2024 amumayuk dunes with fighting bilbo

sadly im not getting the full tast yet but i managed to get every seeds out uncruishedso taste wasnt much tainted but overall it passes i just cannot pronounce myself fully on it yet but im expecting great thing for croptober

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And Yes I see moving Any Panels… is no slick thing. Kudos to you Bud

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girls are enjoying the dunes they gonna get huge i feel it


Nice to see that Trampoline getting used on each plant lol
Bring it on @amumayuk

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dont go too far im growing :evergreen_tree: :evergreen_tree: :evergreen_tree: :evergreen_tree:

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just a lilupdate garden is doing good i took out the green tape and am trying to be more hand-on this season so i pulled out the green tape and started yanking her out towards the cage
picture might come in a few days i wanna let it do its magic first

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decided to get out and take few pictures this morning girls are setting in quickly


In the last photo you have a plant in an octopot. (I think that’s what it’s called.) Does that pot live outdoors full time? Is it sturdy enough to be moved multiple times a day?

Thank you! :+1:


no this is an air pot or root pruning plastic pot

its my first time putting them outfoors but if they are uv resistant they should last


Right. Thank you.

Are they sturdy enough to be moved around in an outdoor grow? I have to move my plants multiple times a day.


i pick mine up by the seam(overlap) as a precaution but so far so good just one handed but i would prefer to handle it two handed


the girls this morning


I like the raised cage, very cool!

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i find it very useful in windy days and for training


I can see the wind this morning, or rather the plants blowing in it, lol


They are being Blown Sideways today !
Bro lol, great pics @amumayuk

WoW you Do have some room to grow there!!!

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not as much today but i did added a lasagna layer this morning before flowering starts in few weeks

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mosquitos were out for bloodand being the defendless one arm guy i am imagine me in shorts taking shots as i was swarmed :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :joy:


Your plants look wonderful, getting really W I D E… @amumayuk

Taking it for the Team… we Thank You for those Shots !!!

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thx man
the beans got strong genes for sure the trunks are thicc AF on the fighting bilbos i was expecting the same ftom mandalas but for some reason they thin( plain normal)

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