2024 New England/Upstate NY Outdoor Growing Discussion

Thanks man.
Your Stonerberry Bread was my biggest and best plant. , I had going this summer. We got hit with some killer thunderstorms! I still had it in a 7 gallon pot, it was getting huge. The wind gusts blew the whole plant and pot , completely across my yard. By the time I got home from work, she was FUBAR!
I’m glad I have more seed, it was going to be a beast.
Can’t wait to see how yours turns out.

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Unfortunately both PPP were boys. I’ll have to give them a go again next year, being a strictly outdoor grower.


I know i’m not aloud in here because we are so0o differnt but here is a few shots from long Island :kissing_heart:


Did you tie / affix the plant to those sheets of Wood-strips (name escapes me) parquet?
It sure looks amazing @PsillyRabbit

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Very nice man. I’m jealous every year of your longer growing season.


nah the trellis was used to train/ scrog while vegging. Now its support in flower after all the branches grew through.
I make my growing season longer by starting plants early inside and a lil pop up amazon greenhouse.
I can get my plants out early but its the excessive 100+ days of indoor vegging that gives me trees.
I also use supplemental lighting to extend the day/ cloudy days and night interruption to extend veg time. I think all of those factors play a role.
I am on the water and by September there is a chance a hurricane takes out my crop at any point.


Oh Man I love the drama thats built-in already. Being near Lake Huron, I completely understand the Spastic Wind damage that CAN OCCUR.

Growing them Before taking them outside has become a vital step to success, and your all over It !!

Hope you have a Wild Finish Bro !!


Nice trees Psilly !



Grape Gas S1 being guarded by Thunder the cat.


2 different phenos of Dragons Flame Grape Gas x Blackberry Moonshine bx1.


Here in MidCoast Maine we’ve had a long stretch of damp, foggy, misty, drizzly days. I have 1 plant that went into flower last weekend, and the rest are getting close.
If this weather doesn’t break soon, it’s going to be a disastrous season for bud rot.

And speaking of flower, has anyone here grown Northern Thunderfuck? That’s the plant I have that’s in flower:

I started some Early Iranians from an OGer, and I’m wondering if I somehow swapped plant labels. The NTF is really early. The other Early Iranians were at a friend’s house, and they all turned out to be males.

I really don’t want to have to fire up the leaf blower every morning and afternoon, trying to keep bud rot at bay…not fun.

I’ve also had 2 plants get hit with this:

It’s like something scrapes about 3inches of stalk, all the way around, and then these white fuzzy deposits show up. Anyone have any ideas what this is? Another OGer suggested leaf hoppers.

Always sumpin… :thinking: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Damn that sucks. I need to spray my plants


I’ve got the same thing on a plant. I think it’s voles or some other little critter eating the outside stem, followed by some sort of mold

More than happy to send you some more if you want.
Another grower said his are 2-4 weeks ahead of everything else he planted


Sure…I’d take a few more if you’ve got extras. I really think that NTF has got to be one of your Early Iranians. I’ve never had a plant go into flower this early. Rest of my plants are starting to chunk up abit, like they’re getting ready, but that one plant is in full flower.

As for the pest, I don’t think it’s a vole. Both of the plants that got hit are up on decks. One of them is about 8ft off the ground.
BUT…it could be rats. We have a lot of 'em on the coast here, and I’ve seen a few on my deck that I’m just starting to deal with.



Anyone need a 72”x72x72 tent. Has holes snd is dirty but cheap/free/trade. Virtual sun. Pickup only.

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:slightly_smiling_face: :call_me_hand:t2:


More fog with bouts of heavy rain coming through…AGAIN.

Very glad only 1 plant in flower.


Green Mountain Grape - She started flowering a few weeks ago. Around 8 feet tall now with that stretch.

Here’s a small GMG clone I also have outside that I topped during early veg (in a 3 gallon fabric bag). She smells sweet :yum: -

And here is the big Stonerberry Bread -


Oh @Doober its so nice to see those reaching branches !!!

Heres to a Steady Bloom !!!