2024 and Beyond: The Future of Cannabis Quality Amidst Commercialization

Ok thanks that wasn’t clear. He was talking about hybrids mostly and if this is really the greatest thing he’s ever grown I doubt a hybrid would do it justice.

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I do think he wants to make more of dessert delight itself, I could be wrong

And I think the idea is he actually hunted a pheno that doesn’t suck, which can be hard with sour or gelato hybrids

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Maybe a backcross or S1 might be in order?

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I want Dessert Delight in every way because I feel that in hybrids it will definitely shine and I am hopeful and positive that the future has brighter but again I really feel like this plant will shape other bangers coming out of the beans she makes and I feel that will shape it all with the unique qualities it has.

Everything I’m working on and all my energy is working the wide broad range of genetics that are available to line breed delight with

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That’s the frustrating part of breeding. Gotta wait and see how it hybridizes or selfs etc

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Yeah I’ve been disappointed more times than I can count thinking something will work good together and then finding out the genetics just don’t mix well. It’s a long process of elimination

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Find a banger pheno

Find out it passes bad traits

Die of sadness, start again


Well my plan with what I found out of my expensive seed hunt of packs I bought is to line up the winners and reverse delight on all.

I already know dessert delight x grape breath = Delilah is fire cuz Tucan Sam tested 7 beans that I took out of the stock that I gave to the person who ran off & Tucan Sam found a serious banger. So that’s where I’m at. I know it hybridizes. Plus the offspring had vigor

If you reverse the DD please keep a few females in with the mix. I think you would have a better chance getting something awesome from a S1. I guarantee people would be lining up to try it

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That’s what I’m about to attempt, my homie has 16 clones of delight for me to throw in my room to reverse 8 onto another 8. But I am afraid that I won’t have enough beans. Fems don’t make as many as reg

Plus I don’t know how she reverses. I’ve only reversed 1 time in my life

Not true. You just have to do it right and have a big plant before you reverse. Also start reversing the “male” at least three weeks earlier than the others.

Just out of curiousity, what does a job like that pay?

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@Chara thank you for your input on s1 delight. Cuz I do wanna do that and I am about to attempt it and we’re on the same page there. But when I made delight I got very little seeds tho is in my head always a hesitation to go for fems. Regs r easier to get the quantity. I’m super afraid I won’t have enough to share if I do a fem run but if I could do it successfully then I would in a heartbeat without thoughts of scarcity in the end. Shit, Clearwater genetics has pounds of fem pollen. I can’t even believe it. When I reversed aj I didn’t even see any pollen

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There is absolutely nothing to lose. Just keep trying until you get it right. If you have the cutting you have unlimited options. No reason to be afraid of that. Screwing up is totally normal. It’s how you get better


I was getting $17/hr as a patient consultant but the budtenders and grow hands started at $14 and then $15 after 90 day probation period. It really doesn’t pay well here in Hawai’i the only money is in the executive positions like even my direct manager was having financial struggles often.


:slight_smile: that makes so much sence. Sometimes I feel like I’m in a marathon and sometimes I feel like I’m in a race. But I’m ocd so I always wanna do something to get me somewhere & I’m a perfectionist so I wanna get as far as I can as fast as I can and as good as I can and I always seem to think about where I’m going and where I’m headed. So I forget sometimes that I’m at a fuxking fantastic spot right now. Hell, @leetdood said I’m living his dream cuz what I’ve explained here is I found the plant for me and now I’m tryna check all the boxes and it’s his dream to just find the plant that works for him in the way delight does for me and then to start checking boxes with it like I’m attempting. Which is why I wanna give him delight. Slow & steady wins the race as long as it’s a steady movement it should work out. But in every moment I get, I wanna go as far as I can. I even thought about changing my plans and doing a reg line indoors but I really want this delight s1 so bad


Agree, take your time and do it right! But please dont be like me and share that cut with as many people as possible!! I found a really special keeper cut that shit out on me after a couple years, and I was dumb and didn’t give it out to friends. Luckily I had a handful of lines of it, but Im still kickin myself in the ass about it.


When I smoked delight. I felt something amazing. The first time I smoked her I was SO impressed. And from that day on I vowed to let Dessert Delight be my North Star. Meaning I spread it far & wide! It’s spread so widely that she’s all over America and well respected in the instagram community that I’m a part of. I got her to people on my own money more times than I even got paid for shipping. And I have several people I can get delight from on the spot now adays


Just curious what was the other people’s opinion about it? Did they have the same reaction as you?

Top 5 dead or alive says Tucan Sam. Other people definitely agree.