2024 amumayuk dunes with fighting bilbo

thanks man i apreciate this alot

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now the 1million dollar question should i keep a cut or not of them outdoor girls i dont want to lose and risk the invasion i finaly got under 95% eradication


The contamination risk is less a problem when talking about clones compared to bringing a plant indoor: you can wash it hard and good before putting it in the cloner (more than a whole plant). And you don’t have to put it in your veg room while it roots, you can put it far away under a small light. So it’s effectively in a quarantine zone, the cloner.

Sorry to read about your stroke. You’re doing great already with one valid arm, wonder what it’ll look like when the other will be back. :wink: Hope it will get better fast!


im expecting the mandala to go down soon so i took teo smsllish branch to try em out and see how they are so far
some early testers
in 4 days we shall smoke the uncured 2-3 weeks pre-hsrvest flower and decide if shit happens if i chop or risk it

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if i strip down all the fan leaves at this stage do i risk any quality issue or im good

i dont usualy go that route so im asking if it could affect things negatively

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Other than being food cache’s, I do not see a Fan / big-Sugar leaf defoliation (especially if septoria is around…) doing any harm at this stage @amumayuk

Bud Growth is where the NRG goes now


i didnt get any answers by the time buddy showed up so i opted for a focus on damaged and dead one and a little bit of thining out for air flow

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fingers were getting some sticking after a few plucked leafs of FB was done its slowly starting to produce the juice
i might have to go mid october if i really want to bring her at her full but might have to settle in early oct or end of sept


Nice work just the same @amumayuk, its nice to get things cleared out ahead of the finish… makes a big difference in my mind.

I’m sure any ill-looking leaves got taken care of !!! Hope your still pumped, having a great evening… and your arm is Sticky !

Cheers Amu

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yeah i have been looking at the forecast and its looking :fire:
i might even get to have them go mid october if all stays well

a very unusualy perfect weather so far :smiley:

a look at the weather


going trough the garden this morning i notice the mandalas are in ripening mode
and the fighting bilbos are starting to frost out, im guessing everything is looking good and im happy :smiley:

even the red runtz are showing they can finish up in time outside this might get a spot in the beds if she can survive an other winter in my care


wellafter smoking the mandala sample i took before i should of i determined that it would benefit from letting her go longer but since i drying with the cannatrol and rain is forecast to be coming ill chop 1 plant every 4 days leaving the curing process for the grove bags thus enabling me to dry 1 plant every 4 days and prevent heavy rain ruining my girls pre-harvest
might chop one today or at the latest tomorrow


started with one mandala today
sunday is the other mandala
thyursday should be the fighting bilbo but some thing tells me that ill be doing more then full cannatrol per FB theyy are IMO 1.5-2X the yield of mandalas

and so far i filled the cannatrol with just one mandala

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Goosd morning OG garden is riding the final tide heres a lil shot of this morning


Thats a DENSE Forest you have there @amumayuk

Thanks for those morning Bud-Shots

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i had to read that twice if youd know me more personally you would probly laugh why

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Come on, tell me, You are next to a
B A R R E N field lol