2024 amumayuk dunes with fighting bilbo

@MissinBissin your kid is doing well :rofl: :rofl:


Look at that!!! Magic my Friend, so nice to see that change happen

Great stuff @amumayuk



Outside it Goes !!!
Nice move, it’s June !
Really nice to see the Structures you’ve got ready for use


man wait till you see in few weeks they usually burst outside

ive tested water with this one but will wait a week or two before putting the others
its still risky for damaging frosts
i have a cut secured of this one if she dies i can have a fresh one in right away
but the others are not yet cloned and i dont want to risk them



I’ve got a Fighting Bilbo of my own going outside this season. :sunglasses:


nice i have two sisters i managed to be sucessful in germination no brothers sadly


gosh im lazy today wanted to put clones into solo cups snd plant the remaining girls putside, i fid nothing but my laundry


girls are in the ground it is officially started ill post pics soin im taking a rest

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im thinking ahead even if things csn change drastically i like to think its not bad eith forecasts the almanac

September and October will be warmer than normal, with above-normal precipitation.

i think im looking at a shitty flowering season again
any one got suggestions to not loose too much on quality


My only thought given the reduced growing season you have, would be to make the MOST, of this One.

Make the MOST of the available light.
You could add some subtle Redirecting of the light that is available.

People are lining tents with lights on the sides… angle some White-boards around the grow, to throw a little more light back onto your plants

Just a thought Buddy. Best Wishes all along the Journey

That little extra bit of lite may just be a Boost when it needs it

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this as been already taken care when i installed my raised bed
im good at paint to explain i like to think


I’m thinking a white sheet, thrown over a 4x8 sheet of plywood, and this obstacle gets snugged up fairly close to the plants, and given a reasonable angle, according to the Sun. And think about the next few hours, when aiming it.

Not permanent, not always possible w/ winds, but its that kind of Extra Light, that might help… mcgyver kinda sorta

Cheers @amumayuk, I know that could be awkward for you. Still thinking about Your grow WTF ~ later

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i doubt i can setup this but ill keep it in mind im more scared of the rain

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Elements always Win, I never dispute that one.

I grew up on there is no such thing as Bad Weather, only Bad Clothing…

I still love to play in the Muck

Shit, now look what you’ve done!


nice shots man

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Thanks Amu, much appreciated.

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just wanna let you know im having a taste of the fighting bilbo as im writing this its still fresh and not ready bit im unable to have it there and not cheat tast it before its ready

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Cheers to that indulgence

Do Enjoy, I’m curious as hell as well !

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