of flower. I need to defoliate soon to allow more light penetration deeper into the canopy. Seeds are plumbing up inside their bracts. Looks like a couple more weeks on these.


Well I decided to defoliate today and give them a little tlc. Number 6 is still blowing my mind, and the rest are still amazing. I love this line!








Any dominant smells and are they all similar in smell? Toke on any tester buds yet? Looking really nice.

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Thanks @deeez99 ! No tester buds, but I do have the nugs from the mom. Very dank hashy citrus forest floor musky with a hint of latex.

#3 - musky, fruit, and berries
#4 - citrus fruity
#5 - bright citrus hash
#6 - dank hash pineapple
#7 - closest to original mom, with hashy dank musky latex
#8 - bright citrus fruity with some hashy tones

Seemingly pretty consistent alternating between bright fruity dominate or hashy/dank dominate.


Wow nice detail there :+1: Thanks for sharing that, sounds delish!

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man, I hope the seeds come good. very nice plants! :sunglasses: :+1: :+1:


Impressive work @Radicle_Reefer PK colors with G13 potency sounds like a winner. Definitely like your male choice. I’ll be watching your progress :eyes:


Thanks @deeez99 , @noknees , and @OriginalDankmaster96 !!! I’ll have to pass along some testers for everyone once complete!


Here are the males I still have outside. Really showing that purple with all the cold and rain.


great thread and awesome plants!!!
I like seeing growers who aren’t afraid of males :laughing:
I ran a few plants of 88g13hp last summer. The seeds were made by barefrog from the ndnguy stock.
I didn;t end up making seeds as the male I had set aside started showing some intersex so I killed him. Kept a nice female though and just put her into 12/12 the other night. I got some pollen from a guy from icmag a few months back so I’ll F2 her with that.
Nice to see the 88g13hp is still making it’s rounds in grower’s gardens :wink:


Thanks @SHSC-1 ! Very cool. Keep us posted on the ‘88G13/HP pollination.


it’s too funny that the pollen I have is from you LOL
I’ll keep you posted on how it goes.


:rofl: It’s a small world…dang :exploding_head:

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Female update:








Here is the male keeper #9


damn those plants look good…:fire: :fire: … wonderful job on those @Radicle_Reefer :smiley:

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Thanks! Hoping I can get my clones of #6 and #8 to finally root, if not I will reveg outside. All other plants rooted fast especially #3.

I’m glad I collected #9 pollen separately than the rest as he is a stand out with amazing trichome production and no intersex. Also, hoping for some amount of reveg on him as well starting soon. Might throw him in the ground for good measure.