2024 and Beyond: The Future of Cannabis Quality Amidst Commercialization

Sounds awesome. I’ll definitely be following your progress. A grow journal would be nice for us to keep up with you!

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Thank you I think it’s a really good idea of a log & I will most definitely try to make that happen & follow up with the grow progress


Man thanks for sharing your insights, I had to ‘like’ the comment for its reasoning and detail, but the conclusions left me feeling a little depressed if I’m being honest lol. In oz we have yet to face the issues you have mentioned with recreational legalization, but as it is most of our medical cannabis is imported from Canada, despite us having one of the best climates on the planet for growing. It seems like the world over that legislation is nearly always tailored towards big business and the profits they can make. Over here a person with any criminal record for anything cannabis related can never get a job growing it legally and so instead the local industry is filled with people with no clue about the plant and how to grow it, and the thing that really gets me annoyed is that the system that for so long persecuted, harassed and imprisoned growers/breeders, has now basically stolen the hard work of these growers and is making millions from it.
I know it’s the nature of business, but it’s still not right imo.

I’ve read a number of good papers on chemotyping via genetic analysis, but they all seem to arrive at the conclusion that it’s all very complicated, vague and that our knowledge is still very much in its infancy, so more work is required. I can definitely see how genetically engineered cannabinoid producing yeast or algae’s will take over most of the market, sadly, mind you, I guess for edibles it’s less of an issue, but personally I’d smoke some weed just for the taste, even if it didn’t get me stoned. Not sure how many people are like that though lol.

This is probably the best advice you can receive imho. It’s one thing to be super enthusiastic about your own projects, and there is definitely nothing wrong with that, but it’s a whole different thing when it’s other less invested growers singing praises for your particular plant, and besides virtually every grower will approach it slightly differently, so you get incredibly useful feedback on how it might perform in different environments and conditions.

Just beware of letting chatGP claim that any single plant is ‘ the future of cannabis’ as the future will hopefully be many many great varieties to overgrow the world :pray:


It’s good to have passion and I’m very glad you found a strain that suits you. I honestly haven’t tried Dessert Delight but you make me want to… haha :slightly_smiling_face:

Put me on the list to help grow out more if you can get it into seed form… or happy to reverse a clone and get the seed party started.

As a fellow Dan, you got my support. Keep rockin the Dessert Delight :metal:


Thank you @AMunkFromCupertino I appreciate your help. I can send you snips on Monday to get the party started


I’ll private message you my contact details. It’ll be fun and we can do a grow diary for folks to watch and sign up for packets of the resulting seeds… which they then do the same.


It’s crazy I can just litteraly drive this to you today cuz we live a half an hour away lol


You gotta love OG. What a great place to be. I’m looking forward to the possibilities.


Was an honor @AMunkFromCupertino


Glad to see it went well :slight_smile:


Thanks @DanielGrowPhotos …this is going to be a fun grow :seedling:


Alright, either Golden Lemons is getting known for its anti-anxiety effects or it’s a super small world… cause I was talking with someone on the Crockett Family Farm discord who was saying Golden Lemons did it for them and they were having a hard time finding anything similar.

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