2024 New England/Upstate NY Outdoor Growing Discussion

My “Cape Goat” fern leaf plants. some extra leaflets. Jr Mint BBC MAC1. Jr Mint Lemoncello x Pineapple Express. GMO x Purple Sweets x PE. Sour Diesel x PE. Pineapple Chunk x PE. Apex x PE. and some Autos. Cherry Pie. Cherry AK. and Sour Orange photos.


So here’s an update to the mystery bad stuff that hit two of my plants. The 4" white patch on the main stem…

The 2nd plant that got hit with it was looking like this:

That was after it got the spooge…taken Jul 25th.

Same plant yesterday:

It literally just gave up. Overnight. The first plant did a similar thing, but the disease/pest was higher on the stem, so only part of the plant died back. I cut it off, and the rest of the plant is doing fine. You can see the bottom branches on this one look fine, there just aren’t many OF them.

This was a Nix from @Kushking902

Repost of the pest site:


Quick update,
Photos from Aug. 6, 2024;

First up some Ancient Hash Plants courtesy of @GregOG
and his GregOG’s Server Fundraiser May 2024.

A little furthur along are RSC freebies
Nepalese Mountain Ganja;

Six Iran3 from RSC


Moroccan Beldia ladies getting ready for some pollination encounters;

from the two males which are now in the basement donating pollen
every morning for the past three days.
Hope it is viable by the time the ladies are ready.

Kalamata Red ladies starting to show their stuff;

The six on the deck appear to be females.

Woodrow, “Woody” Woodchuck checking out the carrot flowers.
He’s usually a very good fellow and comes on the deck to say hello and check on the girls.

In the garden is this lone Angola Red;
Started 10 beans.

Then there are the Cretans.
Tortured these, (unintentionally), indoors for a few months
and had to try to revive outside.
They are faring good to middlin’;

Have one in the pot I hope is male.

Blackberry bush has been yielding 1/2 to one pint every morning.

This morning’s gift;

A few self-seeders, probably from last year’s grow.

Not shown are a few Viet Black in pots at the back of the garden that were tortured indoors with the Cretans. Photos soon.
Thanks for looking.


Awesome job with everything!..that’s a large number of plants, and a great variety. I love the “Mideast Theme”…many strains I’ve never heard of.


Awesome update!
I agree with @Lobstah the Iran and Moroccan I’ll be watching with an eagle :eyes:.


Thank You @Lobstah for the kind words.
Much appreciated.

You may enjoy exploring the “Landraces and heirloom (Part 2)” thread
and the “Island Landrace & Heirloom Strains” thread to become more acquainted
with a few of Earth’s amazing gifts.


Thanks @Emeraldgreen,

If the timing works out, the Beldias will be the first to be pollinated.
Shortly thereafter, the Iran3s should be ready.


Definitely be watching this


Outta “Likes for 19 minutes” so… :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart:


At least you got the emoji bank :grin::grin:
I see we’re pretty close to each other also @sunra108


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When do u think theyll flower?


Beautifully managing that many plants takes a lot of skill. :green_heart:

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Camo critter looking for a snack, had to be almost 3” long

My tri-foliate Bay Breeze #2 zoomed out, full on beast mode. This is the smaller one:)

Get your final IPM sprays on, flower time is creeping up.


I have a Grape Gas S1 clone that has stayed relatively small. My question is, do you find that clones are shorter plants than ones from seed?


I dug four holes and put a whole fish in each gardenbed. 3 months later I think they have decomposed and my plants are taking off. Growing Organic in NE has been the best . All 9 are flowering now


I dug four holes and put a whole fish in each gardenbed.

Old school wisdom !


This made me laugh - but I love the idea. What kind of fish? How deep & any fishy smell?

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Thank You.
I’m not sure about “skillful”.
“Lucky” might be more accurate. lol

Mostly I hang out and watch Mother Nature do her thing to make these grow.
Other than feeding and manicuring dead leaves, filling, refilling pots and watering, I am an observer.

Here’s the Viet Black photo I promised to post.
Not sure if they will recover from my negligence. lol

On the left is a Cretan, The 4 Viet Blacks have the pink tags


I am open to a tête à tête sometime. lol

And/or a local group meeting should be fun.
I do not have the organizational skills to make that happen but
I am open to the possibility if someone wants to take the initiative.


Here comes the rain