2024 amumayuk dunes with fighting bilbo

I use Epsom salt on many plants. Tomatoes, cantelopes, melons have improved sweetness when they get some ,IMO .


might be geting some to topdress for next year since you did good on the seling points

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Its very cheap, just a teaspoonful dissolved into a gal of water. Or I just throw a spoonful or two around the plants and water with the hose. On the tomatoes i have to get a hose feeder to send it to the soaker hoses.

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you means?

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I load my blend into this and attach it to my feed line to my soaker hoses, which are along the tops of the beds under the fabric.

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walking my morning visual revealed the mandalas started to pump out some resin/trychomes production

the difference in the 2 phenos is much more distinct at this stage

the branching and budding is different



Thats Nuts how they have taken OVER your garden @amumayuk

Great work, those are beautiful plants all the way round

May I ask?, how many plants are pictured in that shot?

i have 4 main plants and 5 testers
the 4 mains are divided upon my 2 8x4 planters that i have caged up the testers are in pots winging it
that picture is the bed containing 2 fighting bilbos

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Its a beautiful view @amumayuk


indeed it is im eager to harvwest but i gotta wait and wish for perfect weather at correct timing


I’m with you, fingers-crossed and all… Weather is always the King, but You’ve exploded those Plants Partner !!

I’m hoping you hit October before there is a serious Frost.

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frosts dont scare me as much as the rain and mild temps do
plants directly in ground can take frosts preety good

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I found a little Bud Rot on the Acapulco Gold, outdoors the other day.

So I’ve officially chopped my First Rot and sounded the alarm for 2024

The weather is taking all of our efforts and jamming them into a Funnel, now that it’s all Fragile and definitely Fall

Good point @amumayuk, I’d never really acknowledged that soil-planted plants do better vs Frost than Potted plants

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did a little editing for you @MissinBissin


Now, to say THAT is only two-plants, is some serious Growing @amumayuk

Pretty damn impressive. Great work Bro

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not to brag but lets not forget im not im my best capabilities also…
im sure i could do way better if my arm would come back

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AweMumayuk, you’ve been spectacular since we started typing at each other…

What arm? You do an amazing piece of Work my Friend

i have paralized on the left side arm and leg du to my stroke i recovered my leg enough to walk and be mobile but the arm is a bit more stubborn but not as much as me i can tell you this


My Hats Off to You right from the get-go Amu.

I Respect your day to day drive and passion for Cannabis on a daily basis my Friend.

Indoors AND Out you Dog

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