2x2 organic LED

I would agree the mendo purp is sativa leaning the mendo purple cheddar i thought was really heady and i was expecting it to put me down but it didn’t. I totally feel you on the heavy strains I’ve been grabbing more sativa leaning things lately, but this ofp sounds right up your alley and I would highly recommend csi after trying 2 myself. I forgot to hit reply again lol @Tommy_McCain

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Congratulations it looks pretty tasty

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Smoke report on Old family purple. She was taken down day 72 and dried for 6 days. Only like a week cure i couldn’t resist, since i haven’t had any good flower since last year and it was 4/20. She came out perfect! First smell i get… smells like artificial grapes and gas or some type of chemical, its a real bright clean smell. Then as you break into her this strong burnt rubber/gas smell really comes through followed by a wonderful purple hard candy smell.
The taste was all candy with a little rubber/gas/chemical after the exhale. Before I smoked i was totally fine just chilling enjoying my day, but holy moly this is some strong shit. I smoked 1 bowl through my bub and before I finished it I can feel my body getting super heavy and relaxed, as I walked in the house and sat down i was wrecked. My eyes were heavy af I was now fighting my sleep and stuck where I sat. I finally got up because I had the munchies really bad and then passed out. Kind of reminded me of when I was in high school just totally wrecked, eat and then sleep.
Overall this is a great strain super smooth smoke, great smell, beautiful flowers, lovely taste, and strong body high. can’t wait to see what else i find in them beans.


Wintergreen from snow high seeds. Man this strain is awesome! This is the one I kept reaching for, dam i can smoke her all day. Smells like sweet lemon cleaner with a funky back end smell that reminds me of onions. Taste is all lemon. Bag appeal to me is sexy she is a light green with so many trichomes the nuts look white, it was also hard to get a pic kuz of this.
The high is really super good, strong and long lasting. I feel like she has a nice balance between stoney and heady. Its the kind of flower you smoke and makes you want to do something, it really makes me focus on whatever task I have to do. The come down is nice and clear I don’t get tired and lazy after smoking this.
This was from only one seed and I would highly recommend snow high seeds to anyone looking. I bought his golden lei after this run and can’t wait to get to her.


Ok so i dropped 4 seeds in water on on the 13th or 14th and planted them on Saturday. They sprouted above ground on Monday the 18th. I’m going to veg for 2 to 3 weeks then flip. Here’s what I got going…

2 Deep ellum blue bonnet Blue Oaxaca Mexican x Blueberry
2 doc d riot juice temple x thunder gun express

I’m not sure if I’m going to keep posting in here or start another journal.


Doc d riot juice and deep ellum blue bonnet in their 4th week of veg. These pics were taken on the 16th, I transplanted them on 6/13 threw some opti-veg in the hole watered with recharge and silica and they are doing pretty good good so far.
I got 2 different phenos of each. Hoping for at least 1 girl of each. I topped my riot juice #1 and will get pics tonight.

Blue bonnet #1 shorter pheno

BB#2 taller pheno

Riot juice #1

Riot juice #2


Today i flipped the lights, so day 1 of flip. None of the plants are showing sex yet. I added some worm castings and kashi watered with silica and recharge this morning and their looking pretty good so far.

Riot juice #1 she’s my favorite so far hope she’s not a dude

Riot juice #2

Blue bonnet #1

Blue bonnet #2


Looking happy and healthy @stONER775

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Thank you, they been getting a lot of LITFA, they don’t seem to mind it.

Ok so i just checked my plants and have my first problem with the riot juice #1. The plants petioles are twisting the leaves still look healthy, but the stalk where new growth is, it is weak and flimsy.
I watered them yesterday with recharge and silica and also threw down some worm castings and kashi. I just raised my lights a bit and guess I’m going to LITFA some more. Oh yea 1 of the blue bonnets is starting to this just not as bad as the riot juice.
Has anyone seen this before???

Riot juice #1

Blue bonnet #2


those fabric pots are adorable. gonna have to get me some

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Thanks for stopping by. I got these on Amazon im not sure of the brand though.

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Could be too much light for the young plant, I think you did the right thing raising the light :+1:

I’ve battled light sensitivity to CoBs since I started using them.


I think think this was the problem she seems to be bouncing back.

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So the riot juice is starting to look much better. I believe it was too much light so I dialed it back a little and raised the light. So far very pleased with both strains all have been vigorous and easy to grow in the veg stage. They been getting a ton of LITFA as life is pretty crazy right now, but they been doing good so far.

Group shot


riot juice #1

Riot juice #2


deep ellum blue bonnet #1

BB #2


Is that mold in the last picture? Sorry new just trying to learn as much as possible

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Man she’s a beautiful fuzzy little bitch love the sparkle and colors on her! Great job bet it smokes nice too!

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Hey thanks for taking a look… that there is mycelium and is beneficial for the soil and plants. Im still learning about it myself or I’d give you a more detailed answer.