2024 and Beyond: The Future of Cannabis Quality Amidst Commercialization

Guys let’s forget Dessert Delight for a moment. The real topic is the future of cannabis and that’s what I was planning or hoping to converse here. My opinion is that we can all get together to make weed great again lol

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How do we do that? My weeds always been great, maybe youre curing wrong?


I forgot the LOL sorry


The future of cannabis is to use it to create Oxygen on the moon…



WOW! That’s trippy

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Day 1 of me realizing keyboard warriors no longer even have to type their own content
As far as 2024 and beyond
I must be stuck in the 90s comparatively,
Just do you going forward;
And those who are meant to be in your corner
Will be.


I like to think it will become more like the craft brewing industry, like for the longest time all anyone could get was pissy tasting weak commercial beer, and the companies that became the corporate giants were very successful for a long time in being able to keep their markets. But, eventually word got out that everyday people who dedicated time and energy and passion into small batches of craft beer could create a much higher quality product, and now craft brewers are booming, the choice of much better beer is accessible to more people.
The same has happened with small batch distilleries. And this is a global phenomenon.

So although the current situation is terrible, quality is poor, corporate grow companies put no art or love into their products and rip of artists are everywhere……
We now have better access to a much wider range of genetics than we ever have, and the ease of getting them is also much greater.
So I’m hopeful that the current frenzy will burn out at least to a degree, and there will be a longer term demand for better quality craft cannabis.
Keep on growing I say🙏


Id like to hope, but I remain really skeptical. I used to be one of those growers in the prop 215 era. Did a couple thousand sq ft of dep greenies, and literally did everything with at most a 3 man crew some days. Usually it was just me out there tho. And I knew countless other dudes just like me. Once Prop 64 came in, the corporate grows took everyone out. Dudes went from making a decent living, to you can work a corporate grow for 3-6 months until they steal all ur SOPs and fire you.

Prices dropped from high teens to a couple hundred bucks, and seemingly overnight quality stopped mattering. Plus, theyre waiting for federal legalization, and then the bulk of it is gonna be grown in south america and imported, just like they do with fruit. Word is theyre gonna have the buds hitting dispo shelves at about a dollar a gram. Its gonna be damn near impossible for small growers to carve a niche in that market. Especially since all the marketing of every shitty corporate brand is “craft grown” nowadays lol

The average consumer these days hasnt even had what Id call actual top quality bud. I used to see 100s of lbs a week(no exaggeration), and even in those days, in NorCal, about 5% of bud were actual top quality. So there seems to be all this hope that a big craft market is gonna pop up magically. But folks also realize a lot of those “legacy” growers that love to post vids online were actually really bad growers lol. I dont wanna name names, but I crack up seeing people quoting these dudes like master growers, when in reality they were usually just bulk mids growers blasting myclo and paclo growing blue dream and green crack. The disconnect is massive.

But all hope is not lost. The real way to preserve good stuff is home growers. Taking off the financial pressures make a huge difference. And more importantly, people will hopefully preserve based on stuff they like, vs the hype strains promoted by clowns like berner. Ive heard notsodog mention it, and I find it spot on. If we all just try to save and preserve a couple of things we really love, and share the seeds on places like here on Overgrow. Then as a community we will be completely immune from all of that corporate influence. Just my personal opinion on it of course!



Here is a chatgpt advertisement for a gelato cross

Wow what a painful lame thread. Future of commercial cannabis is trusted brands, not specific strain names. Whoever can control their supply chain to keep fresh quality consistent product in consumers hands is going to win. The only people who really care about genetic specifics will be homegrow nerds.


I remember this era.

Once bulk cannabinoids are produced, it will be even cheaper. They can just have giant vats of yeast grown THC. Put that in edibles and most people won’t care.


They can use bacteria, algae or fungal pathways now. Algae is promising as I can do it in my house.


Great point!! I totally agree it’s gonna be the future of the market in many ways. I remember hearing Ed Rosenthal talking about it on the Potcast a while ago now. If I remember right, he was also referring to smokeable options. And Ive known many a dispo even in the 215 era where 75%+ of their total sales were concentrates. If they could switch over to that method over fields of plants, genetics will probably only be grown for R&D Id imagine. I’ve known PhDs that were working on chromatogaphy of all the “popular” strains over 5 years ago now. I assume the end game is having “strains” of different active component ratios.

Its a very cool innovation no doubt. But if the day comes where folks could just buy the algae and a 5 gallon vat or whatever, Id imagine even fewer folks will actually end up growing plants. And they’ll just call us grumpy old men with our plants, bong rips, and joints lol


I love growing plants of all types cut flowers, fruits, vegetables, hundreds of types I’ve grow and hundreds yet to go. It’s not all about the THC for me. I swear the aroma therapy is one of the biggest components of the enjoyment of plants for me. As long as it’s fun to grow plants someone (me) will have some high quality cannabis in the mix. And this is the first AI thread I’ve seen and it’s a little jarring and absurd but I’m glad it’s noticeable as a fart in church.


@DanielGrowPhotos brother I love you

So here’s some constructive advice

People wanna hear about the plants, see the plants, talk about how you smoked this nug in a photo, how you felt.

They can tell when you’re using chatgpt to promote something you like. Chatgpt is a great tool but this isn’t a good way to use it.

People around here look for authenticity, not prose. Post up some nug shots, say what you mean in 50 words or less


I had high hopes for this thread but unfortunately it’s not going where I had hoped. I’m sure Dessert Delight does it for you but I would be very upset if that was the future of cannabis.


I can’t help but thinking about Soylent Green when I see stuff like this :nauseated_face:


Here’s a picture of Dessert Delight. I believe in it because it’s anti anxiety, best terps & flavor, it’s not any bad effects or couchlocking or anything. You can go to work on it. & it’s strong asf

I’m working to make it check more boxes so it will be available to more people like me who need it.


Can’t see the pic right now but that’s what we like to see with your post.

People on here are very skeptical. I see the photo now, very nice.

They want to get to know you or your plant before hearing too much about it.


Hey I’m Purple Flamethrower. I’ve been growing since I was 14 years old almost a decade now. I know I’m young but I know I’ve been through a lot with my personal challenges made me look for a strain that’s more anti anxiety and with as much medicinal as recreational part. Quality is so important to me more than quantity. I see the big company’s taking over with low quality like nobody cares and I’d like to keep up the spirit of caring and healing in the world. Through my small contribution or work. And I would love to hear what you guys think about that or about the future.

Here is a picture of the seed packs I hunted last hunt. This was all for delight. Spent quite a bit on all that at once to sprout is all at once. Been through a lot with delight and on my thoughts on if she’s really all that, but the best I could do with the outcome on that hunt is found plants that check color frost and vigor boxes so delight can be paired with. I just feel like dessert delight is it because it can make everything else good like it. Right now I’m in the process of hybridizing delight & getting it to the best growers and breeders that I know

Thanks @DanielGrowPhotos

I know you’re serious about this and I’m glad to see your work because we know each other.

Hopefully others can see that you’re really enthusiastic and serious about this, because I can.

Just try and remember most people don’t talk like chatgpt.